Author Topic: VBA'S (lack of a) FUTURE  (Read 19127 times)

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Re: VBA'S (lack of a) FUTURE
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2010, 08:41:01 PM »
Interesting, I thought it the other way around.. IMHO C# has the more important features such as unsafe

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Adoption and community support
Both C# and VB.NET have high adoption rates, and very active developer communities and Microsoft fully supports both communities. Most .NET Framework developers use only VB.NET.[10] However, C# does have an advantage in terms of the level of community activity on the Internet and there are more books available for C#.

Examples of community and industry adoption include:

A 2007 Forrester Research poll revealed that 59% of .NET developers used only VB.NET to create software.[10]
Visual Basic Express is the most popular download of all the Visual Studio Express downloads.[11]
An original C# language designer, Scott Wiltamuth, stated in a March 2010 blog that the "most reliable numbers we have... show roughly equal adoption" for VB.NET and C#.[12]
According to a survey conducted by Visual Studio Magazine "41 percent said they used C#, 34 percent programmed in VB.NET, while 25 percent responded with 'other.'"[11]
Stephen Wiley, marketing product manager at Apress has reported "C# titles outsell VB.NET title books handily, by somewhere between a 2–1 and 3–1 margin."[11]
MSDN Blogs, the blogging site for Microsoft employees, has 27,500 posts that discuss C#, while only 8,880 mention VB.Net (as of November 15, 2007)
Google Groups, a Usenet search engine, returns 36,900 hits for "VB .Net", and 65,700 for C# returns 9,923 hits for C#, and 2,149 hits for "Visual Basic .Net" (as of November 15, 2007).
Telerik Survey 2008 suggested that C# (63%) had surpassed VB.NET (34%) as the primary programming language.[13]
Telerik Survey 2009 suggested that C# (69%) further strengthens its dominance over VB.NET (30%) as the primary programming language.[13]


  • King Gator
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Re: VBA'S (lack of a) FUTURE
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2010, 10:29:53 PM »
I think what Daniel eluded to before - the cloud - is more relevant to future development and I can see a very low level language for the engine/server side with HLL's such as Python or .net being the choice for client side customisations. The cloud is the answer for software vendors to lock in sales and licensing, no login no usey :)
In theory this is the best solution all around but of course, unless web performance and connection speeds are up to it I don't think all client side users will be too happy with this, in the near future anyway.

I'd love to own the first company to produce a high performance feature and widget rich browser GUI SDK :)
"Programming is really just the mundane aspect of expressing a solution to a problem."
- John Carmack

"Short cuts make long delays,' argued Pippin.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien


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Re: VBA'S (lack of a) FUTURE
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2010, 11:07:31 PM »
I'd love to own the first company to produce a high performance feature and widget rich browser GUI SDK :)


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3657
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Re: VBA'S (lack of a) FUTURE
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2010, 12:01:11 AM »
Yup, I even had them in mind as I wrote that post, I thought google would be the leader here, I guess it's early days yet though.
"Programming is really just the mundane aspect of expressing a solution to a problem."
- John Carmack

"Short cuts make long delays,' argued Pippin.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien