
CAD Forums => CAD General => CAD Standards => Topic started by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 12:56:56 PM

Title: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 12:56:56 PM
If you wanted to spot check how your department was doing, or how an outside contractor was doing following your cad standard, what would you check for?  I think I have the obvious ones covered, but I was wondering what you guys think.

I am wondering how this list compares with yours
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: M-dub on March 28, 2008, 01:01:05 PM
In addition to your list, we'd have SNAP on there as well.  Using their own set of blocks has been a PITA for us in the past.  One contractor (a BIG company) feels that their standards are good enough for everyone...even if their clients have their own standards.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 01:03:16 PM
How do you check for those?  I could see if snap was on or off, or what the value was set to, but how could you check to see if they USED the snap value? 

I guess I should state that I'm trying to automate this as well, so the computer will have to figure out whats wrong, not me.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 01:03:57 PM
We have the same issue with blocks as well.  I try to update theirs to ours where appropriate
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: M-dub on March 28, 2008, 01:05:41 PM
How do you check for those?  I could see if snap was on or off, or what the value was set to, but how could you check to see if they USED the snap value?

I just mean, if they drew ON snap or not.  It's pretty easy (to manually check, anyway).  Just turn the snap on and drag the cursor around over a few lines, etc. to see if it's on or off snap.  Keep in mind that we're talking about wiring diagrams, loop diagrams, etc.  Snap doesn't apply to everyone by any means.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: Guest on March 28, 2008, 01:39:53 PM
If you wanted to spot check how your department was doing, or how an outside contractor was doing following your cad standard, what would you check for?  I think I have the obvious ones covered, but I was wondering what you guys think.

  • Layers
  • Text and Dim styles
  • Raster images not on proper layer
  • Xrefs not on proper layer
  • All attachments hard pathed (should be ref path)
  • Imageframe=2
  • Viewports not locked

I am wondering how this list compares with yours

Gotta add file names to that list.  I've got a bunch of rogue drafters that don't adhere to any type of standards when naming files.  Whatever it's called when they receive it, that's the way it stays.  Add when I'm asked to help out at crunch time I can't figure out what drawing is which.

"Ohhhh.... So this file named 'GG966S01~1.dwg" is the third floor plan?  Yeah, I can see how that works for you!"   :?
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 01:42:36 PM
thanks, hadn''t thought of that one
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: Guest on March 28, 2008, 01:44:43 PM
Maybe add drawing/viewport/annotation scales?!?

Any sysvars that you typically have set.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: M-dub on March 28, 2008, 01:48:55 PM
Custom shape files... fonts, linetypes, etc.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
I thought of those.  My thought is to open  the dwg, run my setup file which would fix any sysvars, create fonts/dim styles, update existing layers to correct colors incase they changed them, and then start looking for problems.  throw in a few purges to get rid of bogus not used stuff.
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: Guest on March 28, 2008, 01:55:37 PM
And when you're done fixing everything that's screwed up....

Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: mjfarrell on March 28, 2008, 01:56:02 PM
check for unnamed blocks and or anonymous groups
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: David Hall on March 28, 2008, 01:58:27 PM
unnamed blocks? like u*adfk blocks?  I thought when you used DynBlocks you got anonymous block names
Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: mjfarrell on March 28, 2008, 02:00:36 PM
yep, right until some user copy clips and pastes in an unnamed block or two on you.

It has two names; I'm not sure which governs: 
Block Name: "10ft Stall-90(d)"
   Anonymous Name: "*U79"

Title: Re: Whats wrong with my drawing
Post by: Bob Wahr on March 28, 2008, 02:03:26 PM
Non-standard blocks, layers, styles, dimstyles.  Quick check all of that by seeing what is listed using RENAME.  General drawing setup correct for drawing type.  General appearance.  Shtuff like that.