
CAD Forums => Vertically Challenged => Land Lubber / Geographically Positioned => Topic started by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 10:24:34 AM

Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 10:24:34 AM
Hi guys,
I have a question for LDD users. Let's say you have a polyline and 2 AECCpoints placed on it. (doesn't matter the positions(end, beggining...)). Is there a way to find the slope between those points but taking the length along pline between those points????. and then is there a way to insert a point between them (placed on the pline) to a certain distance from one of them. (taking that slope). All the lengths should be measured on the pline.
I know that there is an utility for that made by tools
But, can I do i without that???? is there a workaround or a tric???

Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: Mark on November 14, 2003, 10:54:52 AM
you're saying the points are on both ends of the pline, or just somewhere on it?
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 10:59:06 AM
just somewhere on it..
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: Mark on November 14, 2003, 11:01:53 AM
I believe this can be done, let me try. be right back..................
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 11:05:52 AM
done with lisp or just simple LDD commands???? I'm trying as well :-)
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: Mark on November 14, 2003, 11:10:51 AM
with LDD Point commands.
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: Mark on November 14, 2003, 11:34:06 AM
what about Points -> create points interplote -> by relitive location
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 11:39:21 AM
this one will create a point on the straight distance between those 2 . and it might not be placed on my polyline. The slope is calculated with the horizontal straight distance between those 2 points. Not the distance on the pline between those 2 points..... Can I paste a GIF or BMP in this post... I want to show you... what I'm looking for...
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 11:59:17 AM
I just post a dwg in the pond
Check it to see what I'm looking for...
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 12:41:07 PM
Thanks a lot Mark. I got you....
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: Mark on November 14, 2003, 01:51:45 PM
Did that work? and were did the dwg go?
Title: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: raresp on November 14, 2003, 02:16:21 PM
Yes it worked..... I thought that I should erase the dwg since your help worked. I can upload it back...
I didn't know all the options for that command.....
You save me a lot of time.

Since I know that you work with LDD (or LDT) a question for you. I'm doing a 3d presentation for a subdiviaion... All the roads are 3d polylines ( cl, eop, curbs, sidewalks...) to create my TIN.
Now the presentation is gonna be in 3ds Max or Autodesk Viz...what is your opinion should I generate the TIN as 3dface or Polyface Mesh. I understand that a Polyface mesh cannot have more than 30000 vertices?
Or is there a way to represent that TIN as you would represent it with 3D Grid from civil design (cross sections)???
Title: Re: IS THERE A WAY????
Post by: mjfarrell on February 07, 2007, 01:14:16 PM
I would use the 3d faces and import them into Max or Viz.
Then turn it into a mesh within that application and apply your materials as desired. I have done this where each surface material is on different layers, this make it easier to apply materials to the roads, sidewalks, trails, etc.
Most of this material assignment is now handled within Civil 3D by default.