Author Topic: [AcBr LIB(3)]Find the closest point from a spatial point to each face of 3DSOLID  (Read 1348 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 527

I have a point in 3D space and I would like to get the closest point on a 3D solid from this input point. Is there any API to achieve this?

Which API can solve the problem of the closest input point to 3DSOLID?


It is possible to realize that using the BRep API (located in the <ObjectARX 2009 Path>\utils\brep directory): you need to traverse all the faces that are contained in your 3D solid and for each face use the AcBrFace::getFace method. It returns an AcGeSurface object from where you can use AcGeSurface::closestPointTo, passing in your input point.

Using the BRep API, you need to iterate through all the faces contained in the 3D entity and use the AcBrFace::getFace method for each face to get the AcGeSurface object, and use AcGeSurface::closestPointTo to get the closest point between the input point and the AcGeSurface object.

Here is the ARX code:
Code - C++: [Select]
  1. static AcBr::ErrorStatus TraverseFaces(const AcBrBrep& brepEntity, const AcGePoint3d& pointToTest)
  2. {
  3.         AcBr::ErrorStatus returnValue = AcBr::eOk;
  4.         // make a global face traverser
  5.         AcBrBrepFaceTraverser brepFaceTrav;
  6.         returnValue = brepFaceTrav.setBrep(brepEntity);
  7.         if (returnValue != AcBr::eOk)
  8.         {
  9.                 acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in AcBrBrepFaceTraverser::setBrep:"));
  10.                 errorReport(returnValue);
  11.                 return returnValue;
  12.         }
  13.         int faceCount = 0;
  14.        while (!brepFaceTrav.done() && (returnValue == AcBr::eOk))
  15.         {
  16.                 ++faceCount;
  17.                 AcBrFace face;
  18.                 if (brepFaceTrav.getFace(face) == AcBr::ErrorStatus::eOk)
  19.                 {
  20.                         AcGeSurface* pSurface;
  21.                         if (face.getSurface(pSurface) == AcBr::ErrorStatus::eOk)
  22.                         {
  23.                                 AcGePoint3d closestPoint = pSurface->closestPointTo(pointToTest);
  25.                                 double dist = AcGeVector3d(closestPoint.asVector() - pointToTest.asVector()).length();
  27.                                 acutPrintf(L"\n - Face[%d]: closest point [%f, %f, %f]   Distance: %f", faceCount, closestPoint.x, closestPoint.y, closestPoint.z, dist);
  29.                                 delete pSurface;
  30.                         }
  31.                 }
  32.                 returnValue =;
  33.                 if (returnValue != AcBr::eOk) {
  34.                         acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in AcBrBrepFaceTraverser::next:"));
  35.                         errorReport(returnValue);
  36.                         return returnValue;
  37.                 }
  38.         }
  39.         return returnValue;
  40. }
  41. void TestClosestPoint(void)
  42. {
  43.         AcBr::ErrorStatus returnValue = AcBr::eOk;
  44.         Acad::ErrorStatus acadReturnValue = eOk;
  45.         AcGePoint3d pointToTest;
  46.         // pick a point
  47.         acedGetPoint(NULL, L"\nPick a point: ", asDblArray(pointToTest));
  48.         // Get the subentity path for a brep
  49.         AcDbFullSubentPath subPath(kNullSubent);
  50.         acadReturnValue = selectEntity(AcDb::kNullSubentType, subPath);
  51.         if (acadReturnValue != eOk)
  52.         {
  53.                 acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in getPath: %d"), acadReturnValue);
  54.                 return;
  55.         }
  56.         // Make a brep entity to access the solid
  57.         AcBrBrep brepEntity;
  58.         returnValue = ((AcBrEntity*)&brepEntity)->set(subPath);
  59.         if (returnValue != AcBr::eOk)
  60.         {
  61.                 acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in AcBrBrep::set:"));
  62.                 errorReport(returnValue);
  63.                 return;
  64.         }
  65.         returnValue = TraverseFaces(brepEntity, pointToTest);
  66.         if (returnValue != AcBr::eOk)
  67.         {
  68.                 acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\n Error in TraverseFaces:"));
  69.                 errorReport(returnValue);
  70.                 return;
  71.         }
  72. }

Next, use the ACBR library function of the XDRX API to complete the same work as ARX above.

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (defun c:tt ()
  2.    (defun _traversface (e pnt)
  3.      (setq br (xdbr::constructor e))
  4.      (setq tr (xdbr::constructor "brepfacetraverser" br))
  5.      ;;FACE traversal
  6.      (setq face-count 0)
  7.      (xdrx_entity_delete co-ss)
  8.      (xdrx_setmark)
  9.      (while (not (xdbr::traverser:done tr)); loop traversal
  10.        (if (setq face (xdbr::getpropertyvalue tr "face"));;AcBrFace object
  11.          (progn (setq face-count (1+ face-count)
  12.                       gface (xdbr::getpropertyvalue face "surface") ;;Get AcGeSurface object
  13.                       closest-pnt (xdge::getpropertyvalue gface "closestpointto" pnt);;closest point
  14.                       dist (distance pnt closest-pnt)
  15.                 )
  16.            (xdrx_object_release gface face);;Release AcBrFace, AcGeSurface
  17.            (xdrx_point_make closest-pnt)
  18.            (xdrx_entity_setcolor (entlast) 2)
  19.            (xdrx_line_make pnt closest-pnt)
  20.            (xdrx_entity_setcolor (entlast) 1)
  21.                 (xdrx_prompt
  22.                   (xdrx_string_format "\n - Surface [%d]: nearest point [%f, %f, %f] distance %f"
  23.                                       face-count
  24.                                       (car closest-pnt)
  25.                                       (cadr closest-pnt)
  26.                                       (caddr closest-pnt)
  27.                                       dist
  28.                   )
  29.                 )
  30.          )
  31.        )
  32.        (setq co-ss (xdrx_getss))
  33.        (xdbr::traverser:next tr)
  34.      )
  35.      (xdrx_object_release tr br)
  36.    )
  37.    (if (setq e (car (xdrx_entsel "\nSelect 3DSOLID<Exit>:" '((0 . "3DSOLID")))))
  38.      (progn
  39.        (xdrx_begin)
  40.        (xdrx_sysvar_push '("osmode" 512))
  41.        (xdrx_setvar "pdmode" 35)
  42.        (while (setq pt (getpoint "\nClick to get the test point <exit>:"))
  43.        (_traversface e (setq pt (trans pt 1 0))))
  44.        (xdrx_end)
  45.      )
  46.    )
  47.    (princ)
  48. )

The above LISP code uses the XDRX-API, which can be downloaded from

The XDRX API encapsulates AcDb, AcEd, AcGe, AcBr... C++ library, using C++ methods to develop LISP programs.Thousands of Lisp functions are available.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 10:08:14 PM by xdcad »
The code I wrote uses XDRX-API,which can be downloaded from and is updated at any time.