Code Red > .NET

Object names for selection sets


I could have sworn I have seen a reference that lists all of the major object names that can be provided as a filter rule for a selection set:

--- Code: ---typedArray.SetValue(new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.Start, "INSERT"), 0);

--- End code ---

So, an INSERT is obviously a block reference ( :thinking:) and CIRCLE and LINE are also obvious.  But what about a dimension and the rest of the objects?  Any pointers, much appreciated.

Keith Brown:
I believe that you just use the DXFName.  That is the name that pops up when you List the object at the command line.

You can use the LIST command in AutoCAD to check the object DXF name.

Here is a DXF Reference file:

Different objects are described from page 61.

Thanks very, that reference will come in very handy. 


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