Author Topic: Need Help Urget - will pay.  (Read 34587 times)

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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2011, 07:30:35 PM »
Thanks  everybody for listening.

Jeff H

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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2011, 07:52:45 PM »
I got some ideas but how about we do as a group project and money could be donated to the Swamp.

Some issues would be
If OP did not want the code to be publicly shown and logic or solution hidden as that would keep the Swamp from gaining probably some good learning resources. One answer would be for code not to be posted price would be $89,987.23

But could be a good learning expirence and throw some money to the swamp.


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 08:57:23 PM »
I love you Gentlemen. I go with second option Jeff. Code could be visible for everybody as a learning resource here in this web site.
Since I am pretty sure if you experts work together this is a finished project. I am willing to start with deposit.
Tell me how much and what Email address Jeff ( As for Paypal).
I knew God will send somebody to help me.


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2011, 09:21:10 PM »
The first things YOU should do are ;

Provide details of the AutoCAD version.
If the ARX source is not available the routine you have will be ONLY able to run in 3 builds of Autocad ... this should be considered.

Provide a FULL specification of what you
a: Definitely need
b: Would like to have as a bonus.

Post the Block
.. and perhaps some sample drawings.

I do have some concerns.
You have obviously lied to your employer to gain employment.
What have you done to date about developing an application ?
Please don't feel that you need to make donations to theSwamp to receive help.
Please don't expect that a donation will cause busy/committed people to feel obliged to help.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 09:27:37 PM by Kerry »
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
Perfection is not optional.
Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect.
Discipline: None at all.


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2011, 09:33:56 PM »

Jeff H

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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2011, 10:57:45 PM »
Sorry about previous post, I hope it was not taken that you must donate for help but I can see how it could,

but the best option as Kerry mentioned would be to start developing the application and when you hit snags or need guidance to ask the Swamp.

That way it cost you nothing but most importantly you gain the expirence and knowledge from designing the application, and will help with better decisions when company asks for other services.

If someone created a application based on your first description, after reading your description in the more recent post you looks like you would have paid for something that would basiclly make your employer mad.

If you want to pay someone for professional services and a professional job I would suggest creating detailed documention on exactly what is expected.


