Author Topic: Projectwise... pros & cons  (Read 11671 times)

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Projectwise... pros & cons
« on: September 08, 2008, 02:27:05 PM »

Anybody use this? I'm unfamiliar with this product, any information would be helpful....



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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 04:05:50 PM »
I can help you with this. We have been using PW for approx. 6 years. We have established training manuals regarding the loading of documents, the usage and work flows as it relates to us. I am currently putting together a training class on ProjectWise and Bentley View (XM versions) for our field people.
Let me know what you are looking for.... Send me an email at and I'll help you  :-)


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 05:30:21 PM »
Been there, done that...

I actually used it integrated with Autocad. This worked and didn't work on occasion.
Not sure which way you are looking at using it, but Arizona knows it very well.
I've been out of the Projectwise loop for 2.5 years now...



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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2008, 02:07:50 AM »
We use it for some of our projects.
As Pieter said it works and doesnt work :-)
If everyone uses it correctly I presume it could be a very useful piece of software, but we found the software very slow and because of this users tried to find other ways of working and even now this method is causing the company problems.
Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 02:29:46 PM »
Thanks for the input!

These are some questions I can think of at the moment…

How safe is it?

How long does it take to open a drawing? Upload download times?

Is there a way to lock drawings?

Can you open multiple drawings?

How well does it work with 2000 LT? Windows 2000?

System requirements?

What are some issues people are encountering?

I read someplace there are some problems with using custom menus or workspaces... is this true?

How does it behave differently than what we are originally used to? For example to save, or to load xrefs…

What are we going to have to learn (or my case teach) so that everybody is efficient?

Is there a cost to access it?

I was going to email Arizona, (thanks by the way) but decided to discuss it on the swamp that way everybody may benefit from the information.  :-)

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 05:21:54 PM by VerticalMojo »


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 03:09:10 PM »
Some of the questions I dont know the answers to, so I'll leave them for others with way more knowledge and experience. Also, we only used Projectwise on some projects and these were all done solely on Microstation...

How long does it take to open a drawing? Upload download times? Our projectwise server is based in another branch of our company, and the speed seemed to be VERY slow.

Is there a way to lock drawings?When you open a drawing file it locks it until you check the file back in. The file doesnt have to be open to have a "lock" placed on it. It also has the ability to lock/freeze a file at a certain point, like creating a snapshot.

Can you open multiple drawings?We never got it to open multiple drawings, but I'm not sure whether thats a projectwise thing or a Microstation thing

Some of the other questions I'll look into tomorrow at work (unless someone else has answered fully :) )

One thing I would say is get some training. Theres an awful lot more to projectwise than the little bit I was shown.
Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 05:09:07 PM »
I’m seeing this online way of controlling documents more and more. I can understand certain disciplines benefiting from this but being in the electrical line of work our design work is very confidential. After 911 security has beefed up, and we are more private with our design because our drawings can be used in ways that could be catastrophic. Then there’s the issue with our competitors viewing them.

Rarely do other disciplines need to xref our drawings, or even need to view them. Maybe a equipment layouts or a duct bank site plans, but there’s no need for them to see everything.

Anybody deal with this? Just curious how other electrical company’s are evolving.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 05:12:08 PM by VerticalMojo »


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 07:06:16 AM »
From the little experience I have had with the software, the manager has total control of what each user can see and/or do to each project via the permissions. If you dont want to share certain projects or folders then the end user cannot access them. I have read access to a couple of projects here, no access to others, but read/write and create (but not delete) access for the 2 major projects. So from what I can see theres NO problems with people seeing drawings their not supposed to access, keeping your confidentiality.
From what I can see, the software is a very powerful bit of software, but, as its so controlling theres many users here who copy their information off, and not put it back on until much later in the project.
Its great for finding out who opened and modified the drawings, so it can also help find out when a drawing goes "bad" and who had it open then.
Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2008, 09:16:35 AM »
Ok, I'll do my best to answer some of these...

We use Projectwise with both AutoCad and microstation. We support (at least) two geographical locations, 1 in Florida with (approx. 200 users of PW) and 1 in North Carolina (also with about 200 users). In addition we have numerous contract companies located all over the US that do design work for us and have access to come into ProjectWise to retrieve the necessary files.

How safe is it?
As safe as you make it! Utilize groups and permissions to control what can and cannot be seen. Also make good use of the work flows to control file permissions as well. Example: When our engineering dept. is working on a design and the drawings have not been issued yet, field people cannot see that these drawings even exist. Once they have been completed (and issued) the files are moved to a construction state (in the workflow) and are read-only to everyone (and visible now to the field techs). We use these same methods to prevent our contract companies from seeing each others work as well.

How long does it take to open a drawing? Upload download times?
This is dependent on where your servers are located. We have servers in both Fl. and NC. due to the speed issues.

