Author Topic: Is there a way to change the max number of chars in a line in the command line  (Read 1328 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 52
I known there is a way to change lines number of command line.
somewhat like this:
(setenv "CmdVisLines" "5")

is there a way to change the max number of chars in a line in the command line.

give a command : print string "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"

i want
show "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" in a line in the command line.
if the max number of chars in a line is too small,the string will force to split to multiline with hard return.
somewhat like this:


use three line of command line.

i need to show this string in one line in command line,is this possible?


  • Mesozoic keyThumper
  • SuperMod
  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 2159
  • class keyThumper<T>:ILazy<T>
In early versions the display limit was 80 characters ( the width of a dot matrix printer)

Currently, the capacity of the command line display is controlled by the dialog width.
I can print about 230 characters in a floating command line dialog almost full width of the graphics window. ( so the command history button on the lower right remains visible.)

You can print to a narrow command line and then drag the dialog width to the full width of the monitor if you desire.

I'm not aware of any way to change the width other than dragging the edge of the control.

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 52
I Get it.Thanks.
I use cad 2004,so ,it's an impossible mission to print chars more them 80 in a line in the commmand line.