
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: Kerry on January 27, 2011, 03:32:14 PM

Post by: Kerry on January 27, 2011, 03:32:14 PM
A couple of quick questions for those who'd like to patricipate.

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?

2) Do you purge specific things ?

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?


Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: JCTER on January 27, 2011, 03:39:19 PM

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?
Typically before a final 'save' if it's a drawing I originated.  If it's a drawing I am taking over from someone else... usually right away.  Sometimes before I email a drawing to someone, if I notice the file size sucks.

2) Do you purge specific things ?
If it's not the 'final' save I will typically purge blocks especially, but typically everything but layers and linetypes.  It's common to need layers and linetypes later on, for me.  Everything else, not so much.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?
Standard stuff is pulled in with blocks, from design-center.  Layers aren't automated just yet, except for content pulled in with blocks.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Crank on January 27, 2011, 03:52:17 PM
1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?
Very often

2) Do you purge specific things ?
Always Purgeall

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?
Everything is automated through the menu.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Daniel J. Ellis on January 27, 2011, 05:45:04 PM
A couple of quick questions for those who'd like to patricipate.

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?

I have a number of routines that combine audit, purge, and reseting the scale list with save (one just saves, one saves and closes, the other switches to modelspace, saves, and closes), so pretty much every time I save the drawing (so admittedly, not as often as I should!)

2) Do you purge specific things ?


3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?

Pull layers in through the design centre.  I prefer to start from a more-or-less blank drawing anyway.  Similarly Blocks tend to get  inserted using the INSERT command.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Regapps, I guess.  We had major performance problems on upgrading to R2010.  Now have a monthly routine of running a regapp remover on the server.  That's due to run tomorrow, since you mention it!

Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Kyle Reese on January 28, 2011, 05:35:41 AM
 couple of quick questions for those who'd like to patricipate.

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?  Twice.

2) Do you purge specific things ? Everything I can.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ? Not a major concern.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ? There's nothing I can't purge one way or the other.

Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Kerry on January 28, 2011, 06:10:50 AM
couple of quick questions for those who'd like to participate.

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?  Twice.

< .. >

Twice consecutively or total ?
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Rob... on January 28, 2011, 07:38:18 AM
The heavily customized office system purges all 3 times when opening a drawing. Everything you need is easily accessible from menus.

I get to clean up files from outside sources to use as backgrounds and I will purge many times as I fix stuff and weed out the information not needed for our backgrounds. The purpose is to get the file size as small as possible, so I want to purge anything and everything that is not needed for the background.

When I am working on my own drawings, I don't usually purge unless I am sending the file out or there is stuff that I just want to get rid of.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: nivuahc on January 28, 2011, 08:35:09 AM
1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?

Pretty often, depending on the drawing

2) Do you purge specific things ?


3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?

Simple command that either runs on drawing opening or manually when I need it

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: sinc on January 28, 2011, 08:40:18 AM
4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Regapps, I guess.  We had major performance problems on upgrading to R2010.  Now have a monthly routine of running a regapp remover on the server.  That's due to run tomorrow, since you mention it!

It seems very odd that you would need something like that.  Do you have any idea why you need it?  I've never heard of anyone else with a setup like that.

You're also aware you can purge regapps with the -purge r command, right?
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Krushert on January 28, 2011, 09:55:00 AM
4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Regapps, I guess.  We had major performance problems on upgrading to R2010.  Now have a monthly routine of running a regapp remover on the server.  That's due to run tomorrow, since you mention it!

It seems very odd that you would need something like that.  Do you have any idea why you need it?  I've never heard of anyone else with a setup like that.

You're also aware you can purge regapps with the -purge r command, right?

And if you add what Sinc said about how to purge regapps to your start up, you purge every time you the drawing.  I reset my scalelist this way too.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Krushert on January 28, 2011, 10:12:06 AM
1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?  Depends some stuff purges upon the opening of the file and others on a as need basis.

2) Do you purge specific things ?  Regapps and Scalelist when a I open a file.  When I purge I use a routine to purge every darn thing I can.  Right now I am road testing Andrea's TotalPurge.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?  As mention above; Design Center, Insert method and some minor automation.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?  Bosses which in my case are Architects and Users.

