Author Topic: Triangulation (re-visited)  (Read 343228 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 32
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2011, 04:44:11 PM »
Thanks Elpanov, works great


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2011, 01:59:52 PM »
program with the corrections:

You are still missing triangles on the convex hull Evgenyi.



  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2011, 03:04:57 PM »
You are still missing triangles on the convex hull Evgenyi.


show the test point cloud


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2011, 04:42:13 PM »
Code: [Select]
((1652.17 356.759 446.623) (1666.15 431.163 -353.053) (1688.64 379.861 -372.616) (1708.17 888.849 489.959)
 (1763.96 799.643 117.206) (1811.9 678.149 -387.295) (1818.56 140.657 -256.432) (1883.13 226.078 -79.1498)
 (1888.23 124.665 122.761) (1900.26 864.281 -41.0016) (1950.15 730.671 -164.785) (1979.73 671.496 -19.8523)
 (2031.64 260.656 -497.925) (2069.42 69.732 -278.069) (2071.19 123.139 -183.401) (2096.73 383.737 -280.053)
 (2173.55 135.927 283.044) (2241.51 1048.67 47.7767) (2298.4 460.399 211.447) (2304.6 871.301 -156.27)
 (2441.41 517.957 -411.649) (2455.6 695.636 -390.896) (2462.35 249.15 99.3225) (2585.43 387.857 201.498)
 (2591.77 477.032 100.238) (-17456.9 -419.739 0.0) (2121.97 20138.0 0.0) (21700.8 -419.739 0.0))

Same point cloud as on reply #16 in this thread, Evgenyi

You still miss two small triangle on the outside



  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1637
  • Ukraine
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2011, 07:06:52 PM »
program with the corrections:
can you provide a test points list which will show the difference between old and new versions?


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2011, 01:18:57 AM »
can you provide a test points list which will show the difference between old and new versions?

Code: [Select]
(foreach p '((2516.06 458.26 0.0)
             (2520.33 508.832 0.0)
             (2563.56 516.802 0.0)
             (2562.18 470.832 0.0)
             (2594.14 435.458 0.0)
             (2614.14 445.705 0.0)
             (2611.41 488.645 0.0)
 (entmakex (list '(0 . "point") (cons 10 p)))


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1637
  • Ukraine
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2011, 04:19:20 AM »
now i see, thanx


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #52 on: May 29, 2011, 10:29:26 PM »
In order  to generate contours, I have modified Piazza's Triangulate to work with pointers into ptlst instead of coordinates.

That is the trianglelst is now stored as '(((4 0 2) nil) ((4 2 3) nil) ((3 2 1) T) ((2 0 1) T)) where (nth 4 ptlst) are the coordinates of the first vertex of
the first  triangle.

From trianglelst I now generates an edges list edgelst of the form:
     '((4 0) (0 2) (2 4) (4 2) (2 3) (3 4) (3 2) (2 1) (1 3) (2 0) (0 1) (1 2))

Again we have pointers into ptlst.

With this I can follow triangle from one to the other by finding the reverse of an edge.
That is edge (0 2) is neighbor with edge (2 0).  If there is no reverse it means that we are on
the outside (convex hull) of the triangulation.

We also know that a contour crosses a triangle on two edges except in the case where one
or both points defining an edge are exactly on the level of the contour.

Anyway, here is the modified routine :
Code: [Select]
; TRIANGULATE - Lisp command to create a TIN from 3D points.                  ;
; ===========                                                            ;
;                                                                        ;
; Written by Daniele Piazza, ADN member Mechanical Solution s.r.l.       ;
;                                              ;
;                                                                        ;
; Original C coding "Triangulate"  written by PAUL BOURKE                ;
;            ;
;                                                                        ;
; This program triangulates an irregular set of points.                       ;
; You can replace some code (sorting, list manipulation,...) with        ;
; VLisp functions to reduce the execution time.                          ;
;                                                                        ;
; This code is not seriously tested, if you find a bug...sorry!!          ;
; Goodbye, Daniele                                                        ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;  Changes by CAB 03/13/06                                              ;
;;  Replaced the GETCIRCIRCUMCIRCLE routine                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;; Changes by ymg :                                                      ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Modified FINDSUPERTRIANGLE      19/05/2011                              ;
;;and PURGETRIANGLELST            19/05/2011                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Removed recursion in NTH_SUBST  19/05/2011                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Reverted to original GETCIRCIRCUMCIRCLE routine and changed it's       ;
;;name to GETCIRCUMCIRCLE         22/05/2011                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Modified so that trianglelst and edgelst are now list of                ;
;;indices into ptlst.             25/05/2011                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Removed EQUALMEMBER             25/05/2011                              ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;For Contour generation:                                                ;
;;                                                                        ;
;;Added GETEDGELST                28/05/2011                              ;
;;Added GETCROSSEDEGDGE   28/05/2011                              ;
;;Added MAKE_CONTOUR              28/05/2011                              ;
;;       ;

(defun C:TRIANGULATE (/ ss1   nv      
      i j   k
      circle    pt   flag
      ptlst     edgelst   trianglelst
      oldcmd    oldsnap   supertriangle
      triangle  start     think-cnt
      intv      zmax      zmin

   (setq OLDCMD (getvar "CMDECHO"))
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (command ".UNDO" "GROUP")
   (setq OLDSNAP (getvar "OSMODE"))
   (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
   (princ "\nSelect points...")
   (setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "POINT"))))
   (setq start (car (_VL-TIMES))
   (setq ptlst (getptlist ss1))
   (setq ptlst (xsort ptlst))
   (setq nv (length ptlst))
   (setq supertriangle (findsupertriangle ptlst))     
   (setq ptlst (append ptlst supertriangle))         
   (setq supertriangle (list nv (1+ nv) (+ 2 nv)))   
   (setq trianglelst (list(list supertriangle nil))) 
   (setq i 0) 
   (while (< i nv)
      (THINKING (strcat "Processing TIN - " (itoa (/ (* i 100) nv)) "%    ") think-cnt)
      (setq pt (nth i ptlst))
      (setq edgelst nil)
      (setq j 0)
      (while  (and trianglelst (setq triangle (car(nth j trianglelst))))
   (setq flag T)
   (if (not (cadr (nth j trianglelst)))
(setq circle (GETCIRCUMCIRCLE triangle ptlst))         
   ((< (+ (caar circle) (cadr circle)) (car pt)) 
       (setq trianglelst (nth_subst j (list (car (nth j trianglelst)) T) trianglelst))
   ((isinside pt circle)
       (setq edgelst (addtriangleedges triangle edgelst)
     trianglelst (nth_del j trianglelst)
     flag nil

   (if flag (setq j (1+ j)))
      (setq edgelst (removedoublyedges edgelst))
      (setq trianglelst (addnewtriangles i edgelst trianglelst))
      (setq i (1+ i))
   (setq trianglelst (purgetrianglelst trianglelst supertriangle))
   (repeat 3
      (setq ptlst (vl-remove (last ptlst) ptlst))
   (foreach triangle (mapcar 'car trianglelst)
      (drawtriangle triangle ptlst)
   ;; Now we set-up to trace the contour                                      ;
   (setq edgelst (GETEDGELST trianglelst)
            zmax (apply 'max (mapcar 'caddr ptlst))
    zmin (apply 'min (mapcar 'caddr ptlst))
    intv 1
    zmin (+ (fix zmin) intv)
    zmax (fix zmax)
   (MAKE_CONTOUR zmin zmax intv edgelst ptlst)

   (setvar "OSMODE" OLDSNAP)
   (setq OLDSNAP nil)
   (command ".UNDO" "END")
   (princ (strcat "\r TIN Complete - Elapsed time: " (rtos (/ (- (car (_VL-TIMES)) start) 1000.) 2 4) " secs."))
   (setvar "CMDECHO" OLDCMD)

;; XSORT       ;
;;       ;
;;  Original Shell Sort function replaced with VLISP sort (much quicker :-)   ;
;;                                                                            ;

(defun XSORT ( PTLST /)
  (vl-sort PTLST (function (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))))

; NTH_DEL       ;
;       ;
; delete the n item in the list (by position, not by value!!)       ;
;       ;

(defun NTH_DEL (N LST / l)
   (repeat n
      (setq l (cons (car lst) l)
    lst (cdr lst)
   (append (reverse l) (cdr lst))

;(defun NTH_DEL (index lista)
; (setq i -1)
; (apply 'append (mapcar '(lambda (x)
;                                (if (= (setq i (+ 1 i)) index)
;                                    nil
;                                    (list x)
;                                )
;                         )
;                lista
;               )
; )

; NTH_SUBST       ;
;       ;
; Replace the index element in the list with new element.       ;
;                       ;
;       ;

(defun NTH_SUBST (n new lst / l)
      ((minusp n) lst)
      ((zerop n)(cons new (cdr lst)))
      (t  (repeat n
             (setq l   (cons (car lst) l)
           lst (cdr lst)
          (append (reverse l) (list new) (cdr lst))
;Need to check that one for speed
;(defun NTH_SUBST (n new lst / i)
; (setq i -1)
; (mapcar '(lambda (x)
;           (if (= (setq i (+ 1 i)) n)
;            new
;            x
;           )
;          )
;  lst
; )

; GETPTLIST       ;
;       ;
; sset -> list (p1 p2 p3 ... pn)       ;
;       ;

(defun GETPTLIST (ss1 / i pt ptlst)
   (setq i 0)
   (if (not (zerop (sslength ss1)))
(repeat (sslength ss1)
     (setq ptlst (cons (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname ss1 i)))) ptlst)
               i (1+ i)

;       ;
; Search the supertriangle that contain all points in the data set      ;
;       ;
(defun FINDSUPERTRIANGLE (ptlst / xmax   xmin   ymax   ymin
  dmax   xmid   ymid   x1     x2     x3
  y1     y2     y3   
   (setq xmax (apply 'max (mapcar 'car ptlst))
xmin (apply 'min (mapcar 'car ptlst))
ymax (apply 'max (mapcar 'cadr ptlst))
ymin (apply 'min (mapcar 'cadr ptlst))
dmax (max (- xmax xmin) (- ymax ymin))
xmid (* (+ xmax xmin) 0.5)
ymid (* (+ ymax ymin) 0.5)
   x1 (- xmid (* dmax 20.0)) ;modified ymg
   y1 (- ymid dmax)

   x2 xmid
   y2 (+ ymid (* dmax 20.0)) ;modified ymg

   x3 (+ xmid (* dmax 20.0)) ;modified ymg
   y3 (- ymid dmax)

   (list (list x1 y1 0.0) (list x2 y2 0.0) (list x3 y3 0.0))

;;          GETCIRCUMCIRCLE                                                   ;
;;       ;
;;    Find circle passing through three points                                ;
;;       ;

(defun GETCIRCUMCIRCLE (triangle ptlst / p1 p2 p3 p1x p2x p3x
                 p1y p2y p3y d xc yc rad)
 (setq p1 (nth (car triangle) ptlst)
       p2 (nth (cadr triangle) ptlst)
       p3 (nth (caddr triangle) ptlst)
       p1x (car p1) p1y (cadr p1)
       p2x (car p2) p2y (cadr p2)
       p3x (car p3) p3y (cadr p3)
       d (* 2.0 (+ (* p1y p3x)
                   (* p2y p1x)
                   (- (* p2y p3x))
                   (- (* p1y p2x))
                   (- (* p3y p1x))
                   (* p3y p2x)
       xc (/ (+ (* p2y p1x p1x )
                (- (* p3y p1x p1x))
                (- (* p2y p2y p1y))
                (* p3y p3y p1y)
                (* p2x p2x p3y)
                (* p1y p1y p2y)
                (* p3x p3x p1y)
                (- (* p3y p3y p2y))
                (- (* p3x p3x p2y))
                (- (* p2x p2x p1y))
                (* p2y p2y p3y)
                (- (* p1y p1y p3y))
       yc (/ (+ (* p1x p1x p3x)
                (* p1y p1y p3x)
                (* p2x p2x p1x)
                (- (* p2x p2x p3x))
                (* p2y p2y p1x)
                (- (* p2y p2y p3x))
                (- (* p1x p1x p2x))
                (- (* p1y p1y p2x))
                (- (* p3x p3x p1x))
                (* p3x p3x p2x)
                (- (* p3y p3y p1x))
                (* p3y p3y p2x)
       rad (sqrt (+ (* (- p1x xc)(- p1x xc))
                    (* (- p1y yc)(- p1y yc))
 (list (list xc yc) rad)

; ISINSIDE       ;
;       ;
; test if pt is inside a circle       ;
;       ;
(defun ISINSIDE (pt circle)
  (< (distance pt (car circle)) (cadr circle))

; ADDTRIANGLEEDGES               ;
;       ;
; add triangle edges at the edge queue       ;
;       ;
(defun ADDTRIANGLEEDGES (triangle edgelst)
   (append edgelst (list (list (car triangle)  (cadr triangle))
                         (list (cadr triangle) (caddr triangle))
                         (list (caddr triangle) (car triangle))

;       ;
; the fun side of the algorithm. Draw triangulation.       ;
;       ;
(defun DRAWTRIANGLE (triangle ptlst /)
  (entmake (list (cons 0 "3DFACE")
(cons 8 "TIN")
(cons 10 (nth (car triangle)   ptlst))
(cons 11 (nth (caddr triangle) ptlst))
                 (cons 12 (nth (cadr triangle)  ptlst))
(cons 13 (nth (cadr triangle)  ptlst))

;       ;
; Test the edge queue to remove duplicates (warning CW & CCW!)       ;
;       ;

(defun REMOVEDOUBLYEDGES (edgelst / j k)

   (setq j 0)
   (while (< j (length edgelst))
      (setq k (1+ j))
      (while (< k (length edgelst))
    (or (and (= (car (nth j edgelst)) (car (nth k edgelst)))
     (= (cadr (nth j edgelst)) (cadr (nth k edgelst)))
(and (= (car (nth j edgelst)) (cadr (nth k edgelst)))
     (= (cadr (nth j edgelst)) (car (nth k edgelst)))
      (setq edgelst (nth_subst j nil edgelst)
    edgelst (nth_subst k nil edgelst)
(setq k (1+ k))
      (setq j (1+ j))


;       ;
; Add new triangle generated by pt to triangle list.       ;
;       ;

(defun ADDNEWTRIANGLES (pt edgelst trianglelst / j triangle)
   (setq j 0)
   (repeat (length edgelst)
      (if (nth j edgelst)
  (setq triangle    (append (cons pt (nth j edgelst)))
        trianglelst (cons (list triangle nil) trianglelst)
      (setq j (1+ j))

;       ;
; replace all triangles that share a vertex with supertriangle       ;
;       ;

(defun PURGETRIANGLELST (trianglelst supertriangle / a b j triangle)
   (setq j 0)
   (repeat (length trianglelst)
      (setq triangle (car (nth j trianglelst)))
         (apply 'or (mapcar '(lambda (a) (apply 'or (mapcar '(lambda (b) (= b a )) supertriangle)))

   (setq trianglelst (nth_del j trianglelst))
   (setq j (1+ j))

;;           GETEDGELST       ;
;;       ;
;;   Create list of EDGES of all triangles in trianglelst.       ;
;;       ;

(defun GETEDGELST (trianglelst / edgelst neighlst)
   (setq edgelst nil)
   (foreach tr trianglelst
      (setq edgelst (cons (list (caar tr)(cadar tr)) edgelst)
    edgelst (cons (list (cadar tr)(caddar tr)) edgelst)
    edgelst (cons (list (caddar tr)(caar tr)) edgelst)

