Author Topic: Maintaining A detail Library  (Read 5751 times)

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  • Bull Frog
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Maintaining A detail Library
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:56:11 PM »
We are revamping our CAD standards and bringing them up to date. 

One of the current topics under debate is how to deal with details.

One method is just to have a library of Detail Blocks

The other idea is to have a directory of Detail Drawings drawn 1 to 1 with standard numbering that never changes

Another idea was to use views and have all the details in one drawing and reference them and xclip..

One thing is for sure.. right now we have a mix of all three, and it's a pain in the arse. 

We want the ability to update our detail drawings as codes change but not have to remake blocks.. it would be great if we could just treat each detail like it's own drawing some how and bring the view into a blank sheet.. much how we use model views now.. but then how to automate numbering??

Each time I postulate about going down one direction or another.. it poses different issues..

What is your take on dealing with details that are posted on a detail sheet?
I am very  trainable....   (forgive my spelling)


  • King Gator
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Re: Maintaining A detail Library
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2012, 02:08:31 PM »
In my world, a library is the only way to do it. Every project is unique and although there are a few details that are needed for every project, detail sheets just aren't typical from project to project.

Never really thought about automatic numbering as the details needed on the drawings often change through the course of a project.
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Jeff H

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Re: Maintaining A detail Library
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2012, 02:20:29 PM »
Are you using Sheet Sets?
You can create named views and bring them in with number and tie to sheet number.
If do not want them to update with original detail or need to change it project specific then bind them.