
Code Red => .NET => Topic started by: CADbloke on January 23, 2016, 06:48:05 AM

Title: RealDwg 2016 - building an installer. MSM modules for MFC [solved]
Post by: CADbloke on January 23, 2016, 06:48:05 AM
Feeling more than a little "shafted", I paid for RealDwg and am in the process of trying to figure out the installer. I have been through the video at and also the docs that come with RealDwg

Where on earth does one get "Microsoft_VC110_MFC_x64.msm" and "Microsoft_VC110_MFCLOC_x64.msm" if they even the right ones for RealDwg 2016. I have to say the process of building an installer for RealDwg is the most half-baked, infuriating process I have ever paid (a lot) for.

There is a CopyFilesForPackaging.bat file in the code download on the blog post I linked above ...

Code - DOS: [Select]
  1. REM **** Microsoft VC++ Redistributables ****
  2. copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC110_OpenMP_x64.msm" "D:\Temp\SampleCode_DevTV\ForPackaging\Microsoft_VC110_OpenMP_x64.msm"
  3. copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC110_MFC_x64.msm" "D:\Temp\SampleCode_DevTV\ForPackaging\Microsoft_VC110_MFC_x64.msm"
  4. copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC110_MFCLOC_x64.msm" "D:\Temp\SampleCode_DevTV\ForPackaging\Microsoft_VC110_MFCLOC_x64.msm"

but I can't find the last two. I have searched though VMs with Windows 7,8,10 and Visual Studio 2010, 2012 (it should be this one), 2013, 2015 but ... nuthin.

Anyone got any tips?
Title: Re: RealDwg 2016 - building an installer. MSM modules for MFC
Post by: CADbloke on January 23, 2016, 07:39:51 AM
So I just did what anyone would do, fired up a Windows 7 x64 VM I had lying around, installed a Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate I had lying around and waited for the files to appear in the right place. You all have these things conveniently lying around, right?

Don't forget to tick the box for "Visual C++ MFC class libraries" in the installation options.

"Half-baked" would be putting it nicely.
Title: Re: RealDwg 2016 - building an installer. MSM modules for MFC [solved]
Post by: MexicanCustard on January 25, 2016, 08:38:25 AM
It's Autodesk, you expected more?
Title: Re: RealDwg 2016 - building an installer. MSM modules for MFC [solved]
Post by: CADbloke on January 28, 2016, 04:24:23 AM
It's Autodesk, you expected more?
Actually, yes. I find the dev-tech team (and the beta channel) to be much more open and communicative than days of old. They're on Github (, they answer issues and emails and all that modern sort of thing. They seem to know some stuff and listen to other stuff so, yes, I expected more.

BUT RealDwg seems to be a relic from the bad old days. Building it and an installer for its output is a bit like going sailing on the open ocean, you're pretty-much on your own after you leave the sight of land ( You'd better want to know lots about Wix ( because you will need to. Ditto with MSBuild and pre-build steps because you will want to. Like most things, getting it to work the first time is...character building...then you step back and think, "they could have just told me that". Yeah, the Docs.  :whistling:

For the record I will NOT be using C:\Program Files\... as my \bin folder. There are better alternatives ( You feel compelled to build a decent project template before you remember there won't be a whole lot of these projects.

The early days are a bit like .... THIS (