;;      GETCROSSEDEGDGE       ;
;;       ;
;;Traverses the edges list and creates a list of edges that are crossed by a  ;
;;contour level.  It then follows contlst from neigbour to neighbor until it  ;
;;reaches the exterior of the TIN or the starting point.       ;
;;       ;
;;Returns crossedlst which contains list of edges.       ;
;;       ;

(defun GETCROSSEDEDGE (lev edgelst ptlst / e pos nxt contlst lwplst
        z1 z2 crossedlst)
   (setq contlst nil)
   (foreach e edgelst
      (setq z1 (caddr (nth (car e) ptlst))
    z2 (caddr (nth (cadr e) ptlst))
      (if (= z1 lev) (setq z1 (+ z1 1e-8)))
      (if (= z2 lev) (setq z2 (+ z2 1e-8)))
      (if (or (< z1 lev z2)(> z1 lev z2))   
          (setq contlst (cons e contlst))
   (setq crossedlst nil)     
   (while contlst
      (setq pos 0)
      ;;Find an edge on the convex hull and start from it if none start at last pos in contlst
      (while (and (member (reverse (nth pos contlst)) contlst) (< pos (1- (length contlst))))
(setq pos (1+ pos))
      (setq  lwplst (list (nth pos contlst))
    contlst (nth_del pos contlst)
                pos (- pos (rem pos 2))
             lwplst (cons (nth pos contlst) lwplst)
        nxt (reverse (car lwplst))
    contlst (nth_del pos contlst)
      (while (and (setq pos (vl-position nxt contlst)) (not (member nxt lwplst)))
    ((> (length contlst) 1)
            (setq contlst (nth_del pos contlst)
                  pos (- pos (rem pos 2))
                         lwplst (cons (nth pos contlst) lwplst)
      nxt (reverse (car lwplst))
      contlst (nth_del pos contlst)
    (t (setq lwplst  (cons (nth pos contlst) lwplst)
     contlst (nth_del pos contlst)
      (setq crossedlst (cons lwplst crossedlst))

;;              MAKE_CONTOUR               ;
;;       ;
;; Creates LWPolylines from the edgelst         ;
;;       ;

(defun MAKE_CONTOUR (zmin zmax intv edgelst ptlst /
     lwplst lev edge p1 p2 d pt tmp)

   (setq lev zmin)
   (repeat (fix (/ (- zmax zmin) intv))
   (setq lwplst (GETCROSSEDEDGE lev edgelst ptlst))
   (foreach pline lwplst
      (setq tmp nil)
      (foreach edge pline
(setq   p1 (nth (car  edge) ptlst)
           p2 (nth (cadr edge) ptlst)
                            r (/ (- l (caddr p1)) (- (caddr p2) (caddr p1)));Modified june 2013
                         p1 (list (car p1)(cadr p1))                                 ; Calculation of contour was incorrect
           p2 (list (car p2)(cadr p2))                   
          d (* (distance p1 p2) r)
         pt (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) d)
pt (list (car pt)(cadr pt))
        tmp (cons (cons 10 pt) tmp)
      (setq tmp (cons (cons 38 lev) tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 43 0.0) tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 70 0) tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 90 (length pline)) tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 8 "Contour") tmp)
    tmp (cons (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") tmp)
   (entmake tmp)      
   (setq lev (+ lev intv))

;;       THINKING       ;
;;       ;
;;     Standard progress spinner       ;
;;       ;

(defun THINKING (prmpt think-cnt)
   (setq think-cnt (1+ think-cnt))
   (princ (strcat "\r" (nth (rem think-cnt 4) '("\|" "\/" "\-" "\\")) prmpt))

; ********************************* END OF CODING *****************************
(princ "\n'TRIANGULATE' Loaded \n")

It now need to be optimized, probably sorting the edges would help.

