Author Topic: AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?  (Read 6073 times)

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AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:34:31 AM »
The story:
User has a drawing with a handful of xrefs, the topmost of which is electrical and has some leaders with arrows showing runs. There are 2 clipping planes, dividing the drawing into 3 - low, medium and high elevations. (shown in plan).
There are some leaders (these are just old-fashioned leaders, not multileaders) that are showing up on the drawing, but not on the xrefs. They DON'T EXIST...
User did everything to clean up all xrefs, re-did the planes, did a wblock/entire drawing, detached/reattached the (apparent) offending xref...everything. Checked the know..the works.
Finally, she decided to remake the drawing entirely, noticing, as she did, that the template to which her new drawing was defaulting was the Acad.dwt vs Acad3d.dwt, so she started her new drawing using Acad3d.dwt and...Poof!Bang!Voila!...all was again right with the world.
Now, personally, I don't understand how in the world this would make a difference (neither template has been modified), since, it seems to me that the Acad.dwt in its virgin form would be the most innocuous thing in the world, certainly not the cause of such bizarre consequences.
Has anyone else seen such a thing? While I will bear in mind this possible "fix" for my users who are having weird 5h*t-o-meter stuff going on with their drawings, I would really like to know WHY this would cause a problem.


  • King Gator
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Re: AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 09:40:06 AM »
They have to exist. My guess is that they have annotative scale(s) assigned to them but do not have the current scale. Not sure how to select them to delete or assign the current scale to them. Share a file exhibiting the behavior and we can have a look.
CAD Tech


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Re: AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2014, 10:30:21 AM »
Unfortunately, (or not, depending on your perspective), the file no longer exists (and the user in question is on vacation for the next 2 weeks and I have no idea which job/dwg she was working on.) I know the leaders (and lines, btw) must have existed somewhere on the xref. However, it's unlikely that they were annotative, since they were created at the exact same time as others that were supposed to be there and did show up on both the parent xref and the child drawing as they should have (plus we don't generally use annotative objects). The offending ones were not supposed to exist, yet showed up anyway. They would list as leaders when the user checked with xref/block entity list, yet were invisible in the xref.
Now that it's fixed, I'm more concerned about why using the Acad3d template vs the Acad template would apparently cause an issue or fix the problem.


  • Seagull
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Re: AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 09:37:21 PM »
within that default 3d.dwt is the answer
you will note that the clipping planes as OFF
when they made the new file they had to reset the planes
the offending leaders are most likely STILL THERE
they are outside the limits of the new clipping planes

how did they get there?

check and you will see that they have 3d osnaps enabled
they were probably snapping in 3d space without a clue
instead of setting an elevation to ensure what they were drawing was happening
on the right plane in 3d space.

most dont get it, that even IF you are not drawing 3d objects
Autocad is 3D all the time unless you are working in paperspace (layout tab)

an in place edit would have revealed which file they were living in
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Michael Farrell


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Re: AutoCAD 2012 2d default template vs. 3d template!?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 09:10:19 AM »
Thanks, but the user checked clipping planes first thing. There were none, and if there had been, more of the entities that were showing up should have been missing.