Author Topic: Searching files in subfolders?  (Read 8801 times)

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Searching files in subfolders?
« on: December 22, 2004, 10:52:45 AM »
I was trying to write a tool that would search all subdirectories (below the folder I selected) and return a list of dwgs with the path intact.  This is becoming a lengthy process and I didn't know if I was missing something or if someone might know of an easier way.  Part of my tool relies on an expresstool command (which I don't particularly like) and searching for files in subfolders seems to be difficult if you are unsure how many subfolders there are.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful.


Ron Heigh

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Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2004, 11:05:07 AM »
you can do this very easily with the code for the superfind program.
it uses VBA.
do you have the acadx module by Tony Tanzillo?


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Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2004, 11:13:48 AM »
No.  I don't have it.  I am really close to getting it.  I have written recursively, but I'm not sure how I can get it to save the folder names though.  It just gives me a bunch of nil lists.

Here is my code so far:
Code: [Select]
(defun c:test ()
  (find_dwgs (acet-ui-pickdir))

(defun find_dwgs (path / folders files)
  (setq folders (get_folders path))

(defun get_folders (folder / f)
  (if (setq f (cddr (vl-directory-files folder nil -1)))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x)(get_folders (strcat folder "\\" x))) f)

The code looks a little bare, but I stripped out a bunch of other options and stuff to go with it just to make it a bit more readable and understandable.


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  • Seagull
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Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2004, 11:24:50 AM »
Perhaps this will give you some ideas.
Code: [Select]
;;;  fn2file.lsp by Charles Alan Butler
;;;  by Precision Drafting & Design All Rights Reserved.
;;;  Contact at
;;;   Version 1.0   Nov 26,2004
;;; Create a text file with file names of a given type in a
;;; specific directory. Text file name is the directory name
;;; First line is the path then all files names
;;; The file is saved in that directory
;;;  Limitations
;;;  Limited error checking
;;; Command Line Usage
;;; Command: fn2file

(defun c:fn2file (/ flist myfile path ftype fname)
       ;;(setq path (ale_browseforfolder "Select directory to get files:"))
       ;;(setq path (strcat path "\\"))
       (setq path (getfiled "Select a File Type in Folder you want the list from" "" "" 4))
       (setq ftype (strcat "*" (caddr (fnsplitl path))))
       (setq path  (car (fnsplitl path)))
       (setq flist (megetfolders path ftype nil)); change nil to T to get sub folders
       (setq fname (strcat path (last (splitdirs path)) "-" (substr ftype 3) "-files-list.txt"))
       (mk-file fname (car flist))
(prompt "\nTo create a text file of file names enter fn2file.")

;  Jürg Menzi (
;This code returns folders recursive or not recursive with or without
;file names:
; == Function MeGetFolders
; Scans from current folder (recursive) for folders (and files).
; Arguments [Type]:
;   Fol = Root folder [STR]
;   Pat = File name pattern
;         - Not False: eg. *.*, *.dwg [STR]
;         - False:     Folders only [BOOLEAN]
;   Rec = Recursive flag [BOOLEAN]
;         - True:  scan folders recursive
;         - False: scan first folder level
; Return [Type]:
;   > If pattern argument False:
;     '("Pth1" "Pth2"...) [LIST]
;   > If pattern argument not False:
;     '(("Pth1" '("Fil1" "Fil2"...)) ("Pth2" '(...))...) [LIST]
; Notes:
;   - If no files found in a folder, the file list returns a '("").
;   - Deep folder structure slow down the function.
(defun MeGetFolders (Fol Pat Rec / FolLst TmpFol)
 (setq TmpFol (if (wcmatch Fol "*\\") (substr Fol 1 (1- (strlen Fol))) Fol)
       FolLst (cons TmpFol (apply 'append (MeGetFoldersRec TmpFol Rec)))
 (if Pat
  '(lambda (l)
    (cons l (cond ((vl-directory-files l Pat 1)) ('(""))))
   ) FolLst
; == Function MeGetFoldersRec
; Recursive function for MeGetFolders.
; Arguments [Type]:
;   Fol = Folder [STR]
;   Rec = Recursive flag [BOOLEAN]
;         - True:  scan folders recursive
;         - False: scan first folder level
; Return [Type]:
;   > Folder list '((Pth1) (Pth2)) [LIST]
; Notes:
;   Return value contain nil atoms.
(defun MeGetFoldersRec (Fol Rec / TmpFol)
 '(lambda (l)
   (if (not (wcmatch l "`.*"))
     (setq TmpFol (strcat Fol "\\" l))
     (if Rec (apply 'append (MeGetFoldersRec TmpFol Rec)))
  ) (vl-directory-files Fol nil -1)

