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 Members are encouraged to post any functions, methods, snips regarding
AutoCAD GEOMETRY in .NET : C# ,  VB , F# , Python , etc

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Some geometry extensions methods for Point2d, Point3d, CircularArc2d, Polyline and Polyline2d classes and two little (maybe usefull) classes: Triangle2d, Triangle3d.

All these classes work together and have to be compiled in a single DLL.

The extension methods requires to reference System.Core (.NET Framework 3.5)

EDIT: extended

Available on Github.

The GeomExt class, contains the following extension methods:

Matrix3d Editor.UCS2WCS()
Matrix3d Editor.WCS2UCS()
Matrix3d Editor.DCS2WCS()
Matrix3d Editor.WCS2DCS()
Matrix3d Editor.DCS2PSDCS()
Matrix3d Editor.PSDCS2DCS()

Matrix3d Viewport.DCS2WCS()
Matrix3d Viewport.WCS2DCS()
Matrix3d Viewport.PSDCS2DCS()
Matrix3d Viewport.DCS2PSDCS()

Point3d Point2d.Convert3d()
Point3d Point2d.Convert3d(Plane plane)
Point3d Point2d.Convert3d(Vector3d normal, double elevation)
Point2d Point2d.Flatten(Vector3d normal)
bool IsBetween(Point2d p1, Point2d p2)
bool IsBetween(Point2d p1, Point2d p2, Tolerance tol)
Point2d Point2d.Polar(double angle, double distance)

Point3d Point3d.Convert2d()
Point3d Point3d.Flatten()
bool IsBetween(Point3d p1, Point3d p2)
bool IsBetween(Point3d p1, Point3d p2, Tolerance tol)
Point3d Point3d.Polar(double angle, double distance)
Point3d Point3d.Trans(int from, int to)
Point3d Point3d.Trans(Editor ed, int from, int to)
Point3d Point3d.Trans(CoordSystem from, CoordSystem to)
Point3d Point3d.Trans(Editor ed, CoordSystem from, CoordSystem to)

Vector3d Vector3d .Flatten()

void Point2dCollection.RemoveDuplicate()
void Point2dCollection.RemoveDuplicate(Tolerance tol)
bool Point2dCollection.Contains(Point2d pt, Tolerance tol)

void Point3dCollection.RemoveDuplicate()
void Point3dCollection.RemoveDuplicate(Tolerance tol)
bool Point3dCollection.Contains(Point3d pt, Tolerance tol)

double CircularArc2d.AlgebricArea()
Point2d CircularArc2d.Centroid()

Point2d Polyline.Centroid2d()
Point3d Polyline.Centroid()
Polyline Polyline.GetProjectedPolyline(Plane plane, Vector3d direction)
Polyline Polyline.GetOrthoProjectedPolyline(Plane plane)

Point3d Polyline2d.Centroid()
CircularArc3d Polyline2d.GetArcSegmentAt(int index)
CircularArc2d Polyline2d.GetArcSegment2dAt(int index)
LineSegment3d Polyline2d.GetLineSegmentAt(int index)
LineSegment2d Polyline2d.GetLineSegment2dAt(int index)
Polyline Polyline2d.GetProjectedPolyline(Plane plane, Vector3d direction)
Polyline Polyline2d.GetOrthoProjectedPolyline(Plane plane)
List<Vertex2d> Polyline2d.GetVertices()

Polyline Polyline3d.GetProjectedPolyline(Plane plane, Vector3d direction)
Polyline Polyline3d.GetOrthoProjectedPolyline(Plane plane)

Point3d Region.Centroid()

Point3d Spline.Centroid()

Polyline Ellipse.ToPolyline()

Triangle<T> abstract class

Triangle(T[] pts)
Triangle(T a, T b, T c)

T Item

T Inverse()
void Set(T[] pts)
void Set(T a, T b, T c)
T[] ToArray()

Triangle2d : Triangle<Point2d> class

Triangle2d() : base()
Triangle2d(Point2d[] pts) : base(pts)
Triangle2d(Point2d a, Point2d b, Point2d c) : base(a, b, c)
Triangle2d(Point2d org, Vector2d v1, Vector2d v2)

double AlgebricArea
Point2d Centroid
CircularArc2d CircumscribedCircle
CircularArc2d InscribedCircle
bool IsClockwise

Triangle3d Convert3d(Plane plane)
Triangle3d Convert3d(Vector3d normal, double elevation)
double GetAngleAt(int index)
LineSegment2d GetSegmentAt(int index)
List<Point2d> IntersectWith(LinearEntity2d le2d)
List<Point2d> IntersectWith(LinearEntity2d le2d, Tolerance tol)
bool IsEqualTo(Triangle2d t2d)
bool IsEqualTo(Triangle2d t2d, Tolerance tol)
bool IsPointInside(Point2d pt)
bool IsPointOn(Point2d pt)
void Set(Point2d org, Vector2d v1, Vector2d v2)
Triangle2d TransformBy(Matrix2d mat)

