Author Topic: Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac  (Read 9979 times)

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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« on: October 05, 2004, 01:18:39 PM »
I got this error on ACAD 2k2. Is there a fix for this? I checked Autodesk knowledge base and the settings as indicated on the user's pc was default.


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2004, 01:21:51 PM »
Can you post the entire error message in the thread instead of in the Subject?  (it gets cut off)


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2004, 01:24:49 PM »
it's te old nugget ~fast computer and slow server ~your computer isn'r receiving the signal back fast enough. I think there's a post on the subject here somewhere


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2004, 01:36:46 PM »

It could be what hendie said. The other user trying to use the file is located in another city. I did try a search for the subject, but no luck.


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2004, 01:39:40 PM »
If the drawing is open by someone else, it can't be saved.  Did I miss something here?


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2004, 01:45:23 PM »
I think this is the same error I've gotten before when I was trying to save a file to the network and the IT guy had been messing around with permissions.  I no longer had write privileges.....



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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2004, 01:57:30 PM »
Does the other user have the file open? You error shows there's another session that has the file open. Thats standard in most programs, file locking to prevent users from overwriting each others work


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2004, 02:24:18 PM »
Had a very similar problem with our server.Our IT department had reset & disabled our permisions.We would open folders older than a day old and then once you alter them and go to save, a similar message would appear.Couldnt delete the files either.It was if they were read only documents, but their properties said they werent.Is this problem related to only particular files?What if you create a new file and save it to your hard drive?That should bypass the server and youll start to know where to look.


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2004, 02:26:39 PM »
In your case, it might be the permissions on the folder itself...not the files.  :?:


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2004, 03:06:08 PM »
I'll check on the permissions issue.


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2004, 04:25:14 PM »
it's nowt to do with permissions !
I've posted this on several sites and now I can't find it anywhere...

what happens is that when you save a drawing, autocad sends a signal back to the server and waits for a response to complete the save. if the server doesn't respond fast enough, autocad thinks the drawing is read only and throws a warning at you.
1 ~ you're working across a network aren't you ?
2 ~ it only turns read only when you try to save doesn't it ?
3 ~ it never turnds read only at any other time does it ?

it's all down to the relative speed of YOUR PC vs the Server

I'll keep searching and post i if I find it


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2004, 04:26:36 PM »
oh and the error message is ...because the drawing is being accessed by another session[/b]
right or wrong ?

I had problems recently with drawings turning read only on me while I was working on them. It baffled me for ages until I found out about how Acad actually works in saving drawings behind the scenes.
(I hope I get this correct...) When you open a drawing, you don't actually open it ~ Acad makes a copy of the drawing, places a lock on the original and opens the copy for you to work on. Every time you save, Acad saves the copy, unlocks the original, overwrites it with the saved copy, and locks the original again.... and so on. During this process, Acad sends a signal back to the original and waits for a response ~if it doesn't get the response in time it "assumes" someone else has got the drawing open and turns the already opened copy to "Read-Only"


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2004, 04:39:30 PM »
ah, here it is ... straight from Autodesk... it is a known problem and has been around for years..


Read-only problems: Read-only's are generally related to timing issues between the server and the client.
The basics of the autocad save procedure is:
1. Autocad verifies the file lock that it created previously (either at file open or on last save)
2. Autocad creates a new temporary file, and locks it. The current drawing information is written to the temporary drawing.
3. Autocad deletes the .bak file.
4. Autocad sends a remove lock request for the original .dwg.
5. Autocad tries to rename the .dwg to a .bak. General problem location: Usually when a read only occurs the server has not
completed the remove lock request. The rename is then treated as a sharing violation and the rename request is denied by the
6. Autocad unlocks the temporary drawing.
7. Autocad renames the temporary drawing to the original drawing name. The read only problem can occur here as well, as if the file
lock is not removed before the rename request is made, there is a sharing violation and the rename request is denied.
8. Autocad then re-locks the original drawing name.

Things that can cause these problems are as follows:
Very fast workstations and a "slow" server.
Network saturation
Excess server workload
Virus protection on the client
Virus protection on the server
"Misbehaving" network drivers on the client or on the server.
Bruce McCallum indicates updating his video drivers solved a problem that he was having with this, which doesn't make much sense, but as dependant as Autocad is on the video interface, is a possible candidate.

This problem isn't necessarily an autodesk problem <stepping into flame retardant suit>, but a network timing issue. The fix for this problem is illusive and sometimes expensive (new servers, additional servers, faster networks, more isolated (switched) networks, etc). Autodesk people that I have spoken to have indicated that every time that they've seen this (actually seen it, at a customer site) the solution was to increase client to server throughput. Without fail, that's been the solution. The problem is more evident with Autocad, because of the complicated write. There are more chances for things to fail with so many file locks, un-locks, and renames. Autodesk's file write method is completely compliant with Microsoft's API requirements, but when the server doesn't respond within the designated period, the write fails (actually the rename fails) and the user is left with a temp file.

I had problems with this for about a year UNTIL we upgraded our network adn the problem disappeared overnight


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Error: Unable to save <drawing name> as it is being ac
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2004, 05:36:59 PM »
That is pretty much it. Our main IT guy verified that there may be a synchronization/timing issue between the servers and workstations.

Thanks for the responses!