Code Red > .NET

adui16res.dll not found

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I'm doing some BOO testing in SharpDevelop trying to create an AutoCAD command that returns a string to the command line. I have references to acmgd.dll and acdbmgd.dll but when I try to compile my program I get an error message saying "adui16res.dll not found". This doesn't make sense because adui16res.dll is located in the same directory as acmgd.dll and acdbmgd.dll. I'll keep working on it but if anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'd love to hear them.

Here is a Screenshot of my error.


Hmmm, dunno. What's on lines 21 and 22?

Off topic: Is it good to have a namespace and class share the same name?


--- Quote from: MP ---Hmmm, dunno. What's on lines 21 and 22?
--- End quote ---

21: [assembly: AssemblyTitle('BooHoo')]
22: [assembly: AssemblyDescription('A test for using BOO with AutoCAD')]

Assembly information for my dll.

--- Quote from: MP ---Off topic: Is it good to have a namespace and class share the same name?
--- End quote ---

I don't think it matters as I've seen it done before. If someone where to import my assembly they would just be referencing BooHoo.BooHoo.

Sorry Tim, have no ideas.

Does anyone know what adui16res does. ?
Can I assume some sort of user interface Resources stuff ?
.. similarly acui16 and acui16res and adui16

I'm guessing .. paletes ???

I <just now> tried to reference it into a C# project .. no go, not compatible .. but I AM using ac2005, not 2006 .. if that makes a difference.


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