
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 07:09:06 AM

Title: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 07:09:06 AM
I recieved a dwg with 4 dwgs XRef'd into it. The Main dwg is around 2mb, the other all 5 dwgs total 98mb.

This main dwg takes quite a while to load and crashes my machine when I try to manipulate it.

My machine is no slouch but I wonder is this a BIG file in the Real CAD world?

We seldom have any of our dwgs over 1mb and have no XRef's in them. So this is a totally new world for me.

Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: mjfarrell on January 07, 2011, 07:50:46 AM
I would start with Audit, and Recover run on each of those files.

Also clean up your Temp diriectory.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: M-dub on January 07, 2011, 10:13:02 AM
Layer Filters?
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: dgorsman on January 07, 2011, 10:40:47 AM
Your AutoCAD version?  Your file version?

First impression: annotation scale overload.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 10:42:29 AM
CAD Version is 2008LT and the file was last saved by the same.

What is Anotation scale?

If I ever heard of it, I don't know what it is.

Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Rob... on January 07, 2011, 10:53:23 AM
I'd start with cleaning up/dumming down the XREFs but that might be difficult with LT. You could start by erasing anything that you don't need from each of the files. First make sure you have copies of the files saved in a safe place. I'm betting there is a bunch of 3d stuff which you probably don't need to have in 3d and I'm not sure if you can AECOBJEXPLODE in LT so that you can simplify and flatten the 3d stuff.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 10:58:47 AM
Unfortunately, this file is a conglomeration (SP?) of dwgs from different trades. The Main Contractor is insistant that everything be in ONE CAD Dwg.

Yes there are 3D items in the dwg. OURS it 2D, but I cannot flatten anything. Basically, I am simply XRef'ing ours into the Master dwg, so I really can do too much.

The purpose of my original question was to rule out errors.

I have done the purge / Audit dwg things and found no errors.

The size is soooo large I guess I assumed something is wrong with it. Again, I have never seen nor heard of a dwg this large!

Do any of you folks work with dwgs this large?

Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: MP on January 07, 2011, 11:06:59 AM
contractor is a moron

guessing he's using architectural desktop or something similar

bloat probably due to bogus / errant dictionary entries and / or appid cancer

post the zipped dwg(s) or it didn't happen
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Rob... on January 07, 2011, 11:08:19 AM
Size alone might not be the problem. Since you are XREFing you file into a master, it won't matter if you create separate files for you to XREF into your drawing and then remove those XREFs and XREF you file into the master when you need to submit your file to the client. In the XREF files, check to see if they are XREFing each other. Poor XREF management can create circular references. Detach any XREFs in those files and then XREF them separately into your file and see if that gets you any faster.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 11:18:38 AM
I thought you got it with the Circular XRef's - It just makes sense why it would make the dwg 'screwy'.

But, each XRef dwg is clean.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Rob... on January 07, 2011, 11:28:06 AM
Then it could any number of things. Some of which LT is not going to help you with. If you could find a way to post them, it would be great help for us to narrow down the problem(s).

The first step would be to check for stuff that MP suggested. I would also strongly suggest simplifying the 3d stuff. If it is still slow after that, there is a long list of stuff to check. I've had one lowly unassociated attribute cause frequent crashes.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: craigr on January 07, 2011, 11:33:29 AM
Unfortunately, this is a Top Secret Job, so I cannot distribute. (Too secret even if I remove Title Block).

Thanks for the offer to help further and for all of the suggestions I have recieved.

Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: MP on January 07, 2011, 11:36:20 AM
If your primary drawing file is vanilla AutoCAD LT (i.e not entity handle dependent/sensitive) perform the wblock star trick a couple times on a copy and see if that remedies some of the bloat.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Rob... on January 07, 2011, 11:41:29 AM
If LT has any export options, try exporting to DXF to simplify the geometry or try using Drawing True View to save convert them to an early version of AutoCAD.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Matt__W on January 07, 2011, 11:47:28 AM
I recently came across some drawings that were slow to open and it (partially) had to do with layers being evaluated.... click the SETTINGS button on the layer manager (see attached image).
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: dgorsman on January 07, 2011, 01:53:47 PM
CAD Version is 2008LT and the file was last saved by the same.

What is Anotation scale?

If I ever heard of it, I don't know what it is.


Annotation scales are used to support annotatively scaled blocks.  They can be useful but it *will* bite you if not kept under control.  Do some searching on that and annotation scales, and you will see why can be such a problem.

Not sure if its in LT or not, but try the command SCALELISTEDIT.  If that bombs, then its your problem.  Detach *all* XREFs from every file then use the -SCALELISTEDIT (note the "dash" for command line version) and pick the reset option.  Then you can use the dialog version to remove any that you don't want (that would be all of them).  Also check the "Maintain visual fidelity for annotative objects" setting.  If its turned on and the file is downsaved, annotative blocks are duplicated into different layers for each scale they need.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: Jeff H on January 07, 2011, 08:51:06 PM
If your primary drawing file is vanilla AutoCAD LT (i.e not entity handle dependent/sensitive) perform the wblock star trick a couple times on a copy and see if that remedies some of the bloat.

Hey MP,

I am a little familiar with Wblock command but,

what exactly is the wblock star trick?

Thank you
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: MP on January 08, 2011, 10:01:47 AM
Sorry, didn't see 'til now.

Try this

Enter name of output file: c:\docs\new_file.dwg
Enter name of existing block or [= (block=output file)/* (whole drawing)] <define new drawing>: *

Generally speaking, new_file.dwg will be the Jenny Craig version of the original. You may have to do it a couple times to get the drawing to be really svelte.
Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: pmvliet on January 08, 2011, 04:43:28 PM
That file size is not unheard of. I know of civil background files are are in excess of 100mb. I've worked with steel models that were 55mb. Since you are working with others, ask them if they are having problems and what kind of machines they are having. One thing to remember is that for each xref you bring in, Autocad needs memory requirements and such for EACH file brought in. Basically, think of Autocad running the same number of times you bring in an xref. When you have large files such as this, you are going to need goobs of Ram. Loading the file in seems to be your biggest problem right now. Once you achieve them to load in, you should be ok.

One trick that you can use, when you open your file do a cancel to cancel the regen of all the xrefs. I would remove any xref's that are not pertinent to what you need to show. Then you can also hit the layer dialogue box to freeze layers that are off. Freezing them will remove them from the database, thus from the regen. Don't just turn them off. I would also ask all the other vendors to purge their drawings and see if they can do anything to condense their file size. I cautiously urge you to be careful if you try to condense their files as there could be repercussions if some of their data does not show up properly on your drawing.

Title: Re: 98 Megs slow to open
Post by: mjfarrell on January 08, 2011, 07:32:32 PM
Does LT support partial open?  That could be another method to try if it does.