Author Topic: Updated Standards Doc, Opinions?  (Read 6206 times)

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Updated Standards Doc, Opinions?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 04:27:39 PM »
All in all it looks good. However here are a few small comments:

*** In order to make the process of starting a new project much easier we have a few recommendations. You should customize your autocad desktop icon to automatically open our template drawing when you start autocad. In order to customize your icon you will need to right click on your autocad desktop icon and go to properties. Copy and paste this line into the target box: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3\acad.exe" /t "P:\Library\00-A-Val Shop Drawing Template.dwt"
and don’t forget to select apply before exiting. Next open windows explorer and browse to the P://projects/2004 folder.You will see a folder at the end called yyxxx-project_file_template. Make a copy of this folder and rename it with your job name and number. Open autocad and saveas the template drawing into the Shop Drawings subfolder folder in the job folder you just created and begin working.

First you can't assume that everyone will modify the target box of their AutoCAD icon. Instead try to come up with a routine that will run (login script possibly) that will ensure that the desktop icon has the correct target. Also _I_ personnally prefer to use the unc path instead of mapped drives. I'm not familiar with your operation but in ours new computers are not uncommon and drives don't always get mapped.

*** To achieve the standard appearance of dimensions your style should be configured like the illustrations below:

This may not work for you but we found it easier to place standard dimstyles in our titleblock. That way we know that with all new drawings the standard dimstyles are available.

*** Do not nest a block within another block unless it’s absolutely necessary. You cannot refedit nested blocks.

I agree with you that nested blocks are a pain but you can refedit nested blocks. The nested block shows up as a child of the block you're refediting .

Good work.


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Updated Standards Doc, Opinions?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 09:32:11 AM »
thanks for the input tim i'll look into the login script. the problem with that is i am not involved with IT and the IT guy would feel threatened. besides we don't have that many users about 5 so it's really not that big of a deal. as far as the dimensions go, i have all our dimensions layers and symbols in the template file. as for nested blocks i just dont think it is necessary most of the time. thanks man  :wink: