Author Topic: Weekend challenge  (Read 10348 times)

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  • Custom Title
  • Seagull
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Weekend challenge
« on: April 08, 2005, 04:56:38 PM »
I have a weekend challenge for anyone who wants one. Create a separate dwg for each layer in the dwg that contains all those entities on that layer. An option for paperspace/modelspace entities only is a bonus.

Code: [Select]

create a list of layers.
iterate through each item in the list creating a sset of entities on that layer.
create a new dwg and insert those entities into it.
save dwg as name of layer
repeat...  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4102
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 08:18:00 PM »
Hmmm.....weekend challenge. Does that mean you don't want a reply until Monday? This sounds like fun, but I won't be around much over the weekend and I'll be driving down to Calif. on Monday.

I have a solution for MS entities only. Incorporating an unlimited number of layout tabs could be a daunting task for little or no purpose.....


  • Custom Title
  • Seagull
  • Posts: 28762
Weekend challenge
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 08:42:47 PM »
Then go with the MS entities only it doesn't matter, as long as we have fun!!

Drive carefully Jeff.  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • Custom Title
  • Seagull
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2005, 08:43:48 PM »
BTW, Monday is fine. I suspect someone will have a solution before then though. :)  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4102
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2005, 08:56:06 PM »
Quote from: Mark Thomas
BTW, Monday is fine. I suspect someone will have a solution before then though. :)
Actually, I was wanting(hoping) to know if I could post it, like, now????? 8)


  • Custom Title
  • Seagull
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2005, 08:58:09 PM »
Go for it Jeff ..........  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4102
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2005, 09:07:44 PM »
OK, here goes. I just ran it on a real drawing (opposed to my test drawings) that had 6400 entites on 115 layers. I got 115 new drawings in under 8 seconds...... ;)

Of course my formatting isn't as 'pretty' as some people's here, but I don't think the lisp interpreter knows that :)
Code: [Select]

;| Routine to take an entire drawing's Modelspace and create new, smaller,
   drawings made up of the individual layers. Each new drawing is placed into
   a folder below the original drawing's path called "Layer-split" and saved
   with the name of the layer it contains.
   ObjectDBX MUST be registered on the computer running this (only applicable to
   versions prior to 2004)
   copyright Jeff Mishler and - April 8, 2005
   author may be reached via email at
   version 0.10 - initial build - NO error handling in place
(defun c:layers2dwgs (/       ans dbxstring  dwg
     entlist  frozen idx layer  layers
     locked   odbx path ss  tmpltpath
  ;;first, we need to know what version we are using
  (if (< (atoi (getvar "ACADVER")) 16)
    (setq dbxString "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument")
    (setq dbxString "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.16")
  ;;get the location of Autocad's template drawing
  (setq tmpltPath (vla-get-TemplateDWGPath
  ;;now let's get info about the current drawing
  (setq dwg  (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
path (strcat (vla-get-path dwg) "\\Layer-split")
oDBX (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) dbxString)
  ;; later we'll create a path below the drawings'
  ;; check if the path already exists
  (if (vl-file-directory-p path)
      ;;yep, do we want to replace it
      (initget "Yes No")
      (setq ans (getkword
 "\n....sub-Folder already exists, replace? Y or N: "
      (if (eq ans "Yes")
(progn ;;yep, so delete it
      (vl-rmdir path)
      (setq ans nil)
  ;; now, if the symbol ans is nil then we continue on, if the user answered No to replacing
  ;; the folder we will just exit quietly with doing anything
  (if (not ans)
      (vl-mkdir path)
      ;;create the path
      (setq layers (vla-get-layers dwg)) ;get the layers
      (vlax-for lay layers
;;loop thru the layers
;;check the layer's status of locked, frozen and off....
;; we don't want it to be any of them
(setq Locked (vla-get-lock lay)
     Frozen (vla-get-freeze lay)
     wasOn  (vla-get-layeron lay)
(if (eq locked :vlax-true)
 (vla-put-lock lay :vlax-false)
(if (and (/= (vla-get-name lay) (getvar "clayer"))
(eq frozen :vlax-true)
 (vla-put-freeze lay :vlax-false)
(if (eq wasOn :vlax-false)
 (vla-put-layeron lay :vlax-true)
(if (setq ss
  (ssget "x" (list (cons 8 (vla-get-name lay)) '(67 . 0)))
;;collect all entities in MS on subject layer
   (setq idx -1
 entList nil
   ;;re-initialize symbols
   (while (< (setq idx (1+ idx)) (sslength ss))
entList (cons (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss idx))
   ;;create a list of all objects on the layer
   (vla-open oDBX (strcat tmpltPath "\\acad.dwt"))
   ;;use the default drawing template for new drawings
     (vla-get-modelspace oDBX)
   ;; use copyobjects to place in the new drawing's modelspace
     (strcat path "\\" (vla-get-name lay) ".dwg")
   ;;now save it with the layer name
;; restore the lock, frozen off status
(if (eq locked :vlax-true)
 (vla-put-lock lay :vlax-true)
(if (and (/= (vla-get-name lay) (getvar "clayer"))
(eq frozen :vlax-true)
 (vla-put-freeze lay :vlax-true)
(if (eq wasOn :vlax-false)
 (vla-put-layeron lay :vlax-false)
    (princ "\nFolder exists...nothing done.")
  ;;we're done with oDBX
  (vlax-release-object oDBX)
  ;;exit quietly

;;toolbox function
;;remove directory...will remove whether it contains files or not
(defun vl-rmdir (path / fso)
  (setq fso (vla-getinterfaceobject
  (vlax-invoke fso 'deletefolder path 0)
  (vlax-release-object fso)


  • Guest
Weekend challenge
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2005, 12:39:38 AM »


  • Guest
Weekend challenge
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2005, 12:40:20 AM »



  • Mesozoic relic
  • Seagull
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Weekend challenge
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2005, 02:00:25 AM »
That avatar SO matches that comment

kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
Perfection is not optional.
Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect.
Discipline: None at all.


  • Guest
Weekend challenge
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2005, 03:34:39 AM »

Just use VBA, at least people can read it then.  :)


  • Mesozoic relic
  • Seagull
  • Posts: 11654
  • class keyThumper<T>:ILazy<T>
Weekend challenge
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2005, 04:16:21 AM »
kdub, kdub_nz in other timelines.
Perfection is not optional.
Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect.
Discipline: None at all.


  • Guest
Weekend challenge
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2005, 09:35:46 AM »
Quote from: Kerry Brown
That avatar SO matches that comment


Ask Mark how closely it resembles me in real life :P


  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4102
  • C3D user & customizer
Weekend challenge
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2005, 02:42:34 PM »
Quote from: Tim Riley

Just use VBA, at least people can read it then.  :)
Well, had Mark posted the challenge in the VBA forum rather than the lisp forum, I very well may have :D


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Weekend challenge
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2005, 03:26:14 PM »
I was kidding. :)