Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

Bursting a previously inserted block?

<< < (2/4) > >>

*myblock ?


--- Quote from: Luis Esquivel on October 09, 2007, 11:17:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: AVCAD on October 09, 2007, 10:50:20 AM ---Is there away to burst a block right after you insert it. The Select previous command doesn't work very well and usually selects the object you had selected before you inserted the block.

I am sure there is just a function I don't know.

I am on ACAD 2006.

Thanks in advance.

--- End quote ---

Use 'Last'

--- Quote ---Command: burst
Select objects: L
1 found
Select objects:

--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---
Just be careful to make sure that that particular object is visible on the screen, otherwise you'll end up with the same problem you had to begin with.

I would use ' (entlast) ' incase the block is off screen, otherwise use what Luis posted.  Just tested, can not be used, as burst is a lisp routine.  I think I wrote a burst routine here somewhere.  So I would go with what Luis said.

Daron beat me to the waring, but I'm still posting!


--- Quote from: Daron on October 09, 2007, 11:20:41 AM ---Just be careful to make sure that that particular object is visible on the screen, otherwise you'll end up with the same problem you had to begin with.

--- End quote ---

I must have other kind of powers, because here I can do that.... and works :)

the "last" option might not work always but the entlast would

So can i just write a small lisp to select the last object using entlast, load it through a button and then use the burst command?

I know burst wont work through lisps...not really sure why though but its been like that since forever.


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