OBTW;   Good thread topic.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: huiz on January 28, 2011, 02:52:41 PM

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?

Everytime I've inserted something or when I deleted complete layers.

2) Do you purge specific things ?

No, just all.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?

Our office template has on the first Layout in a frozen layer all linestyles, dimstyles, textstyles and blocks so everything is used once. These things can't be purged.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Civil3D styles.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: David Hall on January 28, 2011, 05:47:51 PM
1. purgeall 3 -4 times per session, depending on what im doing.
2. everything
3. custom commands
4. not at this time
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Jeff H on January 28, 2011, 08:47:00 PM
1. Mainly before the drawings go out(Unless large file)

2. All

3. Custum command

4. The crap the CORP requires in drawings
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Birdy on January 28, 2011, 10:22:38 PM

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?
I'm typically in the same drawing all day (10+hrs) so I purge ~6-8 times a day.  More often if I need to clean out crap from the drawing.
is my utility button macro.  I pick this whenever the mood strikes.  It purges everything (including regapps), and resets the scale list.

2) Do you purge specific things ?
Everything I can purge, I purge.  Keep it lean, mean, and clean is my philosophy.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?
I have a block I pull from the tool palette that contains all layers, text styles, dimstyles and linetypes.  Simple drag-drop-delete and all is restored.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?
Stuff nested in blocks.  This is something I am anal about, and I deal with a bunch of users that are oblivious to all the crap that builds up in a drawing... then they can't understand why their files are always crashing.
I try to clean stuff out but often it is not worth my time to search for the block that contains that annoying 'layer 14', or whatever.  :pissed:

I know there are proggys to delete layers in nested blocks and the like, I've just never gotten around to loading one up.

Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: Daniel J. Ellis on January 29, 2011, 06:18:44 PM
4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Regapps, I guess.  We had major performance problems on upgrading to R2010.  Now have a monthly routine of running a regapp remover on the server.  That's due to run tomorrow, since you mention it!

It seems very odd that you would need something like that.  Do you have any idea why you need it?  I've never heard of anyone else with a setup like that.

You're also aware you can purge regapps with the -purge r command, right?

It's just what our IT support people said: the monthly programme is possibly my taking it a step further than necessary.

I'd not heard of purge -r: it's a shame this isn't included in purg -all <grr>

Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: dgorsman on January 30, 2011, 01:50:51 AM
1) Fairly often
2) Me, yes, since I am usually diagnosing drawing problems; users just go "purge all"
3) Since we do work for multiple clients across multiple applications, I can't route blocks "directly" from tool palettes or the like; most everything is routed through a routine that includes an "add layer" "add linetype" etc. routine
4) I have three little letters: A. E. C.  That and similar application extension content which digs itself so deeply into the drawing it just will. not. remove.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: sinc on January 30, 2011, 10:42:24 AM

1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ?


2) Do you purge specific things ?

I often purge only blocks and layers.  Sometimes just unnamed blocks.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later ?

Generally do not purge during drawing, but Design Center can bring most things back in.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ?

Not really.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: sugarCAD on January 31, 2011, 11:01:07 AM
1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing?

As often as necessary and always before final saving to network.

2) Do you purge specific things?

Usually All, occasionally individual layers, blocks or styles.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later?

When I purge during the drawing process, I shouldn't need it, if so I use Design Center or recreate it.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't?

No, I can get rid of most things, one way or another.
Title: Re: PURGING
Post by: craigr on February 02, 2011, 09:18:30 AM
1) How often do you use the PURGE command  in a drawing ? Several times a dwg session, custom commands have 'Purge' within them.

2) Do you purge specific things ? - ALWAYS 'all'.

3) If you purge during the drawing process, how do you restore the 'standard' stuff you may need later? Like what? I've never had it come up.

4) Is there anything you'd like to purge that you can't ? Layers in Nested Blocks!! (2008LT).

I am OBSESSIVE about dwgs being neat and clean. I HATE to leave 'crap' in dwgs. I really HATE layers with names such as 'Layer 2'. Give them a name that means something to someone other than yourself!!! If you get hit by a truck on the way home, unless documented somewhere, 'Layer 2' means nothing.