Author Topic: Use of an operator function inside of a method.  (Read 2123 times)

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Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« on: August 25, 2011, 08:57:27 AM »

This is a funcion I got of the microsoft site that returns true or false depending on which date is larger numerically.

Code: [Select]
public static bool operator <=(DateTime t1, DateTime t2);

In my method I have:

Code: [Select]
public MyMethod (string NewStrLine)
       DateTime t1 = Convert.ToDateTime(NewStrLine);
       DateTime t2 = DateTime.Today;
       bool b1 = ???


How do I incorporate or use the function inside of  my method?


  • Gator
  • Posts: 2522
  • Marseille, France
Re: Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 09:12:01 AM »

Just use : t1 <= t2

You method must have a return type i.e. boolean:
Code: [Select]
        public bool YourMethod(string NewStrLine)
            DateTime t1 = Convert.ToDateTime(NewStrLine);
            DateTime t2 = DateTime.Today;
            return = t1 <= t2;
Speaking English as a French Frog

Jeff H

  • Needs a day job
  • Posts: 6151
Re: Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 10:04:18 AM »
For those of you not familiar with operator overloding,
you can overload operators for custom classes and structures.
Here is a example overloading the + operator
Code: [Select]

     public class Point
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public Point(double x, double y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;
        public static Point operator +(Point p1, Point p2)
            return new Point(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y);


You could implement IComparable and do something like this for Comparison operators
Code: [Select]
    public class Point: IComparable
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public Point(double x, double y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;
        public static Point operator +(Point p1, Point p2)
            return new Point(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y);
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            Point pnt = (Point)obj;
            if (this.X > pnt.X && this.Y > pnt.Y)
                return 1;
            else if (this.X < pnt.X && this.Y < pnt.Y)
                return -1;
                return 0;
        public static bool operator <=(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) <= 0);

        public static bool operator <(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) < 0);

And here is the function that Bill posted decompiled From System.DateTime
Code: [Select]

public static bool operator <=(DateTime t1, DateTime t2)
 return &t1.InternalTicks <= &t2.InternalTicks;

« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 10:24:23 AM by Jeff H »


  • Guest
Re: Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 10:15:09 AM »
Sheesh, so simple.  :-o
Glad I asked.

I'll have to look at what Jeff posted at a later time but thanks for that too.  ^-^


  • Guest
Re: Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 10:57:18 AM »
For those of you not familiar with operator overloding,
you can overload operators for custom classes and structures.
Here is a example overloading the + operator
Code: [Select]

     public class Point
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public Point(double x, double y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;
        public static Point operator +(Point p1, Point p2)
            return new Point(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y);


I did a little testing.
Pretty neat stuff there Jeff.
Thanks again!  :wink:

Jeff H

  • Needs a day job
  • Posts: 6151
Re: Use of an operator function inside of a method.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 01:58:51 PM »
For completeness sake.
I just tried to build the solution with the second example for other code in it to use, but
it will fail because if you overload <= you have to overload >= and vise versa. The same goes for < and >.
So you must add
Code: [Select]

    public static bool operator >=(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) >= 0);

        public static bool operator >(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) > 0);

The whole thing
Code: [Select]

          public class Point: IComparable
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public Point(double x, double y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;
        public static Point operator +(Point p1, Point p2)
            return new Point(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y);
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            Point pnt = (Point)obj;
            if (this.X > pnt.X && this.Y > pnt.Y)
                return 1;
            else if (this.X < pnt.X && this.Y < pnt.Y)
                return -1;
                return 0;
        public static bool operator <=(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) <= 0);

        public static bool operator <(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) < 0);
        public static bool operator >=(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) >= 0);

        public static bool operator >(Point p1, Point p2)
            return (p1.CompareTo(p2) > 0);