
Code Red => AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) => Topic started by: CAB on January 08, 2004, 10:21:59 PM

Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: CAB on January 08, 2004, 10:21:59 PM
Well some how I broke it, ACAD 2000. :(
The paperspace back ground is all white and no
shadow, no margins. I went to Options/Display
unchecked & checked several times but no workie.
Thought it may be one of the system variables I
set but cant see which one. Tried to reset the
shadow etc via lisp, still no good.

Is there some system variable that can affect the
display? That's the only thing I changed.

Here is the routine I found to toggle the shadow
and the like.

Code: [Select]
;|They're not sysvars but preference settings you can access with ActiveX
(VisualLISP). Here's a helper routine you can use to manipulate any
preference setting that can only be set to true or false. In your situation,
all the preferences you're looking for are in the Display preferences object
and they all require a regen to show the change, so here's what your calls
will look like. Hope this helps

(defun ax:TogglePreference (pref setting regen / p acadApp)
  (setq p
  (vla-get-preferences (setq acadApp (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vlax-put-property p setting
    (if (= (vlax-get-property p setting) :vlax-true)
  (if regen
    (vla-Regen (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadApp)

(ax:TogglePreference "Display" "LayoutDisplayMargins" T)
(ax:TogglePreference "Display" "LayoutDisplayPaperShadow" T)
(ax:TogglePreference "Display" "LayoutDisplayPaper" T) ;;Display paperbackground
(ax:TogglePreference "Display" "LayoutCreateViewport" T) ;;Show page setup dialog for new layouts
(ax:TogglePreference "Display" "LayoutShowPlotSetup" T) ;;Create viewports in new layouts
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: Keith™ on January 08, 2004, 11:16:26 PM
Uh ... you broke it....
But that's ok, cause my puter told me today that it was having a BSOD attack and something about IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ..
First I reinstalled and no dice...
Then I formnatted and reinstalled and finally it works
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: CAB on January 08, 2004, 11:38:54 PM
And I though I had troubles :)

That is serious..  Glad it worked out.

Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: CAB on January 09, 2004, 11:03:02 AM
Got the answer in case you need it.

Reply From: mataeux
Date: Jan/09/04 - 15:21 (GMT) NEW!
    Re: PaperSpace lost shadow & Margins

if you had previously set Options to not Display margins, they will show up
whenever PLOTROTMODE is changed.

personally i've noticed very inconsistent results when setting up plots in
autocad. this is just another example blargh
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: t-bear on January 09, 2004, 11:46:32 AM
my puter told me today that it was having a BSOD attack ....

???  Lost me (what's new?)
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: Mark on January 09, 2004, 11:56:43 AM
BSOD = blue screen of death
in other words it crashed, badly!
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: t-bear on January 09, 2004, 12:11:46 PM
Ahhhhhhh!  Not heard it called "BSOD", just "you dirty, no good @$*#% of a #%*@$!   :x  :x
Title: Paperspace Display margins & shadow?
Post by: Keith™ on January 09, 2004, 04:09:54 PM
Yeppers..... BSoD ... the dreadful Microsoft Legacy...

Hey Mark ... how come I suddenly stopped getting reply notifications.... not even one today, and it is enabled in my profile.