
CAD Forums => CAD General => The Third Dimension => Topic started by: Kate M on January 07, 2008, 03:41:49 PM

Title: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 07, 2008, 03:41:49 PM
I have a material consisting of scanned image of a building facade used as a texture map. I'm trying to apply it to a 3d face to make a presentation graphic. However, the image keeps rendering backwards. I thought the normals might be off, so I redrew the face clockwise and counterclockwise -- no change. Any suggestions? :|
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: deegeecees on January 07, 2008, 03:47:52 PM
Are you mapping it to an object?
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Josh Nieman on January 07, 2008, 04:48:12 PM
mirror the object :P  (im joking but on a serious note sometimes stupid things like that DO work from time to time... doubtful here though)

Looking at the 'materials' toolpalette, I don't see anything to control flipping it..  nor with the normal mapping commands.  What process are you using to attach the image?  As a material or using some other process?

I hate to suggest a workaround rather than a solution, but you COULD always open the image, save a copy and mirror it using any graphics editor, and use that image.

Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Maverick® on January 07, 2008, 08:31:54 PM
You're not trying to put it on the back of the building are you?
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 08, 2008, 09:24:22 AM
Are you mapping it to an object?
I created it as a new material with the image as the texture map, and applied it to a 3D face.

mirror the object :P  (im joking but on a serious note sometimes stupid things like that DO work from time to time... doubtful here though)
Yeah, no luck :)

I hate to suggest a workaround rather than a solution, but you COULD always open the image, save a copy and mirror it using any graphics editor, and use that image.
That's my last resort. :roll:

You're not trying to put it on the back of the building are you?
Well, I guess that might be another workaround...rotate the building 180%%d. My 3D face is parallel to the "left" UCS.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 09:16:08 AM
Post a file containing the offending face(s) with the material mapped to it only, and I'll tell you, or at least try. 

Absent that, you might find that you can force the thing to be 2-sided, and or adjust the U,V,W mapping and rotation of the material on the object.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 09:34:03 AM
Here ya go -- do I need to send the image too?
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 09:37:46 AM
yes please....
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 12:00:22 PM
Interestingly enough I have it working just fine in another file wblocked out one of your planes.
Only back in the parent drawing it's giving me some grief.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 12:14:21 PM
I took the image down 'cause I didn't realize that attaching it would load it in the post. I've always used the lilypond for images...learned something new today. :-)

If I need to I'll repost it zipped.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 12:21:59 PM
it is not the image, to blame here, its the image map scaling because the fit to gizmo doesn't manage to fit.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 12:29:45 PM
I'm not sure I follow. What did you do in the file you attached? Fit to object and tiled?

And what resolution did you use to get the image you posted?
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 12:38:42 PM
640x480 png

Uh, I made a new material, called Image Only, check out its details.

The oddity is that the same material/process in NOT working for me in your original file from which this single plane was blocked out. I'm still poking at it to see what's what
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 01:23:53 PM
640x480 png
I just can't ever get mine zoomed in like that. (very new to rendering...)
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: deegeecees on January 09, 2008, 02:20:54 PM
640x480 png
I just can't ever get mine zoomed in like that. (very new to rendering...)

In 2004, you have the option to render to a file, and when selected, more options for that file are available. There you will find settings for resolution and such.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 02:38:50 PM
I'm in 2007, and my Advanced Render Settings palette must be messed up. Help file says that under "Render Context" I should see "Save File", yet my first option is "procedure."
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Josh Nieman on January 09, 2008, 02:44:25 PM
I'm in 2007, and my Advanced Render Settings palette must be messed up. Help file says that under "Render Context" I should see "Save File", yet my first option is "procedure."

The one below Procedure is "Destination" and that's the one where you specify "Window" and then you can save that as a file... that's how I do it anyways.  I seem to remember a different method of rendering to file when I was using Autocad 2000 in college, though...
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 02:49:11 PM
That's still extraordinarily annoying. Nothing I've been able to do has come close to the level of detail MJ posted.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: Kate M on January 09, 2008, 03:08:14 PM
Thanks for your help guys, but I have to shelve this now. My main CAD guy was in a car accident last night (he's mostly okay, but shook up and out for the rest of the week), so I've had to take a deep breath, step back, and prioritize. This is now not one.

So unless it's really bugging you :wink:, feel free to return to your regularly scheduled programming.
Title: Re: Texture map backwards
Post by: mjfarrell on January 09, 2008, 03:14:21 PM
Here it is applied to both the front and back wall perhaps incorrect to do so. Anyway, when I bring them into your file they go whack.  My thought is, take these bits that work and get your other geometry.  So I did that and then stripped out the other material that didn't seem to work. I inserted that geometry, and it botched some of your face normals on the way in, however a quick 3drotate command righted that. I needed to do that as I was getting some strange rendering issues with 'force 2 sided' turned on.  You may have a different graphics card and this might not be required, otherwise flipping them 180 about an edge was all that was required, I left the other floors for you to do.

Yes it was really bugging me, and I STILL don't know what was fluxxing it up in your file, however use the attached FWIW