
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: whdjr on September 27, 2005, 10:37:57 AM

Title: Text in Blocks
Post by: whdjr on September 27, 2005, 10:37:57 AM
What is the best way to multiple lines of text in a block that maintain proper justification when mirrored horizontally or vertically?

I have a block I added some Dynamic Properties to for 2006 and I wanted to add a note that would be one of two notes.  The note was a two liner.  I tried it as dtext, mtext, and an attribute.  With dtext I had to make two lines and when mirrored horizontally the 1st line was now the second line so that didn't work.  With mtext I used a hard return to make the second line and the justification was the only problem I had, so I centered the justification and then they didn't look too bad when mirrored.  With the attribute I had to make one for each line and it just seemed like too much when the user will not be changing the text.

How do some of you guys add text to blocks?  or is this a no-no in your offices?
Title: Re: Text in Blocks
Post by: Draftek on September 28, 2005, 09:41:43 AM
We use attributed text for just that reason. I didn't even know mtext would do the same..

In our case, attributed text works best (But, we don't have multi-lines) for automation - search and replace, querry and sum type functions.