Code Red > VB(A)

(Challenge) Give me your lunch money!


Do you want to see what I'm doing?! --Of course you do.-- Well its to bad that we cant see what eachother is doing cause I'm doing something cool. I want to share data between AutoCAD and Microstation. --why? cause its cool!-- Now granted, this could get a bit messy. But I dont think we are orginized enough to pass major amounts of data back and forth yet so all I want is little stuff like a couple of lines and layers. Up for it?

Read this article and then come back here and post when you get it working.

Tag, you're it

So, what you're saying is you want to use xml to create info, then use vba to control the info, cross-platformatically? <layer id="John">John</layer>
Contain that in a an xml root structure and you can use the layer#John to get the info. If you use class="John" you can use layer.John to get the info. That's at least how you'd get css to set style to it. Guess I'd have to know a bit more about vba to know how to do it otherwise.

Yeah essentaily. I want to share 'line endpoints', 'Layer info' ...stuff like that.

Nah, its easy. I took Randalls code blocks and modified them to work with Microstation already. You can do it Daron. (Your better at VBA then me?!)

Not yet. I've switched gears to web development, to get mine off the ground. I'm still trying to get everything worked out there.


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