Author Topic: Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to  (Read 8449 times)

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  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« on: June 13, 2005, 06:58:15 PM »
We have just installed the 2006 Civil 3D and are amazed at the
setup time. Has anybody made a styles catalogue that can be imported
to save on the setup time to get a real project started?
We are looking at trying to find a flow chart of menus.. that can
help us find where things are organized... After reviewing Civil 3D
we see either taking about a week to figure it out or more..
professional training if there really are any from dealers... and
if you know of someone (company) that does do an excellent job
at training Civil 3D please post it here.

Mike in Alaska

We upgraded our systems to Intel 3.2 with PCI-X video Nvidia and ATI
and with min 2gig memory 800 z  bus with 10000 rpm Raptor.. Haven't
tested with Civil 3D yet  2006 LDT is very fast.
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit

Dent Cermak

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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 07:11:56 PM »
These training CD's are excellant.

I like the cd's better than training classes. Review is much easier.


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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 07:18:03 PM »
This guy was my instructor for Civil 3D training.  He is not affiliated with Autodesk and pulls no punches about the product.  You will finish the training with a good understanding of how to make the product do everything it is capable of and an understanding of its limitations in its current form.  In addition he promises full followup support for any questions you have after the training should your notes not be as thorough as you had hoped.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
thanks to both of you....
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 07:30:47 PM »
I found one of the replies after some searching here...
This is great... many thanks

Mike in Alaska

Other feedback after training questions

How much time did it take to really use the Civil 3D
in real life work?
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2005, 07:50:09 PM »
Depends on your commitment level ie: determination to resist falling back to LDDT or whatever your previous design software was when you get REALLY frustrated with your first project and the full budget is nearly depleated or gone completely.  You would be best served by taking whatever time you need to set up a template with at least a good assortment of object styles and label settings to start your first project.  If you are able to dedicate a low priority small project to use as a seed for this it will go much smoother.  Your Autodesk reseller will happily set you up with exactly one group of settings for the price of their premium level support package.  I personally know of three projects completed exclusively with Civil 3D.  The first by a firm in Florida who also used the instructor I recommended, a second by a team headed by one of the beta testers who had significant lead time to construct templates and customized settings and the final one by a guy in New Jersey who somehow managed to slog through on his own.  My first and only project (before I bought my own training) was stillborn when the supervisors blinked at the crumbling budget about half way to first submittal and converted it back to Land Dev about 3 weeks behind schedule.


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
This felt like Monday....
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2005, 03:05:47 AM »
I have an IT guy who thinks this is the cat's meow...he has no practical use of
LDD or it's predessors. With all the webcasts I have seen it
tells me the setup time and learning curve with weeks of commitment
at hand and who knows what kind of buget we can suck into this one,
sounds like a crap shoot, and at who's expense. I love a challenge, but I
don't want to be a pawn in the big picture. I've been through all the changes
since a Sun version of Autocad... I worked for Softdesk, even saw it on a Mac....
I put hope out that this is just one of those things
that autocad put out there for us to figure where the software has to go
after a failure to meet the bugets we live with and the wage we expect to make.
 I hope to here from others and there approaches to not being
left behind, or caught in a unproven product. I hear only one thing money
being invested more and more for software every year without a clear
flowchart as to what the user is going to have to learn and for how long.    
The bottom line is the overhead to run this next and projected end to LDT going
to put us into a face off with sups about ....opps I can't get this to work, now what.
Are there any others out there with Civil 3D that have concerns? Good, now let's develop a plan to save our behinds.

Vent over.

But I am going to seriously check out the cd's and training options.
The cd's after a demo preview were definetly informative and will get us on a road to
 some sort of comfort level, albeit this is the most costly in time to get off the ground.

 What does look like is needed is a serious depositry of templates/styles  that can be shared,
and will after going through with the curve share them here.
 I hope that Mark T. might allow for this to be another topic.

Thanks for all the advice.
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2005, 08:39:57 AM »
It is quite apparent that we are being used as beta testers for this product.  The list of bugs, instability issues and product features that just won't work even on the Autodesk newsgroup is appalling.  We are in the 2nd full release after beta yet parcels are not function correctly, grading is extremely unstable and partsbuilder, the key interface for creating any structure for piping is so volatile, it is for the most part undocumented and was the subject of much debate regarding disabling the command for this release.  Labels that always appear upright and the same size regardless of view scale or orientation are great except that any text NOT a label does not have this feature.  There is no provision to simply lable a line without making it into a parcel segment taking care that it is part of a site that will not mess up previous labels.
Yes, a repository for templates that include drawing settings that make sense for real world drafting and styles that will produce drawings similar to what field crews, contractors and reviewing agencies are used to seeing is very necessary.  Should some ambitious VBA wizzard take the risk that this program will gain acceptance, much money could be gained with such a package.  Even the most simple subassemblies require many lines of VBA code.  I have some label settings for street profiles that I would be willing to put in a template and add to a repository here if Mark would volunteer the space, much like the block library they are starting.
One further thing on the training you should consider . . . Dent's videos are a good source and can be kept for future reference and used for new employees.  Unfortunately, I think they are still a reverse engineered project with user and data errors, along with their surprising results removed.  The instructor took OUR raw data in advance of the class, found any problems and used this as a major portion of the class, showing us the  initial results and the methods to fix them.  It was training directed exactly toward our companies needs and procedures and left us in a position to recognize and recover from error conditions.


  • Gator
  • Posts: 2606
  • I can't remeber what I already asked! I need help!
Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2005, 10:49:24 PM »
hey i have a PDF doc that goes over some of it... would you be interested? I got it from a traininer?

let me know!

Civil3D 2020


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2005, 10:55:49 PM »
Yes please send it to me or a link

Mike in Alaska
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit

Dent Cermak

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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2005, 10:45:34 AM »
They gots road Runner in Alaska ??


  • Custom Title
  • Seagull
  • Posts: 28762
Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2005, 11:11:24 AM »
Quote from: MSTG007
hey i have a PDF doc that goes over some of it... would you be interested? let me know!

I'd like to see it if the trainer doesn't mind.  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
if the trainer approves...
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2005, 08:45:29 PM »
Please send the pdf... I did attend a Lori Copeland demo today,
she left out grading... but the other parts of the program looked
pretty good, again the setup time will be labor intensive, and Lori
admitted to that as well. Again I think a place to share templates of
styles is going to be very helpful in using this software productive.

LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
on road runner... I have an account in North Carolina...
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2005, 08:50:15 PM »
Quote from: Dent Cermak
They gots road Runner in Alaska ??

I have family and an time-warner account there too
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit

Dent Cermak

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Civil 3D Styles Catalogue or who has the best trainers to
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2005, 09:16:55 PM »
I love Time-Warner and RoadRunner. Awsome combination. Now they offer digital phone service for a fixed rate of $39.95 a month. Unlimited local and Long Distance calls. I feel another change coming!!


  • Gator
  • Posts: 2606
  • I can't remeber what I already asked! I need help!
Civil3D 2020