
Code Red => AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) => Topic started by: gatorcadd on September 04, 2005, 07:04:16 PM

Title: block insertion in a polyline
Post by: gatorcadd on September 04, 2005, 07:04:16 PM
is there a lisp out there, i am sure there is, that allows you to insert a block into a polyline area.  i have the spacing of the blocks, but i want to fill the polyline with blocks so if i pick the line, it will insert say 30 blocks in that area...

(im a plant geek) and this would allow me to draw a plant bed and insert the symbol for the plant in the beds and place them triangularly so i dont have to place each one individually.

i was looking for a lisp to do this, but i dont know what to ask for in the search box.

any help would be apprecieated.

Title: Re: block insertion in a polyline
Post by: Keith™ on September 04, 2005, 07:32:52 PM
Try SuperHatch ... it is part of the expresstools and allows you to create a hatch using a block of your choosing
Title: Re: block insertion in a polyline
Post by: gatorcadd on September 04, 2005, 07:58:34 PM
yeah, tried that, not what i want.

that lets you assign a shape to a hatch pattern.  eventually, i would like to count them all and have a quantity of all the plants.  i know i saw it somewhere, i just cant find it.  i looked at the thread about the "free" lisp routines and again, didnt know what to ask for.

i tried polyline fill, polyline, block insert, replacing a polyline area with a block, etc...nothing...nada.

i just want to pick a polyline and infill the area with a block (setting a spacing to it and let it just fill in that area with as many as it takes to fill the area at that spacing).
Title: Re: block insertion in a polyline
Post by: Crank on September 05, 2005, 01:55:42 AM
Take a look at the gardenpath tutorial.
Title: Re: block insertion in a polyline
Post by: gatorcadd on September 05, 2005, 11:34:37 AM
i will, i was just fishing for information as to the location of the lisp...i tried HTH, but since he passed, finding it is difficult.  if anyone knows where the lisp might be, i would appreciate it.  i assume it is not hard to write one, but i havent written in years.

i will keep looking for the lisp.  if anyone comes across it, flip it to me, thanks