Author Topic: Issuing XREFs  (Read 4791 times)

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Issuing XREFs
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2004, 03:46:46 PM »
Quote from: CADaver
Don't get used to it ;)

Unfortunately I am, wet ****** pants are an everyday hazard for me ;-)


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Issuing XREFs
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2004, 04:53:54 PM »
Quote from: MikePerry
Quote from: CADaver
Don't get used to it ;)

Unfortunately I am, wet ****** pants are an everyday hazard for me ;-)
Ya' kow "Depends" now comes in a "Scratch-n-Sniff" version, ask Dent, he knows all about 'em.


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Issuing XREFs
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2004, 01:37:31 PM »
Try this way...

use this code to create a script file (.scr)

Code: [Select]

(COMMAND "_qsave")
(command "-etransmit" "Z" (strcat "C:/ETRANSMIT/"(getvar "dwgname")) "" "YES" "NO" "NO" "NO" "NO" "")

Create a directory on your C drive named Etransmit (this is where the script file will put the Zip files.

open your master XREF file (the one that you xref all the drawings to before xrefing to your issue sheet...if you do it that way)

run the script on the master xref file. This way everything that the xref needs will be there in one zip file. Name the file somethign easy though the Non-cad people know that that file is for Xrefs only..I just name it

do that to all the master Xref files you need. (1st floor, 2 nd floor, 3rd...)

then just grab all your Issue sheets and throw them in a ZIP called Issued Project

When emailed tell them to unzip all the files to the same directory. this way all the xrefs will find each other and you dont need to worry about paths and crap. YOu will probabaly have same files in multiple zips so tell them to overwrite when the option comeup. This way they will have the current stuff.

If this doesnt work...screw em send them DWF files and really screw with them!

They eaiest way to do it just etransmit your issue sheets, extract all files to same directory..BAM your done, they just need to know what sheets are your project sheets but that should be obvious due to the xrefs wont have Titleblocks on them, or page numbers for that matter.