
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: Dr. After on July 13, 2005, 09:57:04 AM

Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Dr. After on July 13, 2005, 09:57:04 AM
I have the following information, but being that I am a steel detailer in America, I never use degrees, minutes, or meters for that matter.  This is a sample of what I am trying to input, but I am having trouble using the correct entry method in CAD 2006:

thence N 62%%C 37' 14" W, 212.38 meters to corner 2;
thence N 29%%C 21' 15" E, 187.02 meters to corner 3;

so how do I enter thes commands in CAD?  I will supposedly end up with a pentagon of sorts and plan on drawing it up with a pline, so concider that command already active, I just need to know how to enter the direction and length.

Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: David Hall on July 13, 2005, 10:23:44 AM
@212.37<N62D37'14"W    hit enter then
@187<N29D21'15"E   and hit enter
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: David Hall on July 13, 2005, 10:24:35 AM
First assumption is you have converted your dwg to meters or you are going to convert 212.38 to feet and inches.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Dr. After on July 13, 2005, 10:27:11 AM
Of course I copnverted it...  I just didn't know the wordage to eneter it.  Thanks!!!
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: t-bear on July 13, 2005, 12:59:00 PM
Dr. After.......welcome to the "Swamp".

DA said:
Of course I copnverted it...

We learned long ago not to take too much for granite.......... :roll:
Glad it helped.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Dr. After on July 13, 2005, 03:13:38 PM
Quote from: t-bear
We learned long ago not to take too much for granite.......... :roll:
Glad it helped.

Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Graldensblud on July 19, 2005, 04:54:21 PM
I'm curious as to why a designer is specifying steel angles in minutes and seconds. Are they trying to be awkward or just naturally talented ;)

I mean, come on, its only geographers that use minutes and seconds of arc these days (though i remember converting all my answers in a maths exam into them when i was bored... just to annoy the examiner)
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: CADaver on July 19, 2005, 05:13:04 PM
The way I read it was he's a detailer and NOT used to these kinds of inputs, meaning he's doing something else.  From his post I'm guessing it's a property plat of some kind that has the property description in Surveyor's terms.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Mark on July 19, 2005, 06:16:27 PM
Quote from: CADaver
The way I read it was he's a detailer and NOT used to these kinds of inputs, meaning he's doing something else.  From his post I'm guessing it's a property plat of some kind that has the property description in Surveyor's terms.

Agree but meters (for you brits metre *grin*)!! That one through me for a loop.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: MikePerry on July 19, 2005, 08:03:15 PM
Quote from: Mark Thomas
Agree but meters (for you brits metre *grin*)!! That one through me for a loop.
Thank you, Mark :)

adjusting score card ;-)
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Dent Cermak on July 19, 2005, 08:36:51 PM
must work for the government.CofE and most DOT's still insist that metric is not dead. I still have to do the meter thing about every 10th project.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: CADaver on July 19, 2005, 08:51:36 PM
Quote from: Dent Cermak
must work for the government.CofE and most DOT's still insist that metric is not dead..
or doing something somewhere besides the US.  I currently have a Chilian job on deck that uses meters for surveyors units, and we see descriptions just like those.
Title: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Graldensblud on July 20, 2005, 02:55:58 AM
Metres are easy, but then i would say that wouldn't i - uk's been metric  since before i was born. You just don't often see metres and non-decimal degrees mixed (at least not on our side of the pond ;)
Title: Re: Who knows how to map minutes and degrees and such?
Post by: Dr. After on September 08, 2005, 03:42:22 PM
I didn't mean to leave you guys hanging.  Shoot I didn't even know you guys were trying to piece this together.  In any case, I was transposing a lot that my wife and I own in Saipan onto a map of the Island.