Author Topic: CUIX Error  (Read 5446 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 13
CUIX Error
« on: July 13, 2023, 01:35:37 PM »
I created a copy of the default AutoCAD 2023 main customization file (acad.cuix), added a tab called 'Custom Tools' and uploaded this to a network drive. I set this cuix file as my 'Enterprise Customization File'. The Enterprise CUIX file is on a network drive shared by my co-workers. When I develop a new LISP function I add it to a shared .LSP file on our network drive and add it to the Enterprise CUIX (acad.cuix) 'Custom Tools' Ribbon Tab so they know a new tool has been developed/ease of access. The reason I used a duplicate of acad.cuix was because I wanted it to look exactly the same as the default AutoCAD workspace(s), except the addition of a 'Custom Tools' tab.

I created another copy of the acad.cuix (renamed it ENC_ACAD.cuix), removed all of the partial customization files, saved this locally on my machine, and set this ENC_ACAD.cuix as my 'Main Customization File'. I did this on my co-workers AutoCAD's as well.

Again, we have two duplicates of acad.cuix on our machines:

Main Customization File: ENC_ACAD.cuix
Enterprise Customization File: acad.cuix

The reason I have two duplicates of acad.cuix is so that my co-workers who want to use customize their workspace can switch to their 'Main Customization File' workspace (which looks exactly like the default AutoCAD workspace) and make changes to it. Then, if they want access to my custom tools, they can switch over to the Enterprise Workspace (which looks exactly like the default AutoCAD workspace except for the addition of 'Custom' tab) and use my custom LISP functions.

This has worked great thus far, but I occasionally run into this error:
"Unable to load customization file. That Customization Group name exists."

What I have noticed is that my 'Main Customization' cuix file randomly generates partial customization files that are the exact same as my enterprise cuix file. When this happens, it throws that error. When I remove the auto-generated partial customization files from my main customization file, the error disappears. It seems random, but it will happen again. AutoCAD randomly regenerates those partial customization files, then throws the error. It has been working fine for months, then will generate the error.

I suppose what I am asking is:

1) has anyone noticed this before
2) Is there another way (aside from two duplicate default cuix files) that I can deploy tools to my co-workers ribbon, while still allowing them to make changes to their own? All the while having the workspaces look identical to the default AutoCAD workspace?



  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3770
Re: CUIX Error
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 02:05:26 PM »
Consider leaving the default/local acad.cuix as Main, and export all of your customized elements to it's own Custom.cuix file for use as Partial to Main. You can go the Enterprise route, but doesn't seem like you have a lot there, so maybe not needed (your call).

This allows users to include your customizations as they like, while still offering your 'Custom Tools' tab (just set 'Default display' to 'Add to workspaces' and 'Workspace behavior' to 'Merge or add tab').

The error you're getting is likely from having two CUIs with the same Name and/or Display Name (both copied from acad.cuix), even though they have now have different *.cuix file names (in CUI Editor, select Main CUI, see Name and Display Name in Properties in upper right pane).

"How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."


  • Newt
  • Posts: 200
Re: CUIX Error
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 03:20:42 PM »
I get it all the time with the Enterprise menu's. Autocad tries to slip in the Partial customization files while editing the enterprise menu. (Featuredapps, aecco and express as examples.) Once they are there and you load the enterprise as the enterprise menu it sees a double load.


  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 13
Re: CUIX Error
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2023, 02:07:55 PM »
Consider leaving the default/local acad.cuix as Main, and export all of your customized elements to it's own Custom.cuix file for use as Partial to Main. You can go the Enterprise route, but doesn't seem like you have a lot there, so maybe not needed (your call).

This allows users to include your customizations as they like, while still offering your 'Custom Tools' tab (just set 'Default display' to 'Add to workspaces' and 'Workspace behavior' to 'Merge or add tab').

The error you're getting is likely from having two CUIs with the same Name and/or Display Name (both copied from acad.cuix), even though they have now have different *.cuix file names (in CUI Editor, select Main CUI, see Name and Display Name in Properties in upper right pane).


Thank you, this was good advice. I just transferred all of my custom tools to a new partial cuix and it loads without issue!


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 3770
Re: CUIX Error
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2023, 03:29:30 PM »
Thank you, this was good advice. I just transferred all of my custom tools to a new partial cuix and it loads without issue!

Most welcome; Robert Bell's 'EditEnterprise' routine may also be helpful:
"How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."