Author Topic: Defining Superelevation reverse of right side's superelevation  (Read 3952 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 66
I defined a corridor. Right side lane is targetted vertically a neigbor corridor edge. So right side superelevation defined depending on neighbor corridor. But I cant define Left side lane superelevation negative signed of right side's superelevation.
Is there a way of defining left side's superelevation depending on right side's superelevation value?
In my attachment photo right side slope is -1.6% and left side's grade is +1.8%. How can I define left side's superelevation as +1.6% signaturely reverse of right side?


  • Seagull
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Re: Defining Superelevation reverse of right side's superelevation
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2014, 09:04:42 AM »
I think what you are asking for is the normal behaviour
that the left and right side of a lane are the same slope.

Otherwise it would seem you would need to change the axis of rotation,
and or define each lane as it's own corridor so that you can control them better.

Or, I am not sure what your real question is. (always a possibility)
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Newt
  • Posts: 66
Re: Defining Superelevation reverse of right side's superelevation
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2014, 10:50:50 AM »
Thanks mjfarrell.. Sory for my poor English.
Yes I want to define same slope for both sides.
But I have no constant superelevation value. Because right lane is targetted to a vertical featureline.
So right side's slope is changing during its aligment. Right lane slope is changing from +2%  to -2%.
Also Left lane should change from -2 to +2.

For instance:
at a 0+100 station if right lane slope is +1.23%, left lane slope must be -1.23%.
at a 0+110 station if right lane slope is +1.17%, left lane slope must be -1.17%.
at a 0+120 station if right lane slope is +1.10%, left lane slope must be -1.10%. etc..

Right lane changing becouse of vertical definition. Bu I didnt define left side's slope depending on right side's elevation .
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 12:55:31 AM by ekoneo »


  • Newt
  • Posts: 66
Re: Defining Superelevation reverse of right side's superelevation
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 04:23:16 AM »
I think no way to do this  :cry: