Author Topic: Sheet Naming Convention  (Read 2772 times)

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Sheet Naming Convention
« on: August 05, 2005, 09:45:31 AM »
I am mostly interested in the Architects on this one but I won't complain if someone else gives their 2c.

How do you guys number your Sheets in a drawing set.  For ever and ever we have numbered our sheets starting at A1 and continuing consecutively until we hit the end, say A1 A2 A3....A45 A46.  Well many times we might have to add a sheet in the middle and cause all the sheets after that to be renumbered causing all references in the set to be renumbered...I think you see where this going.  The Boss now wants to number our sheets so that they are broken into groups (ie. Overall plans, 1/4 scale floor plans, Ceiling plans, Roof plans, and Sections) so that if we had to add a sheet then everything doesn't have to be renumbered.

How many of you guys do it this way?  Is there a standard to follow on this?  Anyone have any information on this strategy?

I am open to suggestions here guys.

Kate M

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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 09:50:58 AM »
I like S1.01, S2.01, etc. where the first number is your drawing type (plans, sections, etc.) and the last two are the sheet sequence. This works if you don't usually have too many types to remember -- we usually just have notes, plans, sections/details, and schedules.

Some people go for the two-letter designation, like AP for plans, AS for sections...guess that works too. :-) But you can run out of abbreviations kinda quickly.


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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2005, 09:51:15 AM »
When I worked with Pulte, we would name them A1.10, A1.11, A1.20, A2.00, etc and we had our Engineering firm naming there's S1.00, same as above. Electrical and Mechanical were E1.00 and M1.00 respectively.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 453
Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2005, 10:06:28 AM »
We use what we call the 100 series drawings.
This system is mainly used for large sets of drawings.

000  Title sheets,
001  Company standards, general notes, partition types etc.
100  Code Study, Analysis, Fire separation plans
200  Site Plan, Survey etc.
300  Floor plans
320  RCP
350  Partial plans, Enlargement plans etc
400  Elevations
420  Exterior details
500  Vertical travel
600 Cross sections
620 Wall sections
650 Details
700 Interior elevations
800 Millwork, casework
900 Door, Screen, Finish schedules

Drawings section start at the mentioned above number and continue consecutively up one number to the section are down.


A320 – First floor RCP
A321 – Second floor RCP
A322 – Third Floor RCP

A### Architect construction set
SP### Site plan approval
PR### Proposal, marketing

ADD?-A## Addendums
RFI?-A##   Request for info
SI?-A##    Supplemental Instruction
CO?-A##   Change Orders
CCO?-A## Contemplated Change Order

A= Architect
S= Structure

### Denotes 100 series chart
?      Denotes SI, RFI, CO, ADD, CCO number

I hope I explained it well enough. The system can get compicated.
By the way add drawings start with project number followed by an underscore then the drawings number.

AutoCAD 2010, w/ OpenDCL


David Hall

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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2005, 10:45:12 AM »
SPDCad got real close to what we do, so I wont type in all the duplicate stuff.  Mostly, divide your work into what it is, and use a generic number for that stuff.(Generic term stuff, HAHA)

Like SPDCad, project number on the front, discipline, type, level, sub level

2440A210-proj 2440, Arch, Floor plan, Level 1, overall
2440A211-proj 2440, Arch, Floor plan, Level 1, Area 1
2440A212-proj 2440, Arch, Floor plan, Level 1, Area 2

A1 - General
A2 - Floor Plan
A3 - RCP
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  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 483
Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2005, 10:53:11 AM »
A00_00 to 99     -     General Notes, Abbreviations, Symbols
A01_00 to 99    -    Site Survey
A02_00 to 99    -    Site Plan / Location Plan
A03_00 to 99    -    New Build Layout Plan
A04_00 to 99    -    Elevations
A05_00 to 99    -    New Build Sections
A06_00 to 99    -    New Build Sections Details
A07_00 to 99    -    New Build Plan Details
A08_00 to 99    -    Screens Windows and Door
A09_00 to 99    -    Fixtures and Fittings
A10_00 to 99    -    Reflected Ceiling Plans
A11_00 to 99    -    Roof Plans

Thes have worked very well for the last 10 years or so. Within these we may asign blocks of numbers i.e. in the detailed sections  1 to 20 for ground floor details, 30 to 40 for first floor etc. So if extra sheets are erquired then they can be inserted with ease.
Alastair Mallett Autodesk Certified Professional
Technical Director
Hunters South Architects


  • Villiage Idiot
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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2005, 10:58:57 AM »
We use a typical A.xx numbering convention, if a plan needs an additional page, it is given a suffix, depending upon whether it is a replacement page or appended page.

If we need to add a page between sheets A.11 and A.12, it will be labeled (according to it's purpose) as A.11a or A.11.1, Electrical plans when they are not an integral part of the plans, are E.xx, plumbing is P.xx Mechanical is M.xx site plans are either S.xx or L.xx (depending upon the Architect or Engineer of record)

In the rare occasion we need to add a page and completely renumber our set of drawings, we have a program that opens the drawings in the project, renumbers the pages and saves them back. This creates a bit of work though as all of the references to details must be corrected as well.
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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2005, 11:56:44 PM »
Every office has their standards
Really it depends on the project.

If Im doing a large developement with multiple models
A-0.0  General Notes, Index of Dwgs, Abbreviations.
A-0.1  Overall Site Plan
A-0.2  Enlarged Site Plan (if needed)

A-1.0  Model '1' Floor plan
A-1.1  Model '1' Reflected Ceiling / Roof Plan
A-1.2  Model '1' Exterior elevations (scheme 1)
A-1.3  Model '1' Exterior elevations (scheme 2)
A-1.4  Model '1' Building Sections
A-1.5  Model '1' Interior elevations

A-2.0  Model '2' Floor plan

A-3.0  Model '3' Floor plan

A-4.0  Model '4' Floor plan

For the below if you need additional sheets add .1, .2 etc.
You could try this if there may be added sheets down the road.
AD=Architectural Details

AD-1.0  Wall sections
AD-2.0  Stair sections
AD-3.0  Interior details
AD-4.0  Door & Window Sch
AD-4.1  Door details
AD-4.2  Window details
AD-5.0  Roof Details
AD-6.0 Exterior details
AD-7.0  Room finish Schedule

Does anyone else do this?
I've also tried AA-1.0 (model A) AB-1.0 (model B) and so on then use A-1.0 & up for details
If its a Single Custom Home

A-0.0 General Notes, Index of Dwgs, Abbreviations.
A-0.1 Site plan

A-1.0 Partial Enlarged Floor plan
A-1.1 Partial Enlarged Floor plan
A-1.2 Partial Floor Pattern Plan
A-1.3 Partial Floor Pattern Plan
A-1.4 Reflected Ceiling Plan
A-1.5 Roof Plan

A-2.0 Exterior Elevations
A-3.0 Building Sections
A-4.0 Interior Elevations
A-5.0 Wall Sections
A-6.0 Stair Sections
A-7.0  Interior details
A-8.0  Door & Window Sch
A-8.1  Door details
A-8.2  Window details
A-9.0  Roof Details
A-10.0 Exterior details
A-11.0  Room finish Schedule

Civil - C-X.X
Landscape - L-X.X
Water features (pools etc) WF-X.X
Arch - A-X.X
Structural - S-X.X
Mech - M-X.X
Elec - E-X.X


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Sheet Naming Convention
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2005, 07:27:33 AM »
We are electrical contrators and any drawings I do go directly to our guys in the field so it really doesn't matter what I use but I prefer to seperate our drawings from the EE so I use MEC1.0, MEC1.1 ...