Here is the point cloud :

Code: [Select]
(  (1652.17 356.759 16.4)
   (1666.15 431.163 16.1)
   (1688.64 379.861 16.2)
   (1708.17 888.849 13.8)
   (1763.96 799.643 14.1)
   (1818.56 140.657 18.3)
   (1883.13 226.078 18.1)
   (1888.23 124.665 18.8)
   (1900.26 864.281 12.8)
   (1950.15 730.671 12.5)
   (1979.73 671.496 12.1)
   (2031.64 260.656 15.8)
   (2069.42 69.732 22.2)
   (2071.19 123.139 19.8)
   (2096.73 383.737 15.4)
   (2173.55 135.927 20.7)
   (2241.51 1048.67 15.1)
   (2298.4 460.399 12.3)
   (2304.6 871.301 12.0)
   (2441.41 517.957 11.5)
   (2455.6 695.636 10.0)
   (2462.35 249.15 18.3)
   (2585.43 387.857 9.8)
   (2591.77 477.032 9.5)

I have attached an image of the results, not too sure if it will work.  :?

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 06:55:43 PM by ymg »


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2011, 12:48:29 AM »
Very small differences, but actually looks better. :-)
The best test is made ​​with points that are in one of the sought contour. So, if the new curve (polyline) boundary passes over the points, is that the process can be taken for good.
Greetings  :-)
PS. In the dwg , old solution on color 21, new en cyan / blue


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #54 on: May 30, 2011, 02:27:20 AM »
Hello all:
The slopes plan also improves, the changes are more evenly distributed.
Thanks Eugeny. :-)



  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2011, 11:19:15 AM »
Very small differences, but actually looks better.
The best test is made ​​with points that are in one of the sought contour. So, if the new curve (polyline) boundary passes over the points, is that the process can be taken for good.

Holas, Sofito

I did contour your drawing to get an idea of speed. On a 1m. interval took about 15 sec. on my laptop.

However you end up with joined plines at the proper level.  Also I am sure that this could be optimized
and accelerated quite a bit.  Also the triangle list could be destroyed once the edges list is created.

What I did to make the contour pass over the point is to disturb the elevation of the point(s)
by 1e -8 so that the edge is included in the contlst.

I notice on your revised drawing that some of the color 21 contour turn on themselves which is a
big No...No

Will look at it some more.



  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2011, 01:30:17 PM »

I did contour your drawing to get an idea of speed. On a 1m. interval took about 15 sec. on my laptop.<<<< 6 seg in my reasonable , for me.

Also I am sure that this could be optimized <<<< There are 3 or 4 methods ( p.e.geometric general calculation ) that are not highly purified. If you have any interest in something really fast ( productive? ), please write me to e-mail private.

I notice on your revised drawing that some of the color 21 contour turn on themselves which is a
<<<< is a problem that I could not solve. It occurs when there is a flat surface. The contour, effectively, turns on itself. She surrounds the flat area is closed, leaving some segment no possibility of being soldiers. Any idea to resolve it?

Will look at it some more.<<<< It is a fascinating subject


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2011, 03:28:47 PM »
Hello again:
Eugeny: another "extravaganza" of your algorithm ... please watch the yellow circle in extreme of wellow arrow......

Best regards..


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1569
  • Moscow (Russia)
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2011, 04:45:18 PM »
Eugeny: another "extravaganza" of your algorithm ... please watch the yellow circle in extreme of wellow arrow......

I confirm that the program does not give the best result. But I have no need to continue in the near future to work on this program. The program was created for the contest on this site. Problem solver, I have used in the abridged version. All necessary for me, the decisions necessary for me, I already have. I give permission to fully use its program to your goals, including changes to its complement and so on. I ask only to maintain the link in the code for me.

PS. If you need to modify this program, or you want to order from me, a new program for your internal purposes only - please contact me directly offline. I am always ready to consider any offers.

Best Regards, ElpanovEvgeniy


  • Guest
Re: Triangulation (re-visited)
« Reply #59 on: May 30, 2011, 05:11:14 PM »
Hello again:
Evgeny: thanks for the information and the special program.