Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

Object Snap keyboard overide

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I'm in a mess, going back to A2K I have always assigned the number keys at the top of my keyboard to my object snaps.


in my ACAD.mnu file. Doing this would allow me to override my osnap mode to use the OSnap assigned to this key. Now in A2K6, I have been unable to migrate these settings over to my main CUI file. I was told on the AutoDESK discussion forum that A2K6 will not allow anything to be assigned to the number keys at the top of the keyboard.

I am lost, using shift right click slows me down, and using icons slows me down. Is there any way to assign OSnaps to my number keys at the top of my keyboard like I am accustomed to?

I guess that I'm hoping that LISP will do the trick, but I just don't know much about LISP. Just about all I know is from a class that Robert Green taught at AUGI camp in Birmingham, AL a month or so ago.

I am LOST.


I don't have AutoCAD 2006.....

So is not there anymore the section ?:


Where you were able to place something like these ?:


Chuck Gabriel:
I hesitate to mention it, because the currently available version is somewhat broken, but HotKeys will allow you to create keyboard shortcuts like what you are looking for.

I am told the 2004 version works in AutoCAD 2006.

Once it is installed and you have created a keys definition file with the editor, you will need to type KEYSCONFIG at the command line and use the browse button to select your keys definition file (that's the broken part).

Good luck.

I had the guys here help me put together a lisp that'd do what your looking for.
Here it is if your interested.

--- Code: ---;;Written by Hangman    August, 2005
;;This is a Running OSnap Toggle macro lisp
;;  1  ENDpoint
;;  2  MIDpoint
;;  3  CENter
;;  4  NODe
;;  5  QUAdrant
;;  6  INTersection
;;  7  INSertion
;;  8  PERpendicular
;;  9  NEArest
;;  0  OFF

(DEFUN C:1 ()
(DEFUN C:2 ()
(DEFUN C:3 ()
(DEFUN C:4 ()
(DEFUN C:5 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" (BOOLE 6 (GETVAR "OSMODE") 16)); on/off
(DEFUN C:6 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" (BOOLE 6 (GETVAR "OSMODE") 32)); on/off
(DEFUN C:7 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" (BOOLE 6 (GETVAR "OSMODE") 64)); on/off
(DEFUN C:8 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" (BOOLE 6 (GETVAR "OSMODE") 128)); on/off
(DEFUN C:9 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" (BOOLE 6 (GETVAR "OSMODE") 512)); on/off
(DEFUN C:0 ()
  (SETVAR "OSMODE" 0); off

--- End code ---

have you looked at temporary override keys? i keep most of mine on all the time but use shift+i for insert and a couple others i use infrequently.


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