Author Topic: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net  (Read 2285 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 17
Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:03:12 AM »
Is it possible to create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .NET?

I have searched the internet and not found anything about QuickProfile.

In the API reference guide I found "SettingsCmdCreateQuickProfile" but did not understand how to use that information.

Please anyone!?


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 919
  • Certified Prof C3D
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 12:29:04 PM »
SettingsCmd.... refers to settings which can be set in the Settings Tab of the ToolSpace.

I don't know if you can create a QuickProfile with .Net, but you can create a Surface Profile from a Surface. Why not simulate the Quick Profile with an app that creates a real Profile?

An example of such an app (which I made):

The conclusion is justified that the initialization of the development of critical subsystem optimizes the probability of success to the development of the technical behavior over a given period.


  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 17
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 02:18:17 PM »
Interesting approach! I'm going to try the same strategy.

Would it be possible to obtain a copy from part of your code? I fully understand if you donīt want to.

Thanks for your reply!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 02:22:20 PM by UWPMVG »


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 919
  • Certified Prof C3D
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 02:34:29 PM »
I fully understand if you donīt want to.

It is commercial software, you could buy it :-)
The conclusion is justified that the initialization of the development of critical subsystem optimizes the probability of success to the development of the technical behavior over a given period.


  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 17
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 04:15:50 AM »
I have now programmed a similar app but I need to be able to update starting and ending point of the fixed line in the alignment using

Does anyone know how that is accomplished?

I tried using "MoveGripPointsAt" but did not managed.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 04:23:55 AM by UWPMVG »


  • Newt
  • Posts: 27
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 04:54:05 AM »
could you show the code to explain what you are try to do?
I have a short sample to create profile from surface.
This is not so secret code...  8-)
Veli V.

Public Function CreateProfileFromSurface(ByVal alignName As String, _
                                                 ByVal surfaceName As String, _
                                                 ByVal profileName As String, _
                                                 ByVal profileStyleName As String, _
                                                 ByVal layerName As String) As AeccProfile
            Dim ed As Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput.Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
            Dim oProfile As AeccProfile
            Dim oAlign As AeccAlignment = Me.GetAlignment(alignName)
            If oAlign.Name = alignName Then
                    oProfile = oAlign.Profiles.Item(profileName)
                Catch exArg As ArgumentException
                    Debug.WriteLine("Couldnīt find profile " + profileName)
                End Try
                If oProfile Is Nothing Then
                    Dim oProfileStyle As AeccProfileStyle = Me.GetOrCreateProfileStyle(profileStyleName)
                    Dim oSurface As IAeccSurface = Me.GetSurfaceByName(surfaceName)
                    If oSurface.Name = surfaceName Then
                        oProfile = oAlign.Profiles.AddFromSurface(profileName, AeccProfileType.aeccExistingGround, oProfileStyle.Name, oSurface.Name, oAlign.StartingStation, oAlign.EndingStation, layerName)
                        ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + "Surface " + surfaceName + " doesnīt exist.")
                    End If
                    ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + "Profile " + profileName + " already exist.")
                End If
            End If
            Return oProfile
        End Function


  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 17
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2012, 06:10:16 AM »
I want to change the coordinates of previous added fixed line. The Alignment only consists of one fixed line. I donīt want to erase the entity first and then create a new one.

Code: [Select]
Dim oAlignmentId As ObjectId = ObjectId.Null

                    oAlignmentId = Alignment.Create(m_doc, "SectionViewer", "Site 1", "0", "Linjeberäkning - utskrift", "Visa inte - etiketter")
                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    ed.WriteMessage(ex.Message + Convert.ToChar(10))
                End Try

                If (oAlignmentId.IsNull) Then
                    ed.WriteMessage("Sample Alignment:  Error creating alignment: " & Err.Description & " - " & Err.Number & Convert.ToChar(10))
                End If

            sectionAlignment = trans.GetObject(oAlignmentId, AcDb2.OpenMode.ForWrite)

            Dim point1 As Point3d = New Point3d(start_easting, start_northing, 0.0)
            Dim point2 As Point3d = New Point3d(end_easting, end_northing, 0.0)Try
            Dim oAlignmentTangent As AlignmentLine
                    oAlignmentTangent = sectionAlignment.Entities.AddFixedLine(point1, point2)
                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    ed.WriteMessage(ex.Message + Convert.ToChar(10))
                End Try


  • Newt
  • Posts: 27
Re: Create a QuickProfile in Civil3D 2012 using .net
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2012, 08:56:20 AM »
I have no other solution to do that. This example using COM API.
vertexes have the points that are going to change for alignment.
If you find other solution I like to hear that too.  :-D

vertexes = New Point3dCollection(...) 'Init points to this collection
Dim count As Integer = 0
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim pt1, pt2 As Point3d

        Dim strStat As Double = oAlignment.StartingStation
        Dim endStat As Double = oAlignment.EndingStation
        pt1 = vertexes(i)
        count = vertexes.Count
        For i = 1 To count - 1
            pt2 = vertexes(i)
            oAlignment.Entities.AddFixedLine1(pt1.ToArray(), pt2.ToArray())
            pt1 = pt2