Author Topic: Census of How Much Work in your area/State - Are things moving Up or Down  (Read 1595 times)

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  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
Hi All
       Just curious about all of us and how you feel the Industry we are in is doing. Would like to hear from all
areas as to how you think the amount of work in your area is doing. By City and State would be Nice and any activity noticed.

Raleigh, NC  so far is still very down. No Stimulus Money showing in new Projects
Fayetteville, NC some change as Ft. Bragg is adding new Command Centers w/over 40,000 new people to add to the city.

LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit


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Colorado Springs:  Stimulus?  What stimulus?

Few new jobs coming on line at this point.  And of the few that are, jobs that normally would have five bidders are getting 20-30 bids, many of them low-balled.  Denver firms are jumping on projects in Southern Colorado, and despite the travel costs, some are throwing in bids that are way below what a local company would need to charge to make a profit.


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Same things happening here in KC, MO sinc ... the only residential things being built are large apartment complexes and a scattering of high density row homes communities.  Other than that per my old employer last years dismal status is still quo.  Exactly 2 new home stake-out orders in all of December was his all-time low.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
I think the absolute best thing any company can do right now, is invest some time and energy in employee training.
At first this might seem like the wrong time; given the prospect of even needing to forlough one or more of the attendees.  However it is the perfect time to give them something to look forward to.  Give them the opportunity to practice the new skills, hell turn all them lights off, and let them bask in the glow of monitors, and soak up some new knowledge.  The jobs that were funded are still out there, the jobs that will be funded, are on the way.  Use this time to good use, instead of pondering the possible, polish your skills and hone your craft.  It will make you more competitive now, and in the future.  It's sort of like a little thing the ocean taught me while trying to surf, rest between the sets so that you are strong enough to catch the next wave.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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That is what I was hoping for this time last year ... so far around here anyway the litle shops are opting for going to ground and hoping to make a fresh start when and if they wake from hibernation.  Like sinc said, the big fish are getting anything that is available.


  • Guest
We're still floating here. Other local companies have had to let go of people. We've been sending out a lot of proposals.

We were dead slow for a while, then had a couple of busy months, now back to being slow while those projects are in for review. A few prospective projects on the horizon.

Training. Haha. Funny. It's hard enough to eek out training when things are going well here.


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