;;  Write data to text file
(defun mk-file (fname datalst)
  ;; open a file for writing
  (setq fo (open fname "w"))
  (foreach itm datalst (write-line  itm fo))
  (close fo) ; close the open file handle

; Example: (ALE_BrowseForFolder "Select drawings folder")
; Original BrowseForFolder by Tony Tanzillo
(defun ALE_BrowseForFolder (PrmStr / ShlObj Folder FldObj OutVal)
     ShlObj (vla-getInterfaceObject
     Folder (vlax-invoke-method ShlObj 'BrowseForFolder 0 PrmStr 0)
   (vlax-release-object ShlObj)
   (if Folder
         (setq FldObj (vlax-get-property Folder 'Self)
               OutVal (vlax-get-property FldObj 'Path)
         (vlax-release-object Folder)
         (vlax-release-object FldObj)

;;  by MP
; (splitdirs "c:\\123\\456\\789") returns ("c:" "123" "456" "789")
(defun splitdirs (path / r w i c)
  (setq w "" i (1+ (strlen path)))
  (repeat (strlen path)
    (if (member (setq c (substr path (setq i (1- i)) 1)) '( "\\" "/"))
      (if (/= w "") (setq r (cons w r) w ""))
      (setq w (strcat c w))
  (if (/= w "") (cons w r) r)
  ;;  remove file name added by CAB
  (if (wcmatch path "*`.*") ; has file name ?
    (reverse (cdr (reverse r))) ; remove it
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  • Guest
Recursive solution for finding files in subdirectories
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2004, 12:27:52 PM »
Hey Swampers,

Find a file in subdirectories using recursion.

the syntax is

(findfilex "c:/acad/" "312vg.dwg")

It will return a list of the files

Peter Jamtgaard
Code: [Select]

 (if (findfile (strcat PATH FNAME))
  (setq DIRLST2 (list (findfile (strcat PATH FNAME))))
 (search PATH FNAME)

 (setq DIRLST (vl-directory-files PATH nil -1))
  (foreach N DIRLST
   (if (and (/= N ".")(/= N "..")(/= N nil))
     (setq PATH2 (strcat PATH N "/"))
     (if (findfile (strcat PATH2 FNAME))
      (setq DIRLST2 (cons (findfile (strcat PATH2 FNAME)) DIRLST2))
     (search PATH2 FNAME)
 (reverse DIRLST2)


  • Guest
Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2004, 01:17:49 PM »
Thanks CAB.

The recursive section by Jürg Menzi had the missing link I needed.


  • Guest
Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2004, 01:25:04 PM »
Yet another, written long ago (wrapped in a primitive interface command)

Code: [Select]
(defun C:SEARCHFOR (/ foundfiles folder fn)
  (defun filesearch (fld filename / fld fn found flst lst)
    (cond ((setq flst (vl-remove ".." (vl-remove "." (vl-directory-files fld))))
           (setq lst (mapcar (function (lambda (n)
                                         (if (= (substr fld (strlen fld) 1) "\\")
                                           (strcat fld n)(strcat fld "\\" n))))
           (foreach fd lst
             (cond ((vl-file-directory-p fd)
                    (filesearch fd filename))
                    (cond ((wcmatch fd filename)
                           (setq found      fd
                                 foundfiles (cons found foundfiles)
                           (princ found)
  (setq folder (getstring "\nStart in folder: ")
        fn     (getstring "\nFile to search for: ")
  (if (= folder "")(setq folder (getenv "systemDrive")))
  (cond ((and folder (/= fn ""))
         (filesearch folder fn))
  (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa (length foundfiles)) " files found"))


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  • Seagull
  • Posts: 28762
Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2004, 02:05:09 PM »
Quote from: SMadsen
Yet another, written long ago (wrapped in a primitive interface command)

there it is!! I was waiting for you to dig that out.  :D
I remember seeing that code but couldn't remember where or when.

thanks guys, that is some very nice code.  (serving the CAD community since 2003)


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Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2004, 06:28:47 PM »
Quote from: Mark Thomas
there it is!! I was waiting for you to dig that out.

You could just have asked  :D


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Searching files in subfolders?
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2004, 08:14:34 AM »
"Ask and you shall receive"