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2011, 02:25:28 AM »
Giving you gentlemen a brief  story of   what is going  on .
Material for these shapes are Fiberglass and being used around openings ,Like  windows and doors,  to attach precast concrete (those fancy shapes )  to main  structure elements, in high rise buildings. They have a lot of shapes in their production units (Shop).    S, T, U, Z, Box, Circle, Diamond, and so on. Almost 40 typical shapes. But sometimes they are untypical. Machines are limited to accept only 12 dimensions.  Machines will import all information from Excel and will automatically make all those shapes.
What they are doing right now is, they copy architect drawing and start to put some label  or Tags around openings. These labels are unique. Let’s say designer will put a MK001 for top of a window,MK002 for left side , MK003 for right side  and MK004 for bottom side of window. Designers have their own rules to pick the right shape and diameter and color and length. No clue how.
Then all data would be inputted in Excel manually. Tags(Mark or Label ),  Number of items for that label, Color, Diameter, 12 dimensions, shape code ,  main contractor, strength, density, and so on. Total number of these files is 80. Some of data in that excel sheet would be used for billing and some of them to be used in fabrication and some of them for management.  But all data are initiated by designer in Excel sheet.
 The shop will create those shapes and a tag would be attached to bundle   and will be sent to Job site. Foreman open drawings, read the Tags,   will find the bundle with right tag and start installing.
Since they are doing this manually they have no control over Tags. They start from 1 and going up.
Sometimes   in 2 different windows they use the same shape and number and dimensions and they can’t combine this. The consequence of this manual operation is, they have a lot of extra labels (Tags) which really are the same.  It will cause extra work for shop and extra work in job site to find those tags and lots of confusion.
Giving you an idea, for a project it could be a big truck with 1000 labels (Tags).
My plan is, making 40 different dynamic blocks and using those in program.
I will simplify the situation in just one shape which is U shape. I need your help just for one shape, then I will expand it for other shapes.
Regard to your Questions and comments.
A-Regard the lie. I didn’t know they will give me a short time. If I had more time I could’ve educated myself. I can do this if I had more time. Jeff and Tony helped me a lot before on Autodesk discussion. This is not my attitude. I struggle then ask for help.
B-To date , I linked AutoCAD to external database. Right now if I draw an object in AutoCAD all the properties could be exported to Access(MDB file) like color ,layer,length,Object name and  . All user forms are designed. All reports query is done. 
C-AutoCAD is 2010 and 2011. Not LT.
D-I don’t need any bonus.
E-What I need is really beyond my knowledge at this short time. I can’t even start it. How to link objects together and those events. I definitely need:
1-   Need 3 commands.  Let’s call them   AAA and BBB and CCC.
2-   By Entering AAA a form pops up, 3 text boxes and a OK button on it. Asking for 3 legs of U bar. If 3 text boxes left blank, after pressing OK , user prompt to pick  start point of leg 1 and direction ,and then asking for leg 2 length and direction ( user are not allowed for any other angle other than 90, since this is supposed to be U shape , and finally the last leg,  3 dummy lines would be drawn on screen to allow user to see what the shape  looks like, by picking  3rd point all those 3 dummy lines would be replaced by actual dynamic block. If user fills the lengths in textboxes on form then  after pressing ok program will prompt just for insertion point and angle of block and block would be place with right leg lengths. If user left any leg  length blank in text boxes program should ask for that leg on drawing. If in the middle of this step  user press cancel then program will carry to next step
3-   User is prompted to pick a point and an angle on screen for putting text. Let’s put Object ID in that text and call It JJTEXT. Something unique which would be a Unique ID in the external Access Database? This JJTEXT would be a record in external Database. I have a question here. Is it true after any drawing closing and opening Object ID’s would be changed? If that is a case I need a unique number for JJTEXT,to be able to be connected to external Database.
4-   By executing BBB command, user are able to attach more objects  to  JJTEXT.  It could be any objects and it could be 20 of them tops.
5-   If user trying to copy any of these linked objects, then a message box needed. The whole idea is user should be aware they are not regular AutoCAD objects. And if user confirms the copy, then again a message box needed showing Object ID. So this will trigger another subroutine  for another export to external Database.
6-   By executing command CCC, user prompted to pick any of linked objects and then prompted to pick a point and angle and then the block would be placed, using the dimensions of original JJTEXT,nothing will be exported.
7-   If user double click on JJTEXT or  Block or those additional linked objects, Then main forms pops up and if user change dimension then legs would be changed on drawing accordingly, Even for those block which were inserted by command CCC.
8-   If user trying to delete any of these linked objects then all of them should be deleted from drawing  and then need a message box for JJTEXT object ID, So I can find it in external Database and delete it.
9-   If user trying to change the legs either  by using  grips or stretch, then need a message box again showing the JJtext Object ID, So I can check the external Database and update the record there.
10-   Blocks could not be exploded or renamed.



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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2011, 02:38:53 AM »
Not too much.and I know I don't have to. See uploaded file.

Jeff H

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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2011, 04:06:48 AM »
I hope I did not say anything that made you feel you needed to donate or,
made you think a donation would result in anyone developing the application for you.

but is this drawing a basic idea or is some of the concepts you are looking for.

If you change length of line the text updates after regen not both ways
Moves the text seperate from block
Text and Block(Both are part of Block) delete at same time etc......
To add more insert Ushape1

Use REGEN to update the lengths!


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2011, 04:13:36 AM »
Not too much.and I know I don't have to. See uploaded file.

