Author Topic: TopSurv from TOPCON  (Read 4071 times)

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  • King Gator
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TopSurv from TOPCON
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:37:38 PM »
Anyone use this software with a FC-100 data collector (or any other collector)? I have had a number of issues, some worse than others, when using the Edit Raw Data function.

On one project I realized my Rod height was not set correctly for about 12 shots. I made a note as to which ones and when it was time for a break I went to Edit Raw Data and resset the HR to the correct value. I continued the survey without any other edits needed. Once back at the office, I imported the points to LDT and the first thing I noticed was thatall 12 of those edited points weren't visible. I checked the Points list and they were there, but they all had nearly identical coordinates. After a few WTF's I finally found, in the data collector's raw data, that all 12 of these point's horizontal angle had been changed from what had been shot to NEAR that of the last point prior to the edited points. Of course I sent off an email to TOPCON support and a quick *smirk* 9 days later I got a response to the effect of "that doesn't happen in the new version of TopSurv. To download that go ......." Well, hmpph. OK, I download and install the new software. A number of tests suggests that this issue has been fixed.

Enter yesterday.....I have a 5 acre parcel with what seems like a bazillion trees on it that has taken four days to complete. I'm on the very last setup and I, again, see that I had forgotten to set the HR for the last 15 shots. I edit the first 3 of these and the last one, figuring I'd fix the remainder in the office was getting late and I wanted to get I do so and finish up the remainder of the survey. I load up, head back to the office, connect the collector to my PC, export/import the points and VOILA! my linear shaped 5 acre parcel is now being displayed as an L! Now, I KNOW that the FC-100 displayed the site correctly prior to my last setup, because I had to pan around in it to verify some points. But EVERY shot taken from the Backsight's point, which was the setup 2 prior to the last, and all of them from the last setup were rotated 103+/- degrees from where they originally were shot. Investigating through the Raw Data, all the stored angles are correct! Yet these shots are all out of whack. I sent off a rather heated email to Topcon support last night and have yet to hear back....... Since the angles weren't completely munged, as they were the first time I had problems, I am able to rotate things back where they need to be once in LDT/C3D. But this is just ridiculous that a survey equipment company can put out equipment/software that could render your data worthless. And how in the heck a change to a Rod Height can affect the turned angle of an observation is beyond me.  :ugly:

OK, thanks for reading.....I feel a bit better & I now must get back to fixing what shouldn't need to be fixed.


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4100
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Re: TopSurv from TOPCON
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 04:59:24 PM »
Update - I've found a temporary workaround to this. By exporting the Raw file as a FBK in TopSurv it imports just fine into LDT/C3D, although all of my descriptions are cut off. I then export from LDT a CSV point file PENZD. I also export the points from TopSurv in the format PENZDCODES, which then must be run thru my "TopSURV_Output_Fixer3.dvb" which just makes the Description contain the point attributes in a manner the Description Keys recognizes them. I open both of the point files in Excel, copy the descriptions from the fixed TopSurv output and replace the descriptions in the LDT output. I then reimport the points, overwriting the originals.

Whew! But it works and I can get this plotted and off to the designer so they can work over the weekend. :-)


  • King Gator
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Re: TopSurv from TOPCON
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 05:12:46 PM »
Update 2. Now I remember why I can't use the *@##*@^ TopSurv FBK file. It conveniently neglects to apply any OFFSET points. I'm beginning to think this software is borderline useless. Think I need to get a demo of Carlson's DC software to see if it performs better.
* Jeff_M goes back to fixing what shouldn't be broke.....

Dent Cermak

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Re: TopSurv from TOPCON
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 06:58:25 PM »
You need the data collector we are developing. Runs on Carlson Survey. Works just fine with our instruments. When we get it all set up and fine tuned for AutoCad and NMikeyStation I'll let you know.
Till then you are stuck with the Topcon software. They make great instruments (plus they are buying out Sokkia.), but their software stinks. Maybe you can borrow some TDS software in the mean time.  :evil:


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4100
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Re: TopSurv from TOPCON
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 07:09:10 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement, Dent. :-)

I'd love to check out what you have in development and look forward to hearing from you about it.

As an aside, I made some minor tweaks to some descriptions in the raw data, now ALL of my points export from TopSurv at 0.00 elevation even though they still display correctly in the DC ..... ARGGGHHHH!!!! :realmad: :pissed: