Author Topic: Reappearing shortcuts folder path  (Read 7005 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 4
Reappearing shortcuts folder path
« on: July 01, 2021, 05:25:11 PM »
Good Afternoon All,

I'm using C3d 2019 on Win 10 64bit Pro.  And, I've got a problem with a data shortcuts folder path [on local NAS share mapped to a letter drive] that keeps rebuilding every single time that I start C3d.  I know that it has something to do with people renaming my drawing folder path.  And, I've had past success in using the Data Shortcuts creation tools to fix this in the past.  But this time, this one folder won't stay gone.

I have no real knowledge of how to work with .XML, and any problems arising from it.  Does anyone have some suggestions for me to try?

Thanks, in advance.  Even if it's just for your consideration.

Best Regards,



  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 4
Re: Reappearing shortcuts folder path
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2021, 01:49:05 PM »
I discovered another symptom.  It only happens at the first load or creation of a drawing in an instance of C3D.  So after hours of tinkering, I just created a new user profile on my PC.  Then, copied that users ../AppData/roaming/Autodesk/ folder to my own.  Next, I stepped through creating a new drawing through iterations.  Each time, I would "load once" whatever library would pop up while denying all subsequent libraries.  When I was confident that I could set them all to "always load", I went and restaged my palettes to where I wanted them.

I still have no idea which file got corrupted, because I don't know when it happened.  I'm just thankful that it was isolated to a user profile, and could be overwritten.