Author Topic: Elevation Mark (Vanilla AutoCAD) Assistance  (Read 4145 times)

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Elevation Mark (Vanilla AutoCAD) Assistance
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:18:45 PM »
Hello All,

I have this elevation marker I use in flat world plain vanilla AutoCAD. I have tried to make it work for both left and right sides but I can't seem to get it all right. I have used the "multiple lines" feature of the attributes to get the attributes to flip, however, once I change the values in the attributes they keep the original justification. I am not looking for it to calculate the elevation from a specific point (i.e. y=0), the elevation will be manually input.

I know most of you are gurus at this sort of thing and I would like to ask if anyone could help me out...Please.

So in it's simplistic form:

Elevation Marker
Base point for the insertion point to stay the same when stretching(offset a bit from the original point on the structure from which the elevation marker is place)
Ability to stretch the line work to accommodate the various "elevation type" verbiage inputs
Flipping ability to be able to use it on the left or right sides
Flip text and have justification change to move away from the end according to which side the elevation marker is placed (left or right)
And any other things you folks might suggest...without making it overly complicated...again, just plain vanilla AutoCAD

I have attached what I have so far.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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  • Seagull
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Re: Elevation Mark (Vanilla AutoCAD) Assistance
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2013, 08:13:18 PM »
I played with it a bit, see attached, but the justification alludes me.
You may need to use FIT for justification.
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Re: Elevation Mark (Vanilla AutoCAD) Assistance
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2013, 09:22:30 PM »

Thanks man. I think I am going to use some VIS states. It's a pretty simple block, just found the text justification the tricky part.
