Author Topic: How to create contours  (Read 19109 times)

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How to create contours
« on: October 11, 2005, 09:27:52 AM »
Hey guys,

I am trying to create contours in AutoCad 2000.  I can use 2004 as well but prefer 2000.  Anyway, I have a .txt file with the x,y, and z coordinates already into the drawing.  I got the points from a total station where I had surveyed some land for a project we are working on.  I used to manually interpolate each point and manually put the contours onto the drawing.  The sales rep. who sold us the total station told us it would only take a few minutes to get the info. into cad and create the contours we need.  Now, I have the coordinates and can't get in touch with him to figure out how to get the contours.  This may be an easy fix, but I just can't find it.  I am needing to get this done for my boss and with over 300 points I really don't want to have to go back interpolating each point.  DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO THIS.   PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!



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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2005, 09:33:44 AM »

Windows 11 x64 - AutoCAD /C3D 2023

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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2005, 09:46:14 AM »
thanks Ron,

I checked it out and although it could come in handy it isn't really what I am needing.  It interpolates between two plines that the user has to create.  I am needing somthing that will interpolate between all of the points that I have.  It wouldn't work if I figured the highest elevation contour and the lowest and ran the lisp becauses it would only interpolate between those two plines and not take into consideration all of the other points in between.  Thanks, I appreciate your input.  I use CAD everyday but am by no means an expert at all of the functions.  This is one I have not ever used before I can't seem to get a handle on how to go about it.

Thanks again,



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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2005, 09:51:07 AM »
Post your drawing and I'll take a look at it.

Windows 11 x64 - AutoCAD /C3D 2023

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  • Swamp Rat
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 09:59:28 AM »
In order to generate contours you need a tin and to the best of my knowledge vanilla autocad has never generated tins.

You should also have breaklines and not just points...

I can import and contour those points in about 2 minutes ... but I cannot guarantee the work in any shape form or fashion.


  • Seagull
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 10:13:58 AM »
post the point file please.
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 10:14:40 AM »
I have an old lisp routine that will interpolate betwen x,y,z coordinates but I can''t get it to accept input by selection - only at the command line.  If some lisp guru wants to tackle making it work I will post it.
- edit -
I will just post it . . . there is a reason it may look a bit out of date; it was made for release 10 by a David Kramer (not THE D.K.)

Code: [Select]
(if (= (tblsearch "layer" "intpz") nil)
(command "layer" "m" "intpz" "")
(command "layer" "t" "intpz" "s" "intpz" ""))
(setq êconti (getint "\nEnter countour Interval <1> <2> <5> etc.: "))
(setq êscalez (getint "\nEnter drawing scale <10> <20> <30> etc.: "))
(setvar "pdmode" 35)(setvar "pdsize" (* êscalez -0.1))(setvar "osmode" 64)
(setq êpt1 (getpoint "\nPick first point ")
      êpt2 (getpoint "\nPick second point "))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setq êpt1z (caddr êpt1)
      êpt2z (caddr êpt2))
(if (> êpt1z êpt2z)(flippts))
(setq êdist12 (sqrt (+ (expt (-(car êpt1)(car êpt2)) 2)(expt (-(cadr êpt1)
      (cadr êpt2)) 2)))
      êdeltaz (abs (- êpt1z êpt2z))
      êslopez (/ êdeltaz êdist12)
      êazmuithz (angle êpt1 êpt2)
      êstopz (fix êpt2z)
      êstartz (fix (+ êpt1z 1))
      êremz (rem êstartz êconti))
(while (/= êremz 0) ;*********** TEST FOR COUNTOUR INTERVAL
(setq êstartz (1+ êstartz)
      êremz (rem êstartz êconti))
);end while
(while (<= êstartz êstopz)
(setq êdeltxy (/ (- êstartz êpt1z) êslopez)
      êptxy (polar êpt1 êazmuithz êdeltxy)
      êptxyz (list (car êptxy) (cadr êptxy) êstartz))
(command "point" êptxyz)
(setq êstartz (+ êstartz êconti))
):end while
);end defun

(defun flippts ()
(setq êpt1a êpt1
      êpt1 êpt2
      êpt2 êpt1a
      êpt1za êpt1z
      êpt1z êpt2z
      êpt2z êpt1za)
);end defun
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 10:25:50 AM by Dinosaur »


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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 10:44:16 AM »
Here is the original point file in .txt format.


  • Seagull
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2005, 10:49:16 AM »
Dagnabbit; grrr.

Engineering Technologist • CAD Automation Practitioner
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  • Swamp Rat
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2005, 10:59:25 AM »
Whoa Camel... what did that text file come from?


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 596
Re: How to create contours
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2005, 11:03:08 AM »
MOST of the time point values are exchanged in a format like  PointNumber,Northing,Easting,Elevation, Description  or some variation of those at the rate of 1 point per line


  • Seagull
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2005, 11:04:49 AM »
No no (don't misinterpret my last post) -- my system at work is locked down so tight even a text file is considered to be a download threat.

<insert Rolling Eyes Icon and Chicken Little Quotations here>

Engineering Technologist • CAD Automation Practitioner
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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 596
Re: How to create contours
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2005, 11:07:54 AM »
Well it looks like ...

_+100       _ x+000000000_ y+000000000_ z+000472500_+101       _ x-000043705_ y+000012050_ z+000472045_+102       _ x-000050045_ y-000010710_ z+000472025_+103       _ x-000054855_ y-000028175_ z+000472025_+104       _ x-000014220_ y+000004185_ z+000472370_+105       _ x-000018555_ y-000019635_ z+000472470_+106       _ x-000023180_ y-000036760_ z+000472535_+107       _ x+000014805_ y-000003685_ z+000472550_+108       _ x+000009480_ y-000026615_ z+000472745_+109       _ x+000006580_ y-000044740_ z+000472890_+110       _ x+000042430_ y-000011300_ z+000472880_+111       _ x+000036945_ y-000033530_ z+000472670_+112       _ x+000033415_ y-000050820_ z+000472705_+113       _ x+000076660_ y-000020715_ z+000472960_+114       _ x+000071665_ y-000038510_ z+000473145_+115       _ x+000066960_ y-000056195_ z+000473330_+116       _ x+000077215_ y-000025620_ z+000472680_+117       _ x+000080960_ y-000023075_ z+000472300_+118       _ x+000076380_ y-000041010_ z+000472420_+119       _ x+000071925_ y-000056110_ z+000472560_+120       _ x+000078295_ y-000057990_ z+000474610_+121       _ x+000082385_ y-000042430_ z+000474515_+122       _ x+000087135_ y-000023235_ z+000474340_+123       _ x+000023145_ y-000005150_ z+000472520_+124       _ x+000026525_ y+000032235_ z+000472480_+125       _ x+000041335_ y+000076940_ z+000472465_+126       _ x+000056100_ y+000121575_ z+000472450_+127       _ x+000073395_ y+000174460_ z+000472430_+128       _ x+000081530_ y+000238300_ z+000472230_+129       _ x+000084540_ y+000279050_ z+000471725_+130       _ x+000083370_ y+000279605_ z+000471515_+131       _ x+000095285_ y+000323325_ z+000471485_+132       _ x+000111355_ y+000377930_ z+000471430_+133       _ x+000059585_ y+000394330_ z+000470825_+134       _ x+000047640_ y+000338150_ z+000471215_+135       _ x+000041695_ y+000287090_ z+000472275_+136       _ x+000037400_ y+000261355_ z+000474120_+137       _ x+000037490_ y+000261425_ z+000472270_+138       _ x+000034950_ y+000222775_ z+000472160_+139       _ x+000027810_ y+000202360_ z+000472195_+140       _ x+000012315_ y+000135065_ z+000472175_+141       _ x+000009045_ y+000135935_ z+000472285_+142       _ x+000011460_ y+000150130_ z+000472445_+143       _ x+000003635_ y+000106635_ z+000472165_+144       _ x-000004970_ y+000074875_ z+000472165_+145       _ x-000015750_ y+000040560_ z+000472160_+146       _ x-000025675_ y+000007975_ z+000472165_+147       _ x-000056310_ y+000016115_ z+000471770_+148       _ x-000056295_ y+000016155_ z+000471770_+149       _ x-000047770_ y+000050155_ z+000471915_+150       _ x-000036445_ y+000085140_ z+000471960_+151       _ x-000029780_ y+000125625_ z+000471875_+152       _ x-000030225_ y+000143955_ z+000472135_+153       _ x-000034315_ y+000143860_ z+000472135_+154       _ x+000077215_ y-000025620_ z+000472680_+155       _ x+000094030_ y+000004760_ z+000474215_+156       _ x+000107845_ y+000056805_ z+000474135_+157       _ x+000118510_ y+000099665_ z+000474470_+158       _ x+000118495_ y+000099600_ z+000473380_+159       _ x+000129560_ y+000141345_ z+000473690_+160       _ x+000142190_ y+000191650_ z+000473655_+161       _ x+000150840_ y+000223340_ z+000474225_+162       _ x+000161310_ y+000263935_ z+000474510_+163       _ x+000173165_ y+000309220_ z+000474790_+164       _ x+000185865_ y+000359165_ z+000475100_+165       _ x+000193490_ y+000389815_ z+000474420_+166       _ x+000198100_ y+000408930_ z+000474645_+167       _ x+000198155_ y+000408890_ z+000474640_+168       _ x+000190590_ y+000393305_ z+000473235_+169       _ x+000181905_ y+000363870_ z+000473030_+170       _ x+000168775_ y+000312850_ z+000472595_+171       _ x+000156370_ y+000267180_ z+000472395_+172       _ x+000138475_ y+000201135_ z+000472130_+173       _ x+000123210_ y+000138630_ z+000472035_+174       _ x+000111645_ y+000093105_ z+000471915_+175       _ x+000100395_ y+000050065_ z+000472190_+176       _ x+000089460_ y+000010005_ z+000472135_+177       _ x+000081635_ y-000020845_ z+000472295_+178       _ x+000072210_ y-000018370_ z+000472970_+179       _ x+000082110_ y+000016810_ z+000472625_+180       _ x+000097575_ y+000072890_ z+000472485_+181       _ x+000108830_ y+000108545_ z+000472405_+182       _ x+000118205_ y+000139025_ z+000472550_+183       _ x+000126810_ y+000168320_ z+000472395_+184       _ x+000136465_ y+000195825_ z+000472300_+185       _ x+000140815_ y+000220695_ z+000472500_+186       _ x+000150920_ y+000264390_ z+000472815_+187       _ x+000164205_ y+000313185_ z+000472835_+188       _ x+000177450_ y+000365215_ z+000473060_+189       _ x+000153005_ y+000246275_ z+000472730_+190       _ x+000150595_ y+000247265_ z+000472830_+191       _ x+000114010_ y+000106830_ z+000472750_+192       _ x+000105085_ y+000082060_ z+000472735_+193       _ x+000115350_ y+000103240_ z+000472615_+194       _ x+000110355_ y+000079525_ z+000472645_+195       _ x+000102950_ y+000070870_ z+000473260_+196       _ x+000090055_ y+000039205_ z+000472590_+197       _ x+000087500_ y+000036130_ z+000472660_+198       _ x+000087570_ y+000016085_ z+000472760_+199       _ x+000086985_ y+000022045_ z+000473010_+200       _ x+000102950_ y+000070870_ z+000473260_+201       _ x+000082725_ y+000066125_ z+000472320_+202       _ x+000077810_ y+000069205_ z+000472620_+203       _ x+000043755_ y+000063650_ z+000472485_+204       _ x+000143375_ y+000215375_ z+000472790_+205       _ x+000143375_ y+000215375_ z+000472790_+206       _ x+000019700_ y+000190870_ z+000472465_+207       _ x+000097165_ y+000191755_ z+000472440_+208       _ x+000107460_ y+000222175_ z+000472400_+209       _ x+000119690_ y+000254305_ z+000472440_+210       _ x+000172095_ y+000373920_ z+000473145_+211       _ x+000172095_ y+000373920_ z+000473145_+212       _ x+000129670_ y+000321010_ z+000472105_+213       _ x+000093475_ y+000330060_ z+000471515_+214       _ x+000071010_ y+000334775_ z+000471330_+215       _ x+000079260_ y+000352575_ z+000471265_+216       _ x+000109305_ y+000356820_ z+000471760_+217       _ x+000140855_ y+000351935_ z+000472330_+218       _ x+000156280_ y+000374085_ z+000472575_+219       _ x+000164645_ y+000398100_ z+000472445_+220       _ x+000180330_ y+000426765_ z+000472825_+221       _ x+000180330_ y+000426765_ z+000472825_+222       _ x+000168375_ y+000418110_ z+000472330_+223       _ x+000135350_ y+000428810_ z+000471615_+224       _ x+000099000_ y+000440780_ z+000470975_+225       _ x+000063530_ y+000451860_ z+000470970_+226       _ x+000073250_ y+000465225_ z+000468530_+227       _ x+000044070_ y+000473640_ z+000468575_+228       _ x+000094750_ y+000460390_ z+000469190_+229       _ x+000119685_ y+000452200_ z+000469765_+230       _ x+000146145_ y+000444130_ z+000470885_+231       _ x+000182765_ y+000439075_ z+000471755_+232       _ x+000073565_ y+000481700_ z+000471485_+233       _ x+000114015_ y+000462815_ z+000472235_+234       _ x+000152505_ y+000452480_ z+000472460_+235       _ x+000164445_ y+000486020_ z+000473390_+236       _ x+000173810_ y+000522095_ z+000473710_+237       _ x+000185735_ y+000569310_ z+000474050_+238       _ x+000201460_ y+000617650_ z+000474160_+239       _ x+000210720_ y+000650020_ z+000474110_+240       _ x+000220905_ y+000690950_ z+000473725_+241       _ x+000232885_ y+000737950_ z+000474160_+242       _ x+000260860_ y+000718205_ z+000475605_+243       _ x+000269195_ y+000699795_ z+000475705_+244       _ x+000259690_ y+000736605_ z+000475545_+245       _ x+000251310_ y+000719070_ z+000475010_+246       _ x+000249790_ y+000737350_ z+000474700_+247       _ x+000265475_ y+000688105_ z+000475165_+248       _ x+000290315_ y+000670845_ z+000475945_+249       _ x+000284885_ y+000662290_ z+000475560_+250       _ x+000242345_ y+000719565_ z+000474130_+251       _ x+000226905_ y+000693235_ z+000472960_+252       _ x+000213685_ y+000645165_ z+000473240_+253       _ x+000202250_ y+000602880_ z+000473455_+254       _ x+000188960_ y+000555085_ z+000472910_+255       _ x+000177970_ y+000515650_ z+000472880_+256       _ x+000163500_ y+000465095_ z+000472090_+257       _ x+000184235_ y+000458255_ z+000472930_+258       _ x+000196000_ y+000498930_ z+000473295_+259       _ x+000206330_ y+000544105_ z+000473395_+260       _ x+000220270_ y+000600385_ z+000473920_+261       _ x+000233190_ y+000647395_ z+000473860_+262       _ x+000251830_ y+000688980_ z+000474310_+263       _ x+000272530_ y+000662770_ z+000474790_+264       _ x+000260105_ y+000620635_ z+000473860_+265       _ x+000275070_ y+000620930_ z+000474385_+266       _ x+000284625_ y+000617475_ z+000474390_+267       _ x+000267730_ y+000584015_ z+000474680_+268       _ x+000245410_ y+000587105_ z+000474175_+269       _ x+000225535_ y+000587565_ z+000473850_+270       _ x+000214205_ y+000541955_ z+000473475_+271       _ x+000231930_ y+000534320_ z+000473550_+272       _ x+000241695_ y+000528815_ z+000473935_+273       _ x+000233545_ y+000494845_ z+000473585_+274       _ x+000217350_ y+000497805_ z+000473190_+275       _ x+000200830_ y+000498760_ z+000473320_+276       _ x+000192190_ y+000461535_ z+000473130_+277       _ x+000207630_ y+000454675_ z+000473025_+278       _ x+000212125_ y+000468255_ z+000473010_+279       _ x+000215815_ y+000476440_ z+000473040_+280       _ x+000199405_ y+000427045_ z+000473740_+281       _ x+000199400_ y+000418430_ z+000473840_                                                             


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  • Seagull
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2005, 11:11:53 AM »
Well it looks like ...

Looks like the "sales rep" may be talking about some other software he may have sold him.  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • Seagull
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Re: How to create contours
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2005, 11:12:23 AM »
Thanks Swift. So the original file has no carriage returns or is that a by-product of posting to the swamp?
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