Author Topic: Training Topics  (Read 6930 times)

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Kate M

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Training Topics
« on: November 21, 2003, 02:10:43 PM »
Hi guys,

I have to do some training in the next few weeks for our new hires -- nothing formal, but we realized that they're asking a few too many questions and just being generally unproductive. (I can only hope they're not being COUNTER-productive!) Not that questions are bad, but they're the sort that make you sit there and listen and hope the "oh my god I can't believe you're asking this question what ELSE don't you understand" that's running through your mind isn't showing on your face. Whew -- maybe this belongs in the vent after all. :shock:

ANYWAY, what I wanted to ask for are suggestions for things to include in the training -- I was planning on covering layers, dimensions, text, blocks, xrefs, etc, but I'm afraid of leaving things out -- I've been doing it so long I might forget what the basics are. And, you guys are the CAD gurus, right?? ;-) At any rate, it seems like all the important people from the other forums hang out here. At least you've probably had to deal with newbies before (or worse, people who don't *know* they're newbies), so I bet there's a lot of good advice floating around out there. :-)




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Training Topics
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2003, 02:21:47 PM »
ummm fire them all and hire me hehehe



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Training Topics
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2003, 02:22:00 PM »

I would think, besides the items you covered in your post, one of the main things they need to understand are the company standards. When we hire new people and I would have to train them, the biggest thing was the company standards. Most CAD people are all alike, once you learn CAD a certain way, thats the way you want to do it from there on out. Well, when you move to a new company, I have found that alot of times, the way I did things would not work. I would stress to the new hires that they MUST adhere to these standards. What happens when they don't is when they start a project and not follow the standards and then a veteran comes behind them to make changes, some animosity about how the files are created may arise. I know this may not be the answer you wanted but when we hire someone new, that is my main topic. Then I discuss with them what the standards are, DWT files, layers, dimensioning, etc...

Hope this helps.....some    :roll:

PS: What I would tell these new hires is when a job goes out, no matter who did it, the drawings should always look the same as any other drawing. What I mean by that is the style of the drawings should be identical, or at least resemble other drawings on other projects.


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« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2003, 02:23:18 PM »
LOL...I like that..."or worse, people who don't *know* they're newbies"  :lol: I know a few of those...probably used to be one...Maybe I still am!

I remembered seeing something like this on the other site some time ago.


Good Luck,

Kate M

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Training Topics
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2003, 02:38:14 PM »
Wow, you guys are fast. :-) Should've mentioned earlier that our trainees are all ENGINEERS (like me, but I *like* CAD)...all your advice is still good, it just makes my job a little harder. We don't have a drafting department (the boss doesn't want one), and our standards need a bit of work, so it looks like I get to be the CAD-police for a while -- at least we have enough people who *do* know what they're doing that I'm not totally sunk.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes...maybe if I put something on paper it can wind up in the tutorials.

Thanks guys! :-)


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Training Topics
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2003, 02:40:32 PM »
Shame on you!  You didn't mention anything about Engineers!  You ARE sunk! ;)

Don't forget to tell them about THIS SITE!


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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2003, 04:16:04 AM »
Far as I remember youre using CAD2K4 Kate,theres a new standards checker you can utilise that comes with CAD2K4.I remember some of the first drawings I did as I work in a diffeent section of my company,the look on obne of the CAD managers from another floor! :) I'd only used different layer names and some different blocks.Standards are also important as they make it easier to find mistakes,should something go wrong.


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Training Topics
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2003, 11:06:41 AM »
THIS is the one I was looking for!

Although the other site really blows now, it does still have a lot of valuable posts and other info there


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Training Topics
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2003, 07:19:30 PM »
I train.  I've trained co-workers new tricks.  I've trained my fiance from scratch.  I've trained friends and fellow stuents (back in school).  I've trained the old and the young.

If your trainer doesn't have patience, get rid of your trainer.  What seem like simple questions to you (how do I open a file) may be part of a bigger question or thought the person is trying to work out.

