Author Topic: 2008 Tool Pallet Images.  (Read 1265 times)

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  • Seagull
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2008 Tool Pallet Images.
« on: May 07, 2007, 01:51:03 PM »
Had this with install of 2007 and now I am getting it again with 2008 install.

I have custom tool pallet with our general symbols on it in location on C drive.  I have that custom tool pallet located in adjacent folder on the C drive.  Upon installing 08, I mapped to the the custom pallet.  everything works when clicking on a tool on said pallet.  However the tool images are blank square.   What do I need to do to fix this so that when I install 08 on my users machines?  I don't remember what I did with 07 but if recall I keep banging away until stumbled upon it.

Actually I have couple of issues with the tool pallets but I will start with this one first.  BTW the only issues I have had with 08 are with Tool Pallets.  So I am very well pleased.  and I think it is more me that 08.
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

I no longer CAD or Model, I just hang out here picking up the empties beer cans


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Re: 2008 Tool Pallet Images.
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 07:54:04 AM »
I'm not sure how to do it with AutoCAD but you can edit the files directly with notepad or WordPad since they are nothing more than hierarchical xml files. I create all my tool palettes manually and keep all the images in a subdirectory under the palettes directory. Something like this:


That way when I upgrade I only point the new AutoCAD to the catalog directory and everything works. I also save a copy of the .atc file with an .xml extension so I can 'refresh' back to default in case the users hose something.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 13679
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Re: 2008 Tool Pallet Images.
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2007, 10:58:03 AM »
I'm not sure how to do it with AutoCAD but you can edit the files directly with notepad or WordPad since they are nothing more than hierarchical xml files. I create all my tool palettes manually and keep all the images in a subdirectory under the palettes directory. Something like this:


That way when I upgrade I only point the new AutoCAD to the catalog directory and everything works. I also save a copy of the .atc file with an .xml extension so I can 'refresh' back to default in case the users hose something.

I thought I was doing that.  The issues was the I did not copy (published) the Dependant files.  In order to do this in Autocad, you have to right the catalog and click publish.  there is a sort of wizard if you will with all the various options.

The bad part is that I everything lump in one catalog and there is now easy way to split it up.  And the catalog was out of date compared to my tool pallets.  I loss some data when I was trying to get things figured out.  But it was a mixed blessing because it some of my tool pallets were like a kids room very messy and not organized.  So now it is a little more organized.

My opinion on sharing tool pallets with your users is more complicated than my customized pull down menu. 
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

I no longer CAD or Model, I just hang out here picking up the empties beer cans