Author Topic: C# create TextStyle  (Read 7525 times)

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C# create TextStyle
« on: August 18, 2011, 10:17:23 AM »
I'm finding examples everywhere that seem to work for others, but the following code is not working for me.  It completes with no errors, but when I check with the STYLE command, there is no TextStyle added.

Code: [Select]
/// <source> </source>
        /// <summary> adds a text style to a drawing if it doesn't already exist </summary>
        public static void AddTextStyle()
            Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
            using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                TextStyleTable tab = (TextStyleTable)trans.GetObject(db.TextStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false);
                if (!tab.Has("MinesweeperStyle"))
                    TextStyleTableRecord rec = new TextStyleTableRecord();
                    rec.Name = "MinesweeperStyle";
                    rec.FileName = "txt.shx";
                    //rec.Font = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.FontDescriptor("txt", false, false, 0, 0);
                    rec.IsShapeFile = true;
                    rec.TextSize = 1.0;
                    rec.XScale = 1.0;
                    /* MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Name: {0}\nBigFontFileName: {1}\nFileName: {2}\nFont: {3}\nIsShapeFile: {4}\nIsVertical: {5}\n" +
                        "ObliquingAngle: {6}\nTextSize: {7}\nXScale: {8}", rec.Name, rec.BigFontFileName, rec.FileName, rec.Font.ToString(),
                        rec.IsShapeFile.ToString(), rec.IsVertical.ToString(), rec.ObliquingAngle.ToString(), rec.TextSize.ToString(), rec.XScale.ToString()),
                        "Create TextStyle"); */
                    trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(rec, true);

Anybody know what I'm missing?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 11:39:02 AM by IDabble »


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Re: C# create TextStyle
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 01:14:05 PM »
IsShapeFile = false;   :oops:
Movin' on now.

Andrey Bushman

  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 864
Re: C# create TextStyle
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 09:53:11 AM »
Code: [Select]
        public ObjectId CreateNew(TextStyleInfo styleSettings) {
            if (Exists(styleSettings.Name)) throw new System
    .Exception(string.Format(TextStyleMngRes.StyleAlredyExists, styleSettings));

            TextStyleTableRecord ts = new TextStyleTableRecord();

            //По умолчанию выставляю следующие настройки
            ts.Name = styleSettings.Name;
            ts.FileName = styleSettings.FontName;
            ts.Annotative = styleSettings.Annotative ? AnnotativeStates.True : AnnotativeStates.False;
            ts.ObliquingAngle = styleSettings.ObliqueAngle * Math.PI / 180;
            ts.BigFontFileName = styleSettings.BigFontName;
            ts.FlagBits = (byte) 0;
            ts.FlagBits += styleSettings.UpsideDown ? (byte) 2 : (byte) 0;
            ts.FlagBits += styleSettings.Backwards ? (byte) 4 : (byte) 0;
            ts.TextSize = styleSettings.TextHeight;
            ts.XScale = styleSettings.WidthFactor;
            ts.IsVertical = styleSettings.Vertical;

            //Запускаю транзакцию
            using (Transaction trs = TargetDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) {
                try {
                    //Добавляю созданный стиль в базу данных
                    TextStyleTable tStyles = (TextStyleTable) trs.GetObject(TargetDb.TextStyleTableId,
                    trs.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ts, true);

                    //А теперь задаю те настройки, которые указаны в параметре
                    SetSettings(ts.Name, styleSettings);

                    //Завершаю транзакцию, сохраняя все изменения
                catch { }
            return ts.ObjectId;

TextStyleInfo - my class, but it is not difficult to understand, as well as that works.


  • Guest
Re: C# create TextStyle
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 11:21:40 AM »
Very informative & nice code.  Thank you for posting it.