Triangle3d : Triangle<Point3d> class

Triangle3d() : base()
Triangle3d(Point3d[] pts) : base(pts)
Triangle3d(Point3d a, Point3d b, Point3d c) : base(a, b, c)
Triangle3d(Point3d org, Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2)

double Area
Point3d Centroid
CircularArc3d CircumscribedCircle
double Elevation
Vector3d GreatestSlope
Vector3d Horizontal
CircularArc3d InscribedCircle
bool IsHorizontal
Vector3d Normal
double SlopePerCent
Matrix3d SlopeUCS

Triangle2d Convert2d()
Triangle2d Flatten()
double GetAngleAt(int index)
BoundedPlane GetBoundedPlane()
Plane GetPlane()
LineSegment3d GetSegmentAt(int index)
bool IsEqualTo(Triangle3d t3d)
bool IsEqualTo(Triangle3d t3d, Tolerance tol)
bool IsPointInside(Point3d pt)
bool IsPointOn(Point3d pt)
void Set(Point3d org, Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2)
Triangle3d Transformby(Matrix3d mat)

PolylineSegment class


PolylineSegment(Point2d startPoint, Point2d endPoint)
PolylineSegment(Point2d startPoint, Point2d endPoint, double bulge)
PolylineSegment(Point2d startPoint, Point2d endPoint, double bulge, double constantWidth)
PolylineSegment(Point2d startPoint, Point2d endPoint, double bulge, double startWidth, double endWidth)
PolylineSegment(Line2dSegment line)
PolylineSegment(CircularArc2d arc)


double Bulge
Point2d EndPoint
double EndWidth
bool IsLinear
Point2d StartPoint
double StartWidth


bool Equals(object obj)
PolylineSegment Clone()
int GetHashCode()
double GetParameterOf(Point3d pt)
void Inverse()
CircularArc2d ToCircularArc()
Curve2d ToCurve2d()
LineSegment2d ToLineSegment()
string ToString()

PolylineSegmentCollection : IList<PolylineSegment> class


PolylineSegmentCollection(Circle circle)
PolylineSegmentCollection(Ellipse ellipse)
PolylineSegmentCollection(Polyline pline)
PolylineSegmentCollection(Polyline2d pline)
PolylineSegmentCollection(IEnumerable<PolylineSegment> segments)


void Add(PolylineSegment segment)
void AddRange(IEnumerable<PolylineSegment> range)
void Clear()
bool Contains(PolylineSegment segment)
int FinIindex(Predicate<PolylineSegment> match)
int GetClosestSegmentTo(Point2d pt)
IEnumerator<PolylineSegment> GetEnumerator()
int IndexOf(PolylineSegment item)
void Insert(int index, PolylineSegment item)
void InsertRange(int index, IEnumerable<PolylineSegment> collection)
List<PolylineSegmentCollection> Join()
List<PolylineSegmentCollection> Join(Tolerance tol)
bool Remove(PolylineSegment item)
void RemoveAt(int index)
public void RemoveRange(int index, int count)
Polyline ToPolyline()

For more information, see the attached documentation. contains a .chm documentation file.
GeometryExtensions(1.6).zip contains the C# source code files and the DLLs (GeometryExtensions_18.dll for A2010-2012 and GeometryExtensions_19 for A2013+)

<EDIT: version 1.6> added CircularArc2d and CircularArc3d GetTangentsTo methods, reorganized: one class per extended type.

Added some extension methods for Polyline2d.

I added some more extensions and rewrite the Triangle2d and Triangle3d classes


I added some properties and methods to the Triangle2d and Triangle3d classes that I needed to deal with 3dfaces (ground modeling).

Triangle2d class:
- Inverse() method returns the triangle in inverse order (Triangle2d)

Triangle3d class :
- GreatestSlope property returns the single unit vector of the triangle plane greatest slope (Vector3d)
- Horizontal property returns the single unit vector of the triangle plane horizontal (Vector3d)
- IsHorizontal property returns true if the triangle plane is parallel to WCS XY plane (Boolean)
- SlopePerCent property returns the percent expression of the greatest slope (Double)
- SlopeUCS property returns a coordinates system matrix which origin is the triangle centroid, X axis is horizontal vector, Y axis the negated greatest slope vector (Matrix3d)
- Flatten() method returns the flatten triangle (Triangle2d)
- Inverse() method returns the triangle in inverse order (Triangle3d)


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