
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: Kimpten on April 20, 2016, 08:43:21 AM

Title: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: Kimpten on April 20, 2016, 08:43:21 AM
I have a model that I need to show only a small portion of a large model, without showing all the information in the background. Does anyone have any lisps or suggestions on how to accomplish the task. I need to show various elevations of the same area without showing the information 20 feet away. I know there are several tools that AutoCAD has by default. When I have used these they seem to only let you go in one plane at a time per drawing, or I don't know how to fully use the tool.

Any help would be greatly appreciative!

Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: Mark on April 20, 2016, 08:47:27 AM
I moved this here because I believe you will get more feedback/ideas in this forum.
Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: Kimpten on April 20, 2016, 08:47:52 AM
Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: dgorsman on April 20, 2016, 10:16:11 AM
Layers and XREFs, together with layer states.
Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: lamarn on April 20, 2016, 10:27:43 AM
Xclip a xref is what i usually do.
Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: Kimpten on April 20, 2016, 02:10:12 PM
I was afraid that would be the only solution. I am have various pipes and steel that are on the same layer due to company standards, that make turning on and off layers not the easiest option. Some of the items I want to show and not want to show are in the same Xref, yet unable to clip the xref in a way to hide what I want.

It sounds like I will need to create more layers for the project I am working on, as that will be easier than trying to split up my xrefs.

Title: Re: Clip out multiple planes of 3D Model
Post by: steve.carson on April 20, 2016, 04:55:58 PM
You can generate a block of a section from a "Section Object" by right-clicking and selecting "generate section", then move it to a different elevation and generate another. Then you can move the blocks away from the model to avoid needing different layers per viewport. The downside is they won't be associated to the model (IOW, changing the model won't update the views), but at least the views came from the model and your layers can match your standards. You may need to edit the blocks, or explode them to get everything looking like you want it.