Thanks for the donation! I'll add you to the list of donors. 8-)  (serving the CAD community since 2003)

Jeff H

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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2011, 04:54:07 AM »
This will change all lengths with Distance1 parameter to 25

just testing and seeing what is avaiable through .NET API

I guess this is the only way to access the these properties

Code: [Select]

            public void DynamicBlocksThingy()
                Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
                Database db = doc.Database;
                Editor ed = doc.Editor;

                using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())

                    BlockTable bt = db.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                    foreach (ObjectId objId in bt)
                        BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)objId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead);

                        if (btr.IsDynamicBlock)
                            ObjectIdCollection brefObjidColl = btr.GetBlockReferenceIds(true, true);
                            ObjectIdCollection anonObjIdsColl = btr.GetAnonymousBlockIds();

                            foreach (ObjectId anonObjId in anonObjIdsColl)
                                BlockTableRecord btrAnon = (BlockTableRecord)anonObjId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead);
                                ObjectIdCollection ObjidColl = btrAnon.GetBlockReferenceIds(true, true);
                                foreach (ObjectId Id in ObjidColl)

                            foreach (ObjectId brefObjId in brefObjidColl)
                                BlockReference bref = brefObjId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockReference;
                                DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection dynBrefColl = bref.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection;
                                foreach (DynamicBlockReferenceProperty dynBrefProps in dynBrefColl)
                                    if (dynBrefProps.PropertyName == "Distance1")
                                        dynBrefProps.Value = 25.0;


Need to start planning and testing on how to link objects


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2011, 10:28:55 AM »
The original program   was created in ObjetArx. the original code was disappeared after he was laid off.
Something that I don't see right or buy:
- What happen to the source code?, was not own by the company?
- If it is/was why they don't ask to get it back?
- Don't think that a corporation or company will simple leave that without doing anything.
- I have done several projects/solutions and all of the contracts agreements, there is a clause about giving them 90 days after termination, to keep track or backup of their solutions.

Are you going to mention to them about using TheSwamp as a resource? and that will be getting help here?

After the above, post a drawing or image sample of the desired or final output/result product - I am just curios.


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2011, 04:04:13 PM »
I hope I did not say anything that made you feel you needed to donate or,
made you think a donation would result in anyone developing the application for you.

but is this drawing a basic idea or is some of the concepts you are looking for.

If you change length of line the text updates after regen not both ways
Moves the text seperate from block
Text and Block(Both are part of Block) delete at same time etc......
To add more insert Ushape1

Use REGEN to update the lengths!

That donation was unnoticeable and was just to help this site to be alive.
You helped me several time before and I learned from you.
The basic Idea is right. That is almost what I want.
Thanks again .

Yes Je


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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2011, 04:21:57 PM »
The original program   was created in ObjetArx. the original code was disappeared after he was laid off.
Something that I don't see right or buy:
- What happen to the source code?, was not own by the company?
- If it is/was why they don't ask to get it back?
- Don't think that a corporation or company will simple leave that without doing anything.
- I have done several projects/solutions and all of the contracts agreements, there is a clause about giving them 90 days after termination, to keep track or backup of their solutions.

Are you going to mention to them about using TheSwamp as a resource? and that will be getting help here?

After the above, post a drawing or image sample of the desired or final output/result product - I am just curios.

I guess my comment was not read. This company is a old fashion company. The machine, they are using in
the Production, to read excel is a 486 processor.
Personally My father has no clue about what is source code and what is a compiled executable Code.
when he left company , what he gave owner  was a cd. No contact . No nothing.
Even the program is designed just to work on 2 machines,How  No clue.I decided to update the O.S.
After  formatting Hard drive,the program didn't work. I think it reads the Hard drive somehow. I am scared to
touch the other one. That is what is going on.
These guys used to do everything by hand.
And I am a victim here with a time limitation. I am not gonna mention do them I got help here.
I am honest.If you are on job and reading a book to get help.Do you mention it?
If I get a right start up here, it is like reading a book.
Personally I don't see any book around Market.
Except for Jerry's book which I bought and could understand it .
I learned more just by pating the code from forums and play with them .
So please be positive and try to help me and my family.


  • Water Moccasin
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Re: Need Help Urget - will pay.
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2011, 05:34:09 PM »

I am not gonna mention do them I got help here.
I am honest.


This is going to sound harsh, but it really is the best thing to do and will help you later: TELL THEM YOU CAN'T DO IT.  NOW.
If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.

try {GreatPower;}
   catch (notResponsible)