Author Topic: The same (smart) AutoCAD .Net Extension template for any AutoCAD version  (Read 11291 times)

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Andrey Bushman

  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 864
CADbloke, as I wrote already [in our email discussion], I can to write some instruction of its installing and send to your email my template with it, for gaming with it. This is simple, in my opinion. Every XML-element of my XML files is detailed commented on English, therefore I expect - it will not be difficult to understand - how does it work. Also I don't delete video files about this still.

But if I do it, so it is not because I am a kind guy... No. At this case I expect from you the serious discovering of this and drawing up of the constructive notes and sentences in relation to the current implementation. In this case I also derive some benefit for myself. :)

If it is interesting for you and you can spend some time for this - I am ready to do it - write to me about it (email).


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 345
  • Crash Test Dummy
Yes, please send me the templates and I will try them and see what I discover. Sorry if my "thinking out loud" is annoying - it is something I always do, my wife will confirm this.  ;-)

===== EDIT October 2, 2015 ====

I'm having another crack at this at

This time around I'm focusing on propagating source code to destination Projects which control all their own build settings. Apparently some (all) of us though that 72 builds in one project was a little unmanageable </YesItWas>.

There's an extensive readme there so I won't duplicate it here. I'd love to hear any thoughts, suggestions, WTFs.
My earlier works left here to serve as a warning for others..and also because there are a couple of useful tips in there.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 08:00:48 AM by CADbloke »

Andrey Bushman

  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 864
I did it. I see, this template works also for MSVS 2010 and 2012.

Hm... By default, MSVS 2010 can not work with .net 4.5 or 4.5.1. But I see - my "Hello World" project, based on this template and written in VS2010 was sucessfully build and for AutoCAD 2015 too (through its batch building). I loaded its compilation result into AutoCAD 2015 successfully - it works fine. It is possible, because the script of batch building by default uses the tools from the "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools" directory. That virtual machine has installed MSVS2005-2013. So you can not set .Net Framework 4.5 or 4.5.1 as a current in the MSVS2010 and debug for them, but you still can compile your code for them through its project batch-building script.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 10:18:38 AM by Andrey Bushman »