Train the standards but don't try to train how to draw.  If you try to tell someone how to draw a line "Pick the beginning of your box.  With your right hand, pull the mouse..."  That's no good.  You have to allow your trainees to figure out the best way to get the job done while staying within office standards.  I used to butt heads with our office CAD manager becaue he wanted people to do things his way.  His way was never updated from R12 or some ancient ACAD so a lot of what he did was, in my opinion, long, drawn out, and just too confusing.  I still do things my way, he still does things his, and most people in the office prefer my methods to his.  Point is, people are going to find their own way to use a tool.  That's fine so long as they all make the same chair.

From my experience with engineers, you can not be too simple.  An engineers mind looks at all the components of a thing.  That's why they're engineers.  Some need from the first step "How do I open AutoCAD." to the last "How do I open AutoCAD."

I could spend days talking about this but that's not what my paycheck is all about.  I take teaching pretty seriously because I know what it's like having teachers who are incompetent, impatient, egotistic, and all that, and I know what it's like to have a teacher who is patient, can think on the same level as the student, and just plain enjoys teaching.  Plus, I teach.


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Teaching & being taught ...
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2003, 01:41:46 PM »
I run into the same situation quite often, the situation the Guest had mentioned.
The office I work in is, believe it or not, still in the board drafting stages and using A2K4.   Unfortunately, they (We) will never utilize the full extent of this program as long as their mindset is on board drafting.   The problem we have here is that I use 3D items.  I look at a 2x4 as a 2x4, not 4 lines and an X down the middle.   I look at a door as a solid object were-as my co-workers look at it as 4 lines and a circle (door knob).
They get very frustrated when they have to work on a drawing that I have completed and I get frustrated when they work on it becuase everything gets exploded.   I have submitted myself to backing up to the old board drafting standards just to get along.   They are trying to teach me to use the toolbars and pulldown menus.   They can draft with one hand.   This drives me nuts, I use the PGP file extensively and the keyboard is worn out but I get the job done.   So, like the Guest has mentioned, you can't teach them how to draw, but at the same time, you do.   The animosity mentioned is a butt-kicker and can really drive a wedge into a working relationship that goes south quickly.

Just a couple pennies worth ...

Dent Cermak

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« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2003, 01:59:39 PM »
Best bet would be to memorize the words to "TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM". Hire a short, fat Mexican to be your Sancho and gaze moodily out the nearest window. Then they will all leave you alone and you won't have to worry about it.


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« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2004, 11:50:50 AM »
Hi Kate

I know the frustration you are feeling but I also rememeber being a newbie myself, not to mention that there is still so much I want to learn.

I think sometimes we need to take a step back and rememeber that we were all new at one time and AutoCAD is not an over night course.

I think it is important to teach in the simples possible way. I always take and stress taking notes which lessens repetitive questions.

Also, SOPs and an open door policy are very important. I do realize that a lot of people are stuck in old school techniques or they say,"well we did it like this at my old company" Well, sorry to say, this is not your old company.

So, I would definetely have SOPs and stress the fact that they need to be adhered to.

I think I would prefer to teach someone from scratch then to have veterans sometimes. I have found in my career that one of the worse problems are a lack of enthusiasm as well. Too many people have this I don't need to know attitude until they are running around like chickens without a head when the boss needs something.

Well, I hope this helps? SOPs  SOPs

Mark :)


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« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2004, 01:14:42 PM »
Kate, the most important thing and its already been covered IS standards! If these "Engineers" are new to CAD, then its not too late. Most people get used to doing things their way and will not, or cannot change. Like I said, its already been covered, but I can't stress how important it is to have everyone operating on the same sheet of music. Like Dent's "To Dream the Impossible Dream", if the orchestra is out of tune, the whole show sucks.


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Training Topics
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2004, 02:01:54 PM »
FYI ...
 SOP = Standard Operating Procedures
 SOP = Standards Of Production
 SOP = Standard Operating Protocol

Key word here is Standard....
Get on if you don't have one and stick to it....
Proud provider of opinion and arrogance since November 22, 2003 at 09:35:31 am
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