
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: ELOQUINTET on March 30, 2004, 10:10:42 AM

Title: refedit questions
Post by: ELOQUINTET on March 30, 2004, 10:10:42 AM
hey i'm kinda new to using refedit and have a couple questions. i guess the easiest way is to explain what's going on in my drawing. i am doing some cladding of the stringer of a stairwell. i have about 8 different conditions which i've made seperate blocks. then i have pieced them all together and made a block of the full details. i also have the full elevation of the treads and landings as a seperate block. this part is fine if i refedit the full detail section it shows me all the nested blocks. the problem is with the treads/ landings section. i made the individual risers a block then blocked the whole elevation. well when i refedit the section it doesn't show the nested riser block. there are roughly 100 of them. when i try to refedit it i get the following message:

Select reference:
Select nested objects: Specify opposite corner:
499 entities added
Select nested objects:
499 items selected
Errors found in references to other objects:
** Object reference missing: AcDbBlockReference, to AcDbDimAssoc.
** Object reference missing: AcDbLine, to AcDbDimAssoc.

also i would like to be able to edit this block where it belongs rather than copy it so i can see the relationship between the cladding and the stringer it works on the details but again get the same message with the section. my suspicion is that there are too many tread blocks imbedded and it's causing this problem but i'd like some feedback from you guys. thanks...
Title: refedit questions
Post by: daron on March 30, 2004, 11:36:04 AM
Object reference missing: AcDbBlockReference, to AcDbDimAssoc.
** Object reference missing: AcDbLine, to AcDbDimAssoc

Dan, I believe in 2002, if you have any dimensions over-ridden in any way, then you cannot refedit that block. I don't know if you have any over-rides, but the dimassoc thing might be it if you have over-ridden any dims. I don't know if they ever fixed that bug and yes, it was a bug, not a "feature".
Title: refedit questions
Post by: ELOQUINTET on March 30, 2004, 12:49:03 PM
daron dimension overrides in the whole drawing or a part of the block because i have no dimensions in the block but i have some dimensions in the drawing with additions to the dimensions such as 42" a.f.f. and such?
Title: refedit questions
Post by: ELOQUINTET on March 30, 2004, 12:55:09 PM
well i had been in the process of redoing the problem block anyway today because they changed the rise and run on me %##*%#%^$* i now have it a block and tried refedit and it worked so who knows. not sure about the dim override because this hardly has any dims on it as it's just the layout for my details which will contain all the dims anyhow it seems to be ok for the moent anyway. thanks for your input
Title: refedit questions
Post by: Keith™ on March 30, 2004, 02:31:35 PM

That error is indicating that there was a dimension associated with part of that block (but was not part of the block). If you had audited the drawing you would have been able to fix the eronious associations. But you have no issue any longer so.....
Title: refedit questions
Post by: ELOQUINTET on March 30, 2004, 04:36:02 PM
ok thanks for the info keith