Author Topic: bad argument type: consp  (Read 1780 times)

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bad argument type: consp
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:58:39 AM »
Getting a bad argument type: consp error and I'm not sure why.
it was working yesterday.
Giving me the error on the line

Code: [Select]
(defun doname (len / c cell namedata)
(_> (setq c 0)
(_> (setq cell (strcat "E" @excel_row))
(_> (setq cell (string_ cell))
(_> (repeat len
((_> (setq namedata (getname))
((_> (putcell cell namedata)
((_> (setq cell (string_ cell))
((_> (setq c (1+ c))
((_> );repeat
(_> (if (= c len)(doitem len))
(_> ;;goto item subfunction
(_> );defun doname

Command: (doname len)
; error: bad argument type: consp

Command: !len

Command: (if (= c len)(doitem len))

....1 items duplicate

not sure why it's happening