Author Topic: how to modify the LISP (OK)  (Read 1046 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 98
how to modify the LISP (OK)
« on: June 18, 2022, 10:24:31 PM »
Hi,everyone. I'm from taiwan. I'm masao.

Excuse me how to modify the LISP,make it like "pedit" function?

*This function can't use list.(photo 2)

Code: [Select]
(defun expt()
 (command "_explode" (entlast))

(defun c:tz()

(setvar "osmode" 0 )

(initget "A0 A1 A2 A3 A0V A1V A2V A3V")
(setq size (getint "paper size:[A0/A1/A2/A3/A0V/A1V/A2V/A3V]<A3>:"))
(if (= size nil) (setq size "A3")) ;if not

(setq size (strcase size))

(setq ii "A3h.dwg")

(cond     ((= size "A3V")  (setq ii "A3v.dwg"))
          ((= size "A2")  (setq ii "A2h.dwg"))
          ((= size "A2V")  (setq ii "A2v.dwg"))
          ((= size "A1")  (setq ii "A1h.dwg"))
          ((= size "A1V")  (setq ii "A1v.dwg"))
          ((= size "A0")  (setq ii "A0h.dwg"))
          ((= size "A0V")  (setq ii "A0v.dwg"))

(command "_insert" ii pause 1 1 "")

(princ "\n:: loadpaper.lsp- command\"tz\" ::")
(princ "\n:: \"A0~A3\" - horizontal paper ::")
(princ "\n:: \"A0V~A3V\" - vertical paper ::")
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 04:42:26 AM by masao »


  • Newt
  • Posts: 98
Re: how to modify the LISP
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2022, 04:41:36 AM »
sorry,i complete it.

use "getkword" can get photo 2 and  function list must use one word,make function click complete. :idea:

Code: [Select]
(defun expt()
 (command "_explode" (entlast))

(defun c:tz()

(initget "A B C D E F G H")
(setq size (getkword "請輸入圖紙大小[A3橫式(A)/A2橫式(B)/A1橫式(C)/A0橫式(D)/A3直式(E)/A2直式(F)/A1直式(G)/A0直式(H)]<A3橫式(A)>:"))
(if (= size nil) (setq size "A")) ;若輸入為空白即套用預設值

(setq size (strcase size))

(cond     ((= size "A")  (setq ii "A3橫.dwg"))
          ((= size "B")  (setq ii "A2橫.dwg"))
          ((= size "C")  (setq ii "A1橫.dwg"))
          ((= size "D")  (setq ii "A0橫.dwg"))
          ((= size "E")  (setq ii "A3直.dwg"))
          ((= size "F")  (setq ii "A2直.dwg"))
          ((= size "G")  (setq ii "A1直.dwg"))
          ((= size "H")  (setq ii "A0直.dwg"))


(command "_insert" ii pause 1 1 "")

(princ "\n:: 載入圖框.lsp- 輸入\"tz\"執行程式 ::")
(princ "\n:: \"A~D\" - 橫式圖框 ::")
(princ "\n:: \"E~H\" - 直式圖框 ::")


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 214
Re: how to modify the LISP (OK)
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2022, 07:07:20 AM »
Hi,everyone. I'm from taiwan. I'm masao.
you are welcome
I'm from Shandong. I'm baitang36. i'm glad to meet you