Is there a way to lock drawings?
Yes, when a file is checked out it is locked down. This does not prevent others from copying it outside of the system but would prevent them from putting it back with the same name. The XM version of PW has the ability to allow multiple users to work on a single drawing at the same time, but in our environment (where the right hand may not communicate with the left hand) we have this feature turned off and considered dangerous :wink:

Can you open multiple drawings?
. Yes, no problems, same as with Acad. To open multiple files in Microstation requires a bit more manipulating.

How well does it work with 2000 LT? Windows 2000?
We use it with AutoCad 2000i and some of the features do not work with Autodesk products. When using Microstation xrefs, indexing, etc.... works as described. Things that we know don't/didn't work well was xrefs (unless they are in the same vault (folder)) with relative path set.
Parent/child relationships did not work well in previous versions of PW, although they (Bentley) says this is working correctly for acad files. Batch processing of any kind (from acad) must be done outside of the PW system, we use standard network drives for this and export the files out of PW.

System requirements?
Don't know about this because Bentley (working with our IT dept) set up the servers, etc...

What are some issues people are encountering?
People issues for the most part. :-)
Like any Document Management System or any database, the information in the system is only as good as what has been entered. (IE. search capabilities). We have very stringent processes to control how the information is entered and maintained. Moving the files through the workflow and documenting the files is part of the work package. The project is not complete until the paperwork is done. Because it is easy to see who last touched the files this is not too bad to maintain. People ARE held accountable for their work.

I read someplace there are some problems with using custom menus or workspaces... is this true?
With AutoCad, yes. With Microstation, No.

How does it behave differently than what we are originally used to? For example to save, or to load xrefs…
There is a bit of difference here but you can get around it with good planning. The reason is files sit on the PW server. When you check out a file, a copy of the file is moved to a working directory. This maybe on a network drive or a local drive. Each time/day you open a file, this working directory changes (usually something like DMS0162). Different versions of files causes even more sub-directory breakdowns. So in the acad world you have to account for these changing paths to xrefs, images, etc...

What are we going to have to learn (or my case teach) so that everybody is efficient?
Like any other software package, there is much you will never utilize. Figure out what your work processes (work flow) and setup your system to support it. Use a grace period while folks are learning. Teach only what is necessary to support your processes.
Demand/Ingrain 100% compliance!  Have management support for this.... or shut off their permissions until they comply.:evil:

Is there a cost to access it?
Yes, per PW client license.

Other things to mention; Have a standard on loading documents and also one on usage. These may not be the same people doing these tasks. We use clerical help for loading of files and they too must maintain accuracy.
Do not leave files checked out for extended time frames. If a computer crashes, the files are checked out to that specific computer and require an Administrator to free them. Do not allow users to work outside the system, unless absolutely necessary! Why circumvent such a costly system? Besides, then you get into multiples of the same file and which one is the current one?

I hope this helps...

Good luck!


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2008, 02:11:23 PM »
Arizona hit on a few of the highlights. I will stress that using Projectwise and Autocad can be tricky, but you can get it to work well. You have to keep in mind that you have to use the Projectwise tools within Autocad to get references, images and things of that nature to work properly. The standard reference manager in Autocad will not teach(associate) the reference file within Projectwise and this is where problems occur. The next user opens a file and there are no reference files, because Projectwise did not know there were reference files required.

Access speed can be slow as molasses all depending on where your servers are located and bandwidth between them.  There were times where it would take 20 minutes to open a file. Mostly due to bandwidth issues.

Document and train your users to use the system and it will work.  Honestly, if you are one office and there is no collaboration with other locations/companies, this is overkill.  One nice thing is on a snow day, I was able to log into the Projectwise server from home, grab my drawings and work on them.  Great benefit for telecommunicating.

I used PW with Vanilla 2002 for most of the time, so I might be able to help you more. It all depends on what version of PW you are looking at using. The latest and greatest I won't be able to comment on, although I can tell you somethings that didn't work in the past.  For instance, PW would not recognize the difference between and attachment and overlay. This was our biggest headache with Autocad and Projectwise....  :pissed:



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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2008, 03:37:04 PM »
Excellent responses!  8-) Thanks!

I have another question....

If others outside the company are saving the drawings and xrefs as 2004 or above, will some here using 2000 LT be able to use them or will compatibility issues still remain?

David Hall

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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 05:18:43 PM »
you will still have the compatability issues unless the dwgs are saved down to 2000 format
Everyone has a photographic memory, Some just don't have film.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy Bacon and that's a close second.
Sometimes the question is more important than the answer. (Thanks Kerry for reminding me)


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Re: Projectwise... pros & cons
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2008, 10:07:58 PM »
One thing to keep in mind is that if you have say 50 sheet files and 20 xref files that get referenced into these 50 sheet files in various amounts and forms, when you bring these files into Projectwise you will need to educate projectwise where the reference files are located.  There is a dialog in Projectwise that will prompt you for the various vaults(folders) and it will scan each drawing and associate the location of the required reference files.

If you don't do this step, you won't get any reference files showing up.
