
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: ELOQUINTET on November 09, 2004, 08:05:59 AM

Title: pdf question
Post by: ELOQUINTET on November 09, 2004, 08:05:59 AM
i am using pdf995. my drawing has landscape orientation so i print it landscape. when i open it using adobe it is rotated. even if i save a copy rotate it and save. i close it and reopen and it's portrait again. how can i retain landscape view???
Title: pdf question
Post by: pmvliet on November 09, 2004, 12:55:19 PM
you have to open it it using adobe writer to be be able to save the rotated PDF.
reader won't save the orientation to the PDF.

Title: pdf question
Post by: ELOQUINTET on November 09, 2004, 01:01:07 PM
yeah that makes sense, not the answer i wanted to hear but oh well...
Title: pdf question
Post by: M-dub on November 09, 2004, 01:03:54 PM
Actually, in the Preferences for your Distiller (or equiv.?) can you not change the orientation to Rotated Landscape?  I had the same problem you're mentioning until I changed that setting.
Title: pdf question
Post by: M-dub on November 09, 2004, 01:04:17 PM
Printing Preferences, that is...
Title: pdf question
Post by: ELOQUINTET on November 09, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
i'm more curious than anything it's not a big deal
Title: pdf question
Post by: M-dub on November 09, 2004, 01:12:32 PM
It was a big deal for me....Otherwise, I would have had to physically open every single one of the almost 4,000 drawings I just converted to PDF and rotate them.  This way, I just changed the orientation and ran my batchplot.  Everything's hunky-dory now.
Title: pdf question
Post by: M-dub on November 09, 2004, 01:15:32 PM
...Now, if could just automate the process of merging PDF files into one file...
Title: pdf question
Post by: Jassper on November 09, 2004, 03:37:12 PM
Quote from: M-dub
...Now, if could just automate the process of merging PDF files into one file...

Why not use "Create PDF from Multiple Documents" in acrobat
it works really well

Title: pdf question
Post by: M-dub on November 09, 2004, 03:41:03 PM
I'll remember that for the future, but I don't think that would have helped me.  I have too many files to do...
Thanks for the tip!