Author Topic: Getting 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in Acdbmgd.dll using Overrule  (Read 1631 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 2
 I am getting the Exception above when running an overrule to display raster images in a per viewport basis. I am using Kean example: to simulate the same behavior but for raster images. Here is my viewport draw where the issue is happening.
Code: [Select]
        public override void ViewportDraw(Drawable drawable, ViewportDraw vd)
                if (!IsVisible(vd.Viewport.AcadWindowId))

                var pd = new PassthroughDraw(vd);

                if (!base.WorldDraw(drawable, pd))
                        base.ViewportDraw(drawable, vd);
                    } catch(Exception ex)
            } catch
                // ignored
here is the passthroughDraw class
Code: [Select]
            public class PassthroughDraw : WorldDraw
        private readonly PassthroughGeometry _pg;
        private readonly ViewportDraw _vd;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vd"></param>
        public PassthroughDraw(ViewportDraw vd)
            _vd = vd;
            _pg = new PassthroughGeometry(vd.Geometry);

        /// <summary>
        /// WorldDraw protocol
        /// </summary>
        public override WorldGeometry Geometry => _pg;

        /// <summary>
        /// CommonDraw protocol
        /// </summary>
        public override Context Context => _vd.Context;

        public override bool IsDragging => _vd.IsDragging;

        public override int NumberOfIsolines => _vd.NumberOfIsolines;

        public override Geometry RawGeometry => _vd.RawGeometry;

        public override bool RegenAbort => _vd.RegenAbort;

        public override RegenType RegenType => _vd.RegenType;

        public override SubEntityTraits SubEntityTraits => _vd.SubEntityTraits;

        public override double Deviation(DeviationType deviationType, Point3d pointOnCurve)
            return _vd.Deviation(deviationType, pointOnCurve);
Here is the PassthroughGeometry class
Code: [Select]
private readonly ViewportGeometry _vg;

        /// <summary>
        /// ctor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vg"></param>
        public PassthroughGeometry(ViewportGeometry vg)
            _vg = vg;

        public override void SetExtents(Extents3d extents) { }

        public override void StartAttributesSegment() { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Geometry protocol
        /// </summary>
        public override Matrix3d ModelToWorldTransform => _vg.ModelToWorldTransform;

        public override Matrix3d WorldToModelTransform => _vg.WorldToModelTransform;

        public override bool Circle(Point3d center, double radius, Vector3d normal) => _vg.Circle(center, radius, normal);

        public override bool Circle(Point3d firstPoint, Point3d secondPoint, Point3d thirdPoint) => _vg.Circle(firstPoint, secondPoint, thirdPoint);

        public override bool CircularArc(Point3d start, Point3d point, Point3d endingPoint, ArcType arcType) => _vg.CircularArc(start, point, endingPoint, arcType);

        public override bool CircularArc(Point3d center, double radius, Vector3d normal, Vector3d startVector, double sweepAngle, ArcType arcType) => _vg.CircularArc(center, radius, normal, startVector, sweepAngle, arcType);

        public override bool Draw(Drawable value) => _vg.Draw(value);

        public override bool Edge(Curve2dCollection e) => _vg.Edge(e);

        public override bool EllipticalArc(Point3d center, Vector3d normal, double majorAxisLength, double minorAxisLength, double startDegreeInRads, double endDegreeInRads, double tiltDegreeInRads, ArcType arcType) => _vg.EllipticalArc(center, normal, majorAxisLength, minorAxisLength, startDegreeInRads, endDegreeInRads, tiltDegreeInRads, arcType);

        public override bool Image(ImageBGRA32 imageSource, Point3d position, Vector3d u, Vector3d v) => _vg.Image(imageSource, position, u, v);

        public override bool Image(ImageBGRA32 imageSource, Point3d position, Vector3d u, Vector3d v, TransparencyMode transparencyMode) => _vg.Image(imageSource, position, u, v, transparencyMode);

        public override bool Mesh(int rows, int columns, Point3dCollection points, EdgeData edgeData, FaceData faceData, VertexData vertexData, bool bAutoGenerateNormals) => _vg.Mesh(rows, columns, points, edgeData, faceData, vertexData, bAutoGenerateNormals);

        public override bool OwnerDraw(GdiDrawObject gdiDrawObject, Point3d position, Vector3d u, Vector3d v) => _vg.OwnerDraw(gdiDrawObject, position, u, v);

        public override bool Polygon(Point3dCollection points) => _vg.Polygon(points);

        public override bool Polyline(AcGi.Polyline polylineObj) => _vg.Polyline(polylineObj);

        public override bool Polyline(AcDb.Polyline value, int fromIndex, int segments) => _vg.Polyline(value, fromIndex, segments);

        public override bool Polyline(Point3dCollection points, Vector3d normal, IntPtr subEntityMarker) => _vg.Polyline(points, normal, subEntityMarker);

        public override bool Polypoint(Point3dCollection points, Vector3dCollection normals, IntPtrCollection subentityMarkers) => _vg.Polypoint(points, normals, subentityMarkers);

        public override bool PolyPolygon(UInt32Collection numPolygonPositions, Point3dCollection polygonPositions, UInt32Collection numPolygonPoints, Point3dCollection polygonPoints, EntityColorCollection outlineColors, LinetypeCollection outlineTypes, EntityColorCollection fillColors, TransparencyCollection fillOpacities) => _vg.PolyPolygon(numPolygonPoints, polygonPoints, numPolygonPoints, polygonPoints, outlineColors, outlineTypes, fillColors, fillOpacities);

        public override bool PolyPolyline(PolylineCollection polylineCollection) => _vg.PolyPolyline(polylineCollection);

        public override void PopClipBoundary() => _vg.PopClipBoundary();

        public override bool PopModelTransform() => _vg.PopModelTransform();

        public override bool PushClipBoundary(ClipBoundary boundary) => _vg.PushClipBoundary(boundary);

        public override bool PushModelTransform(Matrix3d matrix) => _vg.PushModelTransform(matrix);

        public override bool PushModelTransform(Vector3d normal) => _vg.PushModelTransform(normal);

        public override Matrix3d PushOrientationTransform(OrientationBehavior behavior) => _vg.PushOrientationTransform(behavior);

        public override Matrix3d PushPositionTransform(PositionBehavior behavior, Point2d offset) => _vg.PushPositionTransform(behavior, offset);

        public override Matrix3d PushPositionTransform(PositionBehavior behavior, Point3d offset) => _vg.PushPositionTransform(behavior, offset);

        public override Matrix3d PushScaleTransform(ScaleBehavior behavior, Point2d extents) => _vg.PushScaleTransform(behavior, extents);

        public override Matrix3d PushScaleTransform(ScaleBehavior behavior, Point3d extents) => _vg.PushScaleTransform(behavior, extents);

        public override bool Ray(Point3d point1, Point3d point2) => _vg.Ray(point1, point2);

        public override bool RowOfDots(int count, Point3d start, Vector3d step) => _vg.RowOfDots(count, start, step);

        public override bool Shell(Point3dCollection points, IntegerCollection faces, EdgeData edgeData, FaceData faceData, VertexData vertexData, bool bAutoGenerateNormals)
            // To avoid a null argument exception, faces need to be transfered across to a new collection
            var faces2 = new IntegerCollection(faces.Count);

            foreach (int face in faces)

            return _vg.Shell(points, faces2, edgeData, faceData, vertexData, bAutoGenerateNormals);

        public override bool Text(Point3d position, Vector3d normal, Vector3d direction, string message, bool raw, TextStyle textStyle) => _vg.Text(position, normal, direction, message, raw, textStyle);

        public override bool Text(Point3d position, Vector3d normal, Vector3d direction, double height, double width, double oblique, string message) => _vg.Text(position, normal, direction, height, width, oblique, message);

        public override bool WorldLine(Point3d startPoint, Point3d endPoint) => _vg.WorldLine(startPoint, endPoint);

        public override bool Xline(Point3d point1, Point3d point2) => _vg.Xline(point1, point2);
Here is how I am adding the overrule:
Code: [Select]
        public void Add()
            AddOverrule(GetClass(typeof(RasterImage)), this, false);
            Overruling = true;

        public void Remove()
            RemoveOverrule(GetClass(typeof(RasterImage)), this);
Any ideas on why this my be happening?

« Last Edit: March 05, 2023, 02:18:22 AM